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Husain Haqqani: Pakistan's Fortunes Can't be Rescued by Celebrity PM and Recycled Foreign Minister

But and this the the question I would love to ask HH. Many things can be contested but I think we can all agree that Zardari is...a guy who was part of Mr 10% cabal has the temerity to complain about Imran Khan?
I can't speak for H.H. But Mr. 10% is old news and I don't see how beating on him is going to solve Pakistan's problems. Nor is H.H. criticizing I.K. very much; rather, he's addressing what he calls, "the establishment" who elevated him to P.M. and without whose support I.K. has demonstrated he can change nothing: remember how quickly he had to take back his pledge of never again fighting a war for another nation? So I.K. is more figurehead than decisive figure, arguably wielding less civilian government power than his last two predecessors, since he's relying on so many old hands for the what power he does wield and has less cash to work with.

Husain Haqqani clung on to the tails of a husband of a celebrity - Benezir Bhutto. At least Imran Khan is a celebrity unto himself.
With B.B., Mr. 10%, and PML-N as masters, H.H. has a wider perspective of Pakistani government than I.K. does, wouldn't you agree?
Yeah tou app ne nye naveed suna di, me ne jitnoon k naam liye hain sarreey Ameer hain. Aur saray courts me baghorray hain, kissi ne inko clear nahi kiya. Aur app k kehnay par ayien gay tou zayada ameer ho jain gay iss se achi aur baat ho hi nahi sakti..
Well you r lucky..you can see houdini every day in courts..
Hussain Haqqani is nothing but a prostitute. Indeed that appellation might be construed as a insult to the ladies of the night who suffer and live a dangerous life. Here is a quick survey of this human chameleon -

  • was a street thug as a Islamist in his university days and on the payrol of radical Islamic group that has contribute to making the bigoted, religious hell hole that Pakistan is today bringing down the progressive secular government of Ayub Khan.

  • changed spots and become a so called liberal supporter of Benezir Bhutto's PPP govenment and on payrol of the godfather Zardari aka Mr 10%.

  • changed spots again and now is on payrol of various US think tanks and earns his pound of flesh by flogging his former country.
HH is a man prostitute who sells his soul to the best bidder at any given time. Watch out in case Putin pinches him and he ends up on RT in Moscow.
Husain Haqqani is trash. What else would you expect from someone who called for a foreign invasion and military strikes on his own nation.
Hmm. Why not make a list of famous people who have done the same thing, then evaluate whether they deserve the "trash" moniker or not? Here are some names to start with: Madame de Staël, General DeGaulle, and Władysław Raczkiewicz.

Hussain Haqqani is nothing but a prostitute.
It is apparent that H.H. delivered conscientious service for the money he was paid. And that his employers were never really his masters: rather, they were his clients.

What's so bad about that?

Could Husain Haqqani's truest loyalty be to Pakistan, rather than any particular political party? Is that why he is so vilified by so many Pakistanis?
Nor is H.H. criticizing I.K. very much
He is. The premise of HH's argumant is IK is a 'rent boy' for the establishment. That is as big a insult as is possible. IK has spent the last 22 years busting himself on the Pakistani electoral trail - IK was one of the handsomest man you could find. But after 22 years of grueling and tortured fight on the Pakistani political scene you can see the stress lines gouged on his face. IK has spent more time and energy then any other politician in Pakistan's history other thab Jinnah. Bhutto was fashioned from the military dicatorship of Ayub Khan. Nawaz was born premature in Gen Zia's military incubator. IK on the other hand was offered the fast route to power by Musharaf but declined and instead kept knocking away until he won. To claim what HH is doing is like pissing on Imran Khan's long fight to power. I cannot think of a bigger insult then this. To take away his achievement and effectively call him a rent boy for the military.

But Mr. 10% is old news
No it is not. By associating with and working for Mr 10% at highest levels has a direct bearing on credibility and standing of Hussain Haqqani as much as Albrect Speer or other of Hitler's lieutenants are tainted by their boss the fuehrer.

