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Debunking the PAF F-16 Down Myth: 5th Generation Warfare

They Don't have to show aircraft. The aircraft was shown by our own military. As it fell inside azad kashmir. Look at the photos the evidence is comvincing atleast for me.

Im a pakistani patriot don't doubt it. Im also not supporting the enemy. Stating my personal opinion ,
Evidence by india is very convincing.

Also they and usa has technology and ways to prove it. Pakistan has the means to prove their point as well.

I think pakistan air force will debunk the indian lies.

All im saying is indian proofs are very very convincing.
already done bhai. @VCheng even cleared up the photo. that is the photo belonging to the aircraft that the indians are claiming is F-16.
Americans have never placed any conditions on Pakistan on how we use our equipment. The only condition was to not host the aircraft with the Chinese platforms.

The future of Viper is as is. Pakistan will manage.

I think there are more conditions than that .

Just for the AMRAAMs :

Inventory and Accountability Documentation: The Purchaser agrees that all AMRAAM will be 100% inventoried (missile to serial number) on a semi-annual basis. Purchaser will have procedures in place that provide a continuous accounting of missile receipt, transfer, storage, shipment, and/or destruction/ demilitarization. Inventory and accountability documentation maintained by the Purchaser shall be retained throughout the period of ownership and will be made available for review upon USG request.
If Indians can claim off shooting a f-16 without any evidence then I have the right to claim that the mi-17 was indeed shot down by our forces with locals too back my claim. Account from locals *two loud bangs were heard next minute a helicopter which was on flames descended from the heavens*

Thats why both claims are silly.
Convincing of what? That they shot down an F-16 and it landed inside Pakistan?
Convincing that the pictures pakistan army uploaded on social media and civilians of azad kashmir uploaded on social media those pictures seem of an old block 20 dual seater f-16.

The proof of serial number the engine design. It seems convincing to me.

But i have seen images of the mig 21 wing and engine in azad kashmir also.

Its very confusing for me. But one of tue wreckage does seem that of an f-16 the one thay shows serial number 80269

Anyways i have not made up my mind yet. I am confused but stand by with DG ISPR asif ghafoor.
found 2312 on bharat rakshak, its a mig 21 bis.

Looking at the equipment list found on Abhi , the number is given. Someone posted pics of the stuff recovered from him. There is a survival checklist. It has the jets number on it. It's CU 2238. Bison.
I think there are more conditions than that .

Just for the AMRAAMs :

Inventory and Accountability Documentation: The Purchaser agrees that all AMRAAM will be 100% inventoried (missile to serial number) on a semi-annual basis. Purchaser will have procedures in place that provide a continuous accounting of missile receipt, transfer, storage, shipment, and/or destruction/ demilitarization. Inventory and accountability documentation maintained by the Purchaser shall be retained throughout the period of ownership and will be made available for review upon USG request.
You see anywhere limitations being placed on who this is used against? Inventory is for ensuring the missile isn't transferred to a third party. In this case, Pakistan will tell their American interlocutors how and when it was used.
already done bhai. @VCheng even cleared up the photo. that is the photo belonging to the aircraft that the indians are claiming is F-16.

Where can i see it? Debuking 2 threads i saw were not convincing to me.

Can u link me where he proved it?
Where can i see it? Debuking 2 threads i saw were not convincing to me.

Can u link me where he proved it?
read the OP again. it will clear the Serial Number argument for you. as for AIM 120, it only proves that a missile was used, still no proof of an aircraft being brought down.

The second and third digits are difficult to make out since the shadow and distortion complicates that area. 2372 (more) or 2312 (less) likely.
cannot find 2372 on bharat-rakshak's database, 2312 is.
You see anywhere limitations being placed on who this is used against? Inventory is for ensuring the missile isn't transferred to a third party. In this case, Pakistan will tell their American interlocutors how and when it was used.
Not limitations, but I am saying that there are conditions. Such as an accurate inventory.
Plus , this is only an example. I believe that there are other jets which are even more regluated, such as your Block 50's.
cannot find 2372 on bharat-rakshak's database, 2312 is.

Then 2312 is the answer. The top part could be a shadow or a crash mark across the top part of the 1 in the third digit.

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