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First Pakistani astronaut will go into space in 2022: Information Minister


Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry. PHOTO COURTESY: PTI

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry on Thursday said the country would send a human to space in 2022.

The minister added that it would be the success of the country’s space programme. He added that Chinese assistance would be sought in this matter.

Earlier this year, Pakistan launched two indigenously built satellites into orbit, using a Chinese launch vehicle.

The satellites were launched onboard a Chinese Long March (LM-2C) rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre located at the Gobi desert, China.

One of the satellites launched was a remote sensing satellite (PRSS1) – a dual-purpose Earth observational and optical satellite. With the PRSS1, Pakistan has become one of the few countries to have its own remote sensing satellite in the orbit.

The second test satellite launched was a PAK-TES-1A, developed by Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Commission (Suparco) to enhance satellite manufacture capabilities in the country.

According to an official speaking on the condition of anonymity, it would help end the country’s dependency on commercial satellites for information related to weather, environment and agriculture.

The satellites were transported to China as the country lacks the infrastructure to launch objects, the official explained.

I just want to experience this before I die. Board a flight to Lahore with PIA get excellent service and land 20 mins early. Arrive to a clean built up city with a skyscraper financial district.Hardly any poor. Turn on the tv to PTV news in 4k and watch a segment on Pakistani space programme and exports crossing $500bn.

My dream is that Pakistan is actually clean,Pakistani Passport gets you everywhere in the world our country respected like Korea,Japan or other advanced nations no idiot mullahs running around blocking roads or seeing long *** beard rhickshaw drivers or Gulf Burkas running around and we all wear our national dress to showcase our culture

Today it's become bit of a legend how Pakistan was doing so well in 1960s and how other developing countries like South Koreans would send teams to see how great Pakistan was doing. This is actually true because Pakistan along with South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Turkey, Iraq etc were under US umbrella and being developed by Washington to showcase how Washington helped it's friends in contrast to Soviet Union and it's satellites like North Korea, Cuba, Angola, Vietnam etc.

My uncle and my father grew up in that time recalls when you had a lot of foreigners in Pakistan and they worked as tour guides back then they missed those times my dad left for good in the late 1970s my uncle left to work in the Gulf in the 1980s

The moon landing inspired a generation of people to go into the STEM fields. I hope something like this would come for us as well.

Sending children to school isn't the problem, inspiring them to learn and achieve greater things is. Endeavours like this help great with this.

Good but... but...

I have the feeling that we are not able to think globally and are unable to make a roadmap for our developpement (yes i know, nawaz, zardari, ptwari, islamist extremism and co, corruption etc).

But sending a man in space ok but why ? what will be the gain ? If we are sending one man just for sending a Pakistani in space, ok it is for fun or glory etc. Why not.

But if we have a plan for long term manned mission in space, because we have a plan of exploring/exploiting space like others nations then it will better. but if we have all those plans because we have plan to use the developpement needed for space technologies into others industries they will push us in innovation developpement cycle, which will help us to enhance our global economy AND our industrial capacity YES it is very good. *Joseph Schumpeter.

Sorry for my english wenglish.:help:
What will the Pakistani "Space travelers" be called? Any idea?

I believe the Americans use Astronaut
Russians: Cosmonauts
Indians is Vyomnauts or something..Not sure.
Have the Pakistanis come up with a name yet?
4 years is too short of a time to prepare facilities from start needed for astronaut launch

I think the private space tourists who have been to the ISS ( International Space Station ) have been trained for it for much shorter.

Also, I wish to see a SAARC manned space program.

My dream is that Pakistan is actually clean,Pakistani Passport gets you everywhere in the world our country respected like Korea,Japan or other advanced nations no idiot mullahs running around blocking roads or seeing long *** beard rhickshaw drivers or Gulf Burkas running around and we all wear our national dress to showcase our culture

Very well put and I will say that ibnAbdullah has also put it correctly :

The moon landing inspired a generation of people to go into the STEM fields. I hope something like this would come for us as well.

Sending children to school isn't the problem, inspiring them to learn and achieve greater things is. Endeavours like this help great with this.
What will the Pakistani "Space travelers" be called? Any idea?

I believe the Americans use Astronaut
Russians: Cosmonauts
Indians is Vyomnauts or something..Not sure.
Have the Pakistanis come up with a name yet?

Space Gada Gari

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