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Pakistan High Commission meddling with poll process: Bangladesh

Baba G ,,,,,,,,,,, Hate is blindness of Brain (Mind)……………….
Blindness is a curs ,,,,,,,,,, One can not see any counter arguments or answers ………. And it leads to indoctrination ( some may call it brainwashed for particularly subject)

So by now you should have built tolerance towards this?
Ignore karden inko inke halaat ese nahi ke serious liya jaye
So by now you should have built tolerance towards this?
Ignore karden inko inke halaat ese nahi ke serious liya jaye
Already ignored them ………… Long ago...……….. But they don't let it go...…….
And on tolerance part ……… Kabhi kabhi meray dil main khiyal aata hai …………………… Fill in the blanks as you like , I don't want ban .
Already ignored them ………… Long ago...……….. But they don't let it go...…….
And on tolerance part ……… Kabhi kabhi meray dil main khiyal aata hai …………………… Fill in the blanks as you like , I don't want ban .
logon kay apnay masail hain usme ulajhne ki zarorat nahi...
ISI helped north east rebel through BD. ISI printed fake indian currency and flooded indiA through bd. A friendly gov in BD makes thing easy for pk.
But BD now a days days far more matured and rich and nobody going to go the route that last bnp govt did. Even the current bnp will not do pk betting if they come to power
lol..we cant handle Kashmir and you are talking about other areas
The Pakistanis were too soft on the Bongs in 60s sigh anyways Bongs can croak about muh "GDP" While another garment factory burns down due bad wiring
it is all about
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[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2F1061%2F1924%2Ffiles%2FMoney_Face_Emoji.png%3F9898922749706957214&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Femojiisland.com%2Fproducts%2Fmoney-face-emoji-icon&docid=xPTSvDZ3JKwFkM&tbnid=FNG5cqme-oX_uM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiu-eeJ353fAhXirnEKHRQzBlsQMwhdKAIwAg..i&w=640&h=640&hl=en&bih=651&biw=1366&q=dollar%20emoji&ved=0ahUKEwiu-eeJ353fAhXirnEKHRQzBlsQMwhdKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.clipartmax.com%2Fpng%2Fmiddle%2F118-1181845_emoji-dollar-face-png.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.clipartmax.com%2Fmiddle%2Fm2i8Z5A0b1N4N4G6_emoji-dollar-face-png%2F&docid=aLBBtvkDKJD5lM&tbnid=gFF4Uql9reX9mM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiu-eeJ353fAhXirnEKHRQzBlsQMwhgKAUwBQ..i&w=840&h=880&hl=en&bih=651&biw=1366&q=dollar%20emoji&ved=0ahUKEwiu-eeJ353fAhXirnEKHRQzBlsQMwhgKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8']Hope you get my point.

@Hasan89 One lucky bastard. I would have ripped him to pieces as a mod.

Maybe time for some self-reflection about your Pakistan hate.
Its the isi which helped congress to come back to power in 3 indian cow states.
No troll,
  • It is the decent and/or disillusioned Hindus who did that. They became sick and tired of jumla baazi. They want to progress, they are not interested in regressive and divisive policies (which the bongle ugly one loves).
  • Modi did that by making false promises
  • RSS did it, with their moronic barking/name calling turned a Catholic Parsee into a Hindu icon and statesman. More they, the retards, abuse him, more the decent people will want to help him.
Cunning Congress has done more damage to Pakistan and Indian minorities than brash cretinous Modi RSS combo could in ten lifetimes, in-fact these morons have helped make Pakistan stronger while at the same time brought India to brink of civil war and have made it more unequal
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Bro , this is what bangali are like ,,,,,,,,,,, I have seen them in 5 different countries , lived and worked with them ,,,,,,,, They hate Pakistan , Islamic values of Pakistan , and The importance Pakistan have in Islamic world. . . They do hate us from heart …….. Majority of them . Maybe minority 10% to 15% don't hate Pakistan and maybe 1% actually Love Pakistan but rest will try top eat Pakistan . I am sure if Pakistan and India go to War , BD army will fight Pakistan , they will join hands with India like no time.
I agree with you this poster deserve a permanent ban , but our MODS will never do that , IDK WHY

BD society is based on hate !!!!!!!!!!! they hated URDU but they hugged hindi ,,,,,,, They hated Pakistan (Muslim ) but they hugged Indian (Hindu) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, list is dam to long...……..
I love it how he called @Nilgiri kalla bander ………. That show how much hate bdeshi have in them ……..

I demand deportation of all illegal Bedish in Pakistan ,,,,,, Even if we have to go to war with BD.,...…

@Retired Troll Nice to know you are alive …….. Baba G hath hola rakha karo.

Its ok bro....that particular one is mad I schooled him (some time ago and made him look the fool in front of lot of ppl) showing what Tamils (in indian cricket team) look like/achieve versus his super-dooper BD "tigers" (pint sized captain and all) :D...when he brought up his "kalla bander" blah blah that earlier time. Then simply needed to bring up history of Chola empire versus whatever they could piece together in his swamp at best of times...and he left with tail between legs :D.....I don't even need to really go to how BD people are doing and are perceived in UK (where he claims to be), same country that caused an actual genocidal famine on his people not too long ago.

You see, when there is no actual evidence of something....sick, desperate and defective people are left only with personal attacks and feelz (as I explained to @hellfire )....and they get more mad when you confront them with the evidence/reality :P ....why you think I am permanent feature in their heads now without even trying? They can't get around it lol....how to bring facts over feelings is not their forte and never will be.

BTW, I am good with the environment now (all previous sins forgiven). Dubious and rest of mods are very active/responsive now....that is all I am asking for.
you calling for a ban ……….
don't forget BD will be develop country till 2030 …… And **** is poor dirty country. Made rich on patsan money .
You may ridicule patsan all you want, but your economists knows, patsan given you the capital for industrialization in 1960s, provided foreign exchange for import of West Pakistan. That was a time when labor migration from west Pakistan was just starting and remittance was minuscule, revenue collection was not great(whatever collected spend on military mostly), no big export item from West Pakistan(only mentionable was raw cotton). In that trying time, Patsan provided you much needed foreign currency to move forward. If it has no importance then why then 5 Pak Rs. bill featured it in front side? By value, this old 5 Rupee is like present 500 Rupee in Pakistan.


Then East Bengal produced world's 80 percent jute and jute had high demand around the world. It provided two third of Pakistan's export earning.

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