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Maoists leader Kishenji accepts Prez appeal for talks, conditionally

Conditional talks are not acceptable.

They need to be eliminated - unconditionally.
and then u will be responsible of another genocide if we exterminate them by back stabbing.

Im no a symapthiser of them, but is this correct?
Kishenji And Mamta Banerjee.

Chop off the fl**hy heads of these two retards.. these two are responsible of death of 100s of civilians and Jawans..
Backstabbing them at this moment will not solve the issue.

It will show the a picture of GOI and all of us, which will not be welcome by all the quraters in the world.

The picture will show us as selfish..

Lets talk to them...
Do we give a jackhorse what the world thinks?!! Can the world dare to fight us for the sake of some cut-throat madmen? Where the F cuk was this "world" when 100 CRPF officers were massacred!? That 100 plus countless others consisted of men who were husbands, fathers, brothers, nephews etc of someone who're right now languishing the loss of their brave relatives in some corner of the country.

But why should it matter for the likes of you sitting in Mumbai. Chennai and Delhi with no threat of terrorists like these? You don't have to stare into the eyes of death everyday or wait for your father, brother, nephew or uncle from being blown up to bits by Maoist grenades. It is us, the people fo the east who have to do that. I am not speaking just of Sikkim which is not yet affected, but of every state where Maoist scum is there.

The villagers here make their living of grinding their blood and sweat in fields, come home to eat a simple meal before going back and when getting to home they find their son or wife or daughter is kidnapped by these @$$h0** Maoists threatening to kill them if they didn't support them.

NOW .. do you think we should care a damn about what the 'world' thinks if we slaughter there wretches to death? In fact we should issue a warning to the so-called Human Rights who vanishes when these terrorists attack people and howl when security forces retaliate against these scumbags. They've seem to lost their conscience as to what they're supposed to work for: Human Rights. And terrorists ARE NOT HUMANS.

Russia showed the finger to the world when Chechen terrorists blew up their citizens, China showed the finger to the world when uyighurs threatened the lives of Chinese citizens, Israel showed the world a finger sitting in the middle of threats, when terrorists attacked their airlines and responded.

While WE keep thinking "what the world would think", "what would my votebank of so and so section/religious community think", "What would we say to the Not-so-Human Rights groups" and cr@p like that.

This is why Russia, China, Israel and other such countries are respected for their decisive attitude around the world while India is taken for a ride by every loser organization let alone country. :hitwall: :frown:
This is why Russia, China, Israel and other such countries are respected for their decisive attitude around the world while India is taken for a ride by every loser organization let alone country.

Fine, then lets not think abt the world, no one give a jackhorse of what we do.

out of 100 maoist, there are only 10 who are power hungry and 90 have a genuine concern. Now we have been blaming them for creating an arm revolution but who gave them the excuse to get arms...? first answer that.

Now if you carry on exterminating the 100 then you are also killing the 90 innocent and suffered and also giving another 90 another excuse to come back and kill 100 among us.

The problem has started socially, now exterminate them totally and forget the F**cking developemnt all togather....let the country sleep for another 100 years before you see some village has proper road.

coz thats the politicians will do, also blame them!!!...
They just want to get rid of the problem and earn bucks.

You keep blaming the babus all the time.
and you will keep blaming them for the same reason, after 100 years, coz you will find they have done nothing.
Do we give a jackhorse what the world thinks?!! Can the world dare to fight us for the sake of some cut-throat madmen? Where the F cuk was this "world" when 100 CRPF officers were massacred!? That 100 plus countless others consisted of men who were husbands, fathers, brothers, nephews etc of someone who're right now languishing the loss of their brave relatives in some corner of the country.

But why should it matter for the likes of you sitting in Mumbai. Chennai and Delhi with no threat of terrorists like these? You don't have to stare into the eyes of death everyday or wait for your father, brother, nephew or uncle from being blown up to bits by Maoist grenades. It is us, the people fo the east who have to do that. I am not speaking just of Sikkim which is not yet affected, but of every state where Maoist scum is there.

The villagers here make their living of grinding their blood and sweat in fields, come home to eat a simple meal before going back and when getting to home they find their son or wife or daughter is kidnapped by these @$$h0** Maoists threatening to kill them if they didn't support them.

NOW .. do you think we should care a damn about what the 'world' thinks if we slaughter there wretches to death? In fact we should issue a warning to the so-called Human Rights who vanishes when these terrorists attack people and howl when security forces retaliate against these scumbags. They've seem to lost their conscience as to what they're supposed to work for: Human Rights. And terrorists ARE NOT HUMANS.

Russia showed the finger to the world when Chechen terrorists blew up their citizens, China showed the finger to the world when uyighurs threatened the lives of Chinese citizens, Israel showed the world a finger sitting in the middle of threats, when terrorists attacked their airlines and responded.

While WE keep thinking "what the world would think", "what would my votebank of so and so section/religious community think", "What would we say to the Not-so-Human Rights groups" and cr@p like that.

This is why Russia, China, Israel and other such countries are respected for their decisive attitude around the world while India is taken for a ride by every loser organization let alone country. :hitwall