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Brazil once a poor country like Pakistan, now top meat and egg exporter: Imran Khan is not wrong!

Brazil actually is one of the continent sized country beside russia, Canada, china, USA, even much larger than Australia. They got natural resources like sufficient rainfall and wide area to build larger farming estates, cattle ranch and poultry industry. Smaller country like Pakistan in which most of the area located in arid climates nor blessed with very large arable lands to compete or formulating Brazil success is quite difficult if i much say.
If Brazilian government can achieve all that in a few years with state sponsored capitalism, why not Pakistan? What's wrong with this nation laughing at its future?

Go ahead and do it . Who is stopping?

Bur seriously we have people here who consider this obligatory to defend and justify everything Imran say or do even if it make no sense

so then you should not mind when people post economic policy of PTI like this

اس بےغیرت کے بچے کو اگر یہ پتا ہو کہ شوباز شریف کا بیٹا اسی طرح ولائیتی مرغیاں اور انڈے بیچ کر ارب پتی بنا تو ایسا کبھی نہ کہتا... سو حرامی جمع کرو تو ایک پٹواری پیدا ہوتا ہے.. وہ بھی عقل سے عاری
اس بےغیرت کے بچے کو اگر یہ پتا ہو کہ شوباز شریف کا بیٹا اسی طرح ولائیتی مرغیاں اور انڈے بیچ کر ارب پتی بنا تو ایسا کبھی نہ کہتا... سو حرامی جمع کرو تو ایک پٹواری پیدا ہوتا ہے.. وہ بھی عقل سے عاری

But but..

حرامی حرامی ہوتا ہے اور پٹواری پٹواری ہوتا ہے
Brazil actually is one of the continent sized country beside russia, Canada, china, USA, even much larger than Australia. They got natural resources like sufficient rainfall and wide area to build larger farming estates, cattle ranch and poultry industry. Smaller country like Pakistan in which most of the area located in arid climates nor blessed with very large arable lands to compete or formulating Brazil success is quite difficult if i much say.
We have prime ministers who say things without much thinking so don't take him serious and don't see this will be actually implementing in anytime near future
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language tu tumari aesei jese heera mundi main peda howe hoo

aur yea patwari nhi ha yea Karachi wala ha who hate boht patwari and potizz

We have prime ministers who say things without much thinking so don't take him serious and don't see this will be actually implementing in anytime near future
تیری سلگنے سے پتا چل گیا ہے.. کہ کھوتے دماغ والے نوازیت کے اولادوں کے بھی غلام ہو.. ہیرا منڈی والوں میں کچھ غیرت ضرور ہوگی.. تیریے جیسوں میں بالکل نہیں..
تیری سلگنے سے پتا چل گیا ہے.. کہ کھوتے دماغ والے نوازیت کے اولادوں کے بھی غلام ہو.. ہیرا منڈی والوں میں کچھ غیرت ضرور ہوگی.. تیریے جیسوں میں بالکل نہیں..
Beta grow up . You can convey your point without using vulgar gutter language because it will expose you more than anyone else
Beta grow up . You can convey your point without using vulgar gutter language because it will expose you more than anyone else
Patwari he raho gay... Before pointing me check you previous message what a shitty language u used against me.. Clearly i was responding to that tweet not u
I am amzed at the stupidity of the opposition. No countries economy ever improves with big factories/foreign investment for two reasons. Foreign investment is focussed on capturing local market, making money and taking out profits. They don't invest in Pakistan to make goods here and export to Bangladesh (for example). Two big factories can only generate so much employment.

Real economy grows when common people invest in small endeavours, it generates more jobs, improves the living standard of more people and collectively creates a giant industry.

People who are making fun of this proposal are either stupid or dishonest. Why not counter this propsal with what their governments did in the last decade, what success that achieved and how many people did that help?

All that NS government did was yellow cab scheme (importing vehicles), yellow tractor scheme (importing tractors), laptop scheme (importing laptops), Importing energy (at 10 times the cost), when did they ever focus on making anything in Paksitan or helping poor people?
A lot of people are not getting the point to the eggs and chicken and poultry deal. He never said it’s the solution to our economic woes but rather it’s an untapped money making opportunity that is simple and has the potential to make a lot of cash. Something that is urgently needed.

It’s not that big of a deal really and was never supposed to be that deep. While people here are talking about eggs. IK, at the chamber of commerce, was talking about investment, money laundering, remittances and helping out Pakistani exporters. These should be discussed.
Patwari he raho gay... Before pointing me check you previous message what a shitty language u used against me.. Clearly i was responding to that tweet not u
yes I removed it after realizing but you were calling others Pakistani harami which is not civilised ..its freedom and democracy so respect the right of everyone to support whoever they wish..no one deserve abuse and insult and u were calling him patwari when he is actually karachite and roast boht patwari and potizz
It won't as current government has no choice but to do root level surgery of entire economic system. External debt has already crossed 100 billion dollars mark. At this rate, further debt would lead to total economic collapse. This will not be allowed by establishment that literally hated Ishaq Dollar for his financial magic.
U r right bro.
If Brazilian government can achieve all that in a few years with state sponsored capitalism, why not Pakistan? What's wrong with this nation laughing at its future?

Go ahead and do it . Who is stopping?

Bur seriously we have people here who consider this obligatory to defend and justify everything Imran say or do even if it make no sense

so then you should not mind when people post economic policy of PTI like this

i feel khan is talking about of my childhood.my father did not had enough earning. we were five brothers and sister. one day my grandma bought buffalo for us. suddenly our condition had been changed. i remember we had 7 hens . we used to have fresh eggs.morning time’s milk we used to save for ourself and evening we used to sale to fulfill the expansions..what khan said it is supper great idea.
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i feel khan is talking about of my childhood.my father did not had enough earning. we were five brothers and sister. one day my grandma bought buffalo for us. suddenly our condition had been changed. i remember we had 7 hens . we used to have fresh eggs.morning time’s milk we used to save for ourself and evening we used to sale to full the expansions..what khan said it is supper great idea.
Happy for you and good to know that you did not waited for khan speech to start working on this idea :)
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