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"Ongoing Operations," Said Indian Air Chief, To Question On India-Pak Tension

ARY News reporting about India was planning to attack Karachi and Bahwalpur via Rajhistan. India, Israel and unnamed 3rd country were involved in the planning of that attack.
Wonder which 3rd country could have it been.

ARY News reporting about India was planning to attack Karachi and Bahwalpur via Rajhistan. India, Israel and unnamed 3rd country were involved in the planning of that attack.
Wonder which 3rd country could have it been.

I'm wondering more about their source of this highly classified information.

ARY News reporting about India was planning to attack Karachi and Bahwalpur via Rajhistan. India, Israel and unnamed 3rd country were involved in the planning of that attack.
Wonder which 3rd country could have it been.

They said it was planned for 27th.


I'm wondering more about their source of this highly classified information.


My sources tell me that their sources are mentally retarded.
ARY News reporting about India was planning to attack Karachi and Bahwalpur via Rajhistan. India, Israel and unnamed 3rd country were involved in the planning of that attack.
Wonder which 3rd country could have it been.

That's a wild guess but i can see a point, it means, Russia gets to sell India $Billions worth of weapons if things escalate, that's all that matters now, the $$, they don't care what happens.

What if its US not Russia.

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