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Pakistan’s Evolving Nuclear Weapons Infrastructure

Wise people ignore personalities and focus on information at hand.

This assessment is from Tom Christensen - and he knows a lot about this stuff.
Wrong, he does not know anything...speculative BS
I don't understand what you are trying to imply....in case of a war yes any missile launch will give away the position whether silo based or TEL based...but this is a case of where our nuclear arsenal is spread...specifically fixed structure...you can make as many reports you want but you'll find some...miss some...and misled some. As far as the pictures of the transporters you do realize that decoys also give off heat and emission signatures.
I understand all that.

It is just that some people live in lalaland, and assume all is beautifully concealed. Not possible in this age of prying eyes.

Strategic locations cannot be concealed and relevant stuff will draw attention of prying eyes from time to time. In case of war, enemy will strike at every key location and not bother about decoys or real.

There are decoy discrimination techniques. You can access even published articles on the subject, if you have the gateway.

Wrong, he does not know anything...speculative BS
These statements are immaterial.
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Not just the statement, the whole article is immaterial. Pure BS from your favorite cowmata.
You are entitled to your opinion. Nobody wise enough is buying your feeble protests of-course.
Are you an insider? Your silly reactions are showing that you are a nobody. Real people do not argue and prefer to stay quiet.
Are you an insider or your chaddi friend who authored this crap is an insider? if 'No' then take a hike and if 'Yes' then let me laugh... very jokila bhai..
Are you an insider or your chaddi friend who authored this crap is an insider? if 'No' then take a hike and if 'Yes' then let me laugh... very jokila bhai..
Satellites do not lie.
I do not get your reactions. Do you have personal stakes in this matter?

Be sensible.
In fact, I should have asked you this question first? Yes I have...as a Pakistani I do have stake.
In fact, I should have asked you this question first? Yes I have...as a Pakistani I do have stake.
And I am a Pakistani as well - and probably know much more than you ever will. What is the point of your exchanges?

I addressed your first post in good faith. Your reactions are uncalled for. And lame denials on top.
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