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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

"Bush did not confirm if authorities were treating the shooting as a terror attack but said that: "It does not get more serious than this."

Bigotry at its best!
The attacker's name must be "Ahmed", "Abdullah" so that a smallest of knife's attack be classified as "terror attack". And the incident remains in news for at least a week or so.

But if attackers name is "Christoph", "Anand", "Thomas" and dozens of people die, who happen to be Muslims or may be Russians, then it is, oh well, just some "shootings" and after a day or two the guy disappears from the news because he had some mental problems.

We need strong media to fight this bigotry and propaganda war!!!
He was a single sole attacker unlike the massive organizations "peaceful religions" run to do terrorist attacks. So yeah technically this is not a an organised terror attack, just a person whose disagreement/hate over the limit. Dark AF none the less.


Developing story, most reports say the mosque was targeted while others imply the fire was near the mosque , casualties feared ....
The questions are:
1) what people were doing while he was shooting. No body stopped him or tried to kill him.
2) Why there are no armed guards in local masjids around the globe? Just shoot down any swine who dares to cross the limit.
3) Right from attack on Syria by Crusaders in 12th century to this recent attack in New Zealand, it is Christians who are attacking Muslims. Millions of Muslims killed by Christians. Why only Muslims are called terrorists?
4) Hitler was a Christian, not a Müslim.
5) Do Muslims still think that their desire for peace will work?
6) I will urge all jihadist around the globe to kill as much as possible Christian soldiers. They are there to invade you, don't spare a single one. Either they will stop attacking or will go back to their countries.
yet no one has openly called it a terrorist act other then few muslim leaders. this shows the hypocrisy of the western media and their leaders.

Strangely enough, I've been flicking across news channels to see how this has been covered and, believe this or not, analysts on Fox News have been referring to it as exactly that.
Christian crusader terrorists attacked unarmed people, while these people were minding their own business.

Right from crusades to this day, Christians have killed far more Muslims than Muslims killed Christians. That clearly indicates that who is real terrorist.

DAMN is it a competition or what ?? Does the Number really matter ?? :hitwall:

If yes, then more Muslims are killed by non other than Muslims themselves. And same is true with Christians as well. :(
He was a single sole attacker unlike the massive organizations "peaceful religions" run to do terrorist attacks. So yeah technically this is not a an organised terror attack, just a person whose disagreement/hate over the limit.
The act was done for political purpose i.e. to stop immigration. It is a pre planned, premeditated massacre. Seems like Modi bhakhts have shit for their brains.
This is a racist thread. There are many White muslims too. I am sure they will get hurt when you judge them due to skin colour only.

Thread title is not mine, my thread got merged with another one. I don't care for culprits skin color but it is terrorism as we can see his political motives. He likely developed these views among right wing base.

Somebody asked was there anyone who tried stopping him, yes there was a guy who attempted and did not make it, sadly.
Very sad incident, May Allah azzawajal bless the victims and give patience to their families.
He was a single sole attacker unlike the massive organizations "peaceful religions" run to do terrorist attacks. So yeah technically this is not a an organised terror attack, just a person whose disagreement/hate over the limit. Dark AF none the less.

Like a "single sole attacker" from RSS and Bajrang Daal of "peaceful religion"?
I did not understand what are you trying to say here?

He clearly has organized it together with others and has been planning to carry out this act of terrorism for well over months (if not years) and even if the victims were Christians, Jews or Hindus, it is still a heinous act of terrorism.
I have seen only one nation, one religion, one country's citizens rejoice on the murder of innocent people done by calculated Terrorists on the name of religion.

Indians should be ashamed of their responses. It shows their mentality, they stand naked in front of the whole world. Most disgusting and vile people on planet earth.
Like a "single sole attacker" from RSS and Bajrang Daal of "peaceful religion"?
I did not understand what are you trying to say here?

He clearly has organized it together with others and has been planning to carry out this act of terrorism for well over months (if not years) and even if the victims were Christians, Jews or Hindus, it is still a heinous act of terrorism.
Yes. It is terrorism. Just not organised terrorism.
If the shooter is alive, i request New zealand to hand him over to us, people of Pak, specifically me.

If i dont put the fear of God in him in less than a day.. Il present my head to you guys in a platter!
He was a single sole attacker unlike the massive organizations "peaceful religions" run to do terrorist attacks. So yeah technically this is not a an organised terror attack, just a person whose disagreement/hate over the limit. Dark AF none the less.
Are you retarded?
4 people have been arrested and police are looking into further connections.

You Hindutva lot truly are sub human. In a time of massive grief you are still playing politics with your tiny dicks.
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