He's a pig

rather, they were his clients.
A resume of a prostitute. They have 'clients' and no single 'master'.
He is. The premise of HH's argumant is IK is a 'rent boy' for the establishment. That is as big a insult as is possible. IK has spent the last 22 years busting himself on the Pakistani electoral trail - IK was one of the handsomest man you could find. But after 22 years of grueling and tortured fight on the Pakistani political scene you can see the stress lines gouged on his face. IK has spent more time and energy then any other politician in Pakistan's history other thab Jinnah. Bhutto was fashioned from the military dicatorship of Ayub Khan. Nawaz was born premature in Gen Zia's military incubator. IK on the other hand was offered the fast route to power by Musharaf but declined and instead kept knocking away until he won. To claim what HH is doing is like pissing on Imran Khan's long fight to power. I cannot think of a bigger insult then this. To take away his achievement and effectively call him a rent boy for the military.
I can agree with both what you wrote and what H.H. wrote - except the bit about H.H. insulting I.K. That's because H.H. hold that the reality that is is different from what you want reality to be: it's not an insult to I.K. if I.K. doesn't feel insulted. I.K., like B.B., is learning what it's like at the top.

No it is not. By associating with and working for Mr 10% at highest levels has a direct bearing on credibility and standing of Hussain Haqqani as much as Albrect Speer or other of Hitler's lieutenants are tainted by their boss the fuehrer.
Just as association with Nazis had no bearing on Speer's organizational and technical prowess, I see no reason why H.H.'s analyses should be discounted merely because of his associations with previous Pakistani leaders - unless, perhaps, it crosses a matter of his material self-interest.

A resume of a prostitute. They have 'clients' and no single 'master'.
In America we have a specific term for such people. They are called independent.
H.H. has a wider perspective of Pakistani government than I.K. does, wouldn't you agree?
No. Being a turncoat or a chameleon does not give you a wider perspective.

What is this 'establishment' you keep bringing up and using it in pejorative terms. If it is the military let it be understood it is not from Mars but is part of the Pakistani establishment. Most of the officer cadre is from lower to middle class from rural districts in Pakistan. They often spill blood for the country. Don't forget todays general staff were young officers yesterday. In Waziristan operations the junior officers took huge losses. You will find in Pakistan the military despite all it's failing is the most popular organisation and historically has been so. This is not in any way to say it is perfect - far from it. I can find flaws big enough for a tanl to drive through but the military remains the single entity that holds together a fissiperous, sectarian, ethnically divided country. You have examples of Iraq or Syria where those countries have cracked along internal divisions. The only thing in the final resort that prevents this from happening is Pakistan Army. It is the steel frame that undepins the state. Take it away and the entire state would fall apart. So it is imperative for any government to work together with all pillars of the state and you should be happy that PM IK has a good workin g relationship with the army. It means a more effective government.

And finally a small warning. You know how Washington worries about Pak nukes falling into hands of radicals? Well weaken the Pakistan Army and that is exactly what would happen. Pakistan needs a strong army. It's rather similar to the Prussian state that needed a strong military to underpin it. Of course as Pakistan evolves and matures over the succeeding decades we can go for reducing military footprint like what we saw in Turkey. But that is in the future.
They are called independent.
So am I. My favourite newspaper is "The Independent".

I think such threads shouldn't be allowed on PDF.
No they should be. This brings out the best in the forum. I would fight to have these guys here. I have no idea about you but I have total confidence in what I believe and that I can tear apart what these 'people' post here. This is much better way of exposing them then hiding behind censorship. There is a reason why free speech is basis of civilization.
Husain Haqqani is trash. What else would you expect from someone who called for a foreign invasion and military strikes on his own nation.

If he did that in the US, he would be serving at the very least, a life sentence.

maybe he wanted to get rid of some old pile of trash laying in pakistan?

I wonder who started the thread off? hhmmmmmmmm I think a chap living on occupied lands.Kudos bhai

every land is occupied --------- django is chained

old old golden era,, a slave knew who his master is

but this new era of mega and giga bite--- hard to tell who is the real master of slaves...

its not just country or land occupied/ even your mind has been occupied by a 2nd alien
No they should be. This brings out the best in the forum. I would fight to have these guys here. I have no idea about you but I have total confidence in what I believe and that I can tear apart what these 'people' post here. This is much better way of exposing them then hiding behind censorship. There is a reason why free speech is basis of civilization.
A waste of time. We should focus on discussing policies and how can we improve our country. Such threads boost the trolling culture on PDF.

Husain Haqqani is trash. What else would you expect from someone who called for a foreign invasion and military strikes on his own nation.

If he did that in the US, he would be serving at the very least, a life sentence.
I agree with your line of thought on this issue.
I think such threads shouldn't be allowed on PDF.
This is one of the few platform left where Pakistanis possibly get to know about the views that outsiders hold about their country.

Anyways it is your Forum. Hope and wish that PDF be like good ol' times :enjoy:

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