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U.S., Saudis close to largest arms deal ever

Saudi's seem to be the silliest people on earth! Buying insane amounts of weapons and splurging money on diamond studded cars !

I mean look at Norway or Canada, they're extremely rich in natural resources but have excellent human capital as well.

i say it time & time again....with the amount of resources (well --RESOURCE) they have, and the amount of oil revenue they have, they should have been able to manufacture their own aircrafts! Even if it meant (initially) importing skilled labour and inaugurating facilities with foreign help, they have no shortage of funds. Eventually they could have made their own fighter jets, instead of making other countries richer.

but hey -- it's their money. Oh well.
i say it time & time again....with the amount of resources (well --RESOURCE) they have, and the amount of oil revenue they have, they should have been able to manufacture their own aircrafts! Even if it meant (initially) importing skilled labour and inaugurating facilities with foreign help, they have no shortage of funds. Eventually they could have made their own fighter jets, instead of making other countries richer.

but hey -- it's their money. Oh well.
Dude they even need foreign technicians to maintain their current air crafts much less build their own aircrafts but in all HONESTY it's Saudi Money who are we to object.
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Arabs have the money if they had the brains they would be super power today. They didnt even build a reputable university yet. THe monarchies are intrested in strengthening their thrones than betterment of their people..Educated saudis = threat to house of saud. SO they keep them illetreate with cirriculum focused on religions and jihad, send them abroad for trouble making and mass import skilled labours.
They trust US more then there own selves, why cant they built something of there own, if we can do it despite the fact that we dont have much budget, then why the hell cant they??, for me they are just a bunch of losers, totally dependent on others
Some body please talk sense into these Saudi's.............. 60 billion dollars is a huge amount, why are they willing to provide economic uplift to a country which is not even sincere to them....... :confused:
Why cant they buy weapons from China or Russia, i bet if they want some stakes in PAK-FA project Russia would be more than willing to accommodate their wishes
Man,Saudis have money and have alot of it...so they have to spend it somewhere then why not buy F-15SEs,Euro-Fighters and Apaches etc:azn:
If Saudis had have spent just $20 Billion in human Capital,They would be atleast maintaining their Aircrafts by their own.:cheers:
Some body please talk sense into these Saudi's.............. 60 billion dollars is a huge amount, why are they willing to provide economic uplift to a country which is not even sincere to them....... :confused:

This is what you get in a monarchy...Do u think their throne will see light of the day if they refused to buy some sh1t toys thrown at them?? Seriously saudi is ruled by a corrupt loser bunch more intrested in saving themselves than the country.
Well, I dont see why Pakistanis are so outraged and condescending about this proposed purchase. If anything you guys should be happy because on many an occssion posters on this very forum have claimed that KSA uses Pakistani pilots and instructors and if push comes to shove, in a war against India KSA assets will be made available to Pakistan. So, by that very logic, you guys could have your pilots countering Flankers with Eagles ! :D
If you compare the budget for defence according to income of govt....Indian's are spending more money for their defence....instead to feed their poor and hungry peoples......so what is the reason their ......
Just Chill

You can also lower your defense budget from 4.5 % of GDP(India's is 2% of GDP).....So that u don't have to beg for aid for the flood victims.
i say it time & time again....with the amount of resources (well --RESOURCE) they have, and the amount of oil revenue they have, they should have been able to manufacture their own aircrafts! Even if it meant (initially) importing skilled labour and inaugurating facilities with foreign help, they have no shortage of funds. Eventually they could have made their own fighter jets, instead of making other countries richer.

but hey -- it's their money. Oh well.

More money means no need to acquire skills --- no need to be an Engineer, Doctor, Scientist etc, thus less skilled or totally unskilled human resource. This money is not less than a curse for them.
Well, I dont see why Pakistanis are so outraged and condescending about this proposed purchase. If anything you guys should be happy because on many an occssion posters on this very forum have claimed that KSA uses Pakistani pilots and instructors and if push comes to shove, in a war against India KSA assets will be made available to Pakistan. So, by that very logic, you guys could have your pilots countering Flankers with Eagles ! :D

Well it is UAE not Saudi Arabia. UAE as a development partner in F-16 bought 80 units of F16 which are do not fit under its defense doctrine neither UAE pilots are known dogfighters so they are largely rumored to be reserve for PAF usage. The strait between UAE and Pakistan is of strategical nature and hence both countries might need to defend it jointly in case of war. In this scenerio the UAE F16 might be piloted by Pakistani airmen. There is no possibility of UAE comitting jets in indo-Pak war unless the situation turns really dire and India refuses to listen UAE / Saudis calls of cease fire.

all saudi jets purchased from america are under strict guard and comes with many strings attached. This is the reason why they inducted a parallel program of Euro Fighters.
The most advanced F-16s in the world are not American. That distinction belongs to the United Arab Emirates, whose F-16 E/F Block 60s are a half-generation ahead of the F-16 C/D Block 50/52+ aircraft that form the backbone of the US Air Force, and of many other fleets around the world. The Block 60 has been described as a lower-budget alternative to the forthcoming F-35A Joint Strike Fighter – and is being treated as such in countries like India and the Netherlands, as they contemplate their future fighter needs.
Americans are not protesting because its going to create 75000 jobs..obama has pledged to double american exports and nobody wants their sh1tty cars..so sell planes to nations who will never use it!
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