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Why is Pak media not reporting what is happening at the LOC?

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Pakistanis aren't warmongering but if a war is imposed on us, we have faith that doesn't wilder.

Back to topic, what actually happened last night??
Last night exchange of border shelling with light weapons. This is normal. This is our responsibility not to damage kashmir civilians on other side because their sympathy is already with Pakistan. They target civilians but we targets their military posts .
This is all Modi’s fault and you know it. Be brave enough to blame your warmonger.
Both sides will accuse each other for it. One doesn't need to be brave or pretend to be one to criticize their government. Targeting civilian areas and inflicting damage on human lives are unacceptable, whether it is being done by Pakistan or India.
Last night exchange of border shelling with light weapons. This is normal. This is our responsibility not to damage kashmir civilians on other side because their sympathy is already with Pakistan. They target civilians but we targets their military posts .
That makes the job of Pak army difficult.
Pakistan could have saved lives on both side of border by negotiating deescalation in exchange of Abhi.
Alas, Pakistani political leaders have always acted as sold outs.
Now the fame hungry Imran Khan may get nominated for noble peace prize, but the families of dead Kashmiris will curse him for ever.
Pakistanis aren't warmongering but if a war is imposed on us, we have faith that doesn't wilder.

Back to topic, what actually happened last night??

Bleed with 1000 cuts... India or Indian leader did not say that...
I'm a strong believer of term... survival of the fittest... be it a person or a nation...

Situation on LOC is escalated to next level of ongoing war...
That makes the job of Pak army difficult.
Pakistan could have saved lives on both side of border by negotiating deescalation in exchange of Abhi.
Alas, Pakistani political leaders have always acted as sold outs.
Now the fame hungry Imran Khan may get nominated for noble peace prize, but the families of dead Kashmiris will curse him for ever.
The military leadership was taken on board.
The biggest gift anyone can give to MOdi ji is another major terror attack close to election....one more terror attack is all the present government needs...they will use it to their full advantage..three months of no terror attack inside IOK is highly unlikely after this much drama on the LOC...the "trailer" comment made by modi...may be he got intelligence input on the subject...looking at how chill he is after pakistan spoiled his plan to garner votes...something tells me this is not over...maybe i am guesstimating too much but who knows...
The military leadership was taken on board.

Whatever this means, when IK did not mentioned this in his two line speech in assembly!
SMQ announced Abhi's release even before any political & army meeting ever took place!
Day before Ramish brought special and secret message from Ajit Devil for Imran Khan.

Handing over Abhi was against all defined rules and procedures of state of Pakistan.
Abhi either should have been subjected to usual army rules or Imran Khan should have sought for referendum on his personal wish of releasing Abhi unconditionally.
situation on LOC is escalated to next level of ongoing war...
I don't think situation on LOC can escalate war. No doubt there is increase in firing from both sides, things will get normal after modi election. Also Pakistan is already in war from 20 years, we lost 70,000+ in war against terrorism. We have tough battle force too as we are already in war . I don't think this is easy for India to fight war with Pakistan. We are not living in 1950s or 1970s as weapon & technology we have today. This is suicide if any country declare war.
Western countries used our partition for their own interest , Even worst enemies of past like East and West Germany is united as One.
If war happens, Other countries will sell weapon to both countries on high rocket prices.
I don't think situation on LOC can escalate war. No doubt there is increase in firing from both sides, things will get normal after modi election. Also Pakistan is already in war from 20 years, we lost 70,000+ in war against terrorism. We have tough battle force too as we are already in war . I don't think this is easy for India to fight war with Pakistan. We are not living in 1950s or 1970s as weapon & technology we have today. This is suicide if any country declare war.
Western countries used our partition for their own interest , Even worst enemies of past like East and West Germany is united as One.
If war happens, Other countries will sell weapon to both countries on high rocket prices.

Actually the Indian experience is such that 99% of Indians do not believe what Pakistan say... trust deficit is too much...

Although I'm not in decision making position... but if I was there... I would put only one pre condition... handover the terrorists to India and run a trial in international Court...

People on PDF keep talking about USA-India... Believe me, Indians trust China more than USA...

We know the USA...
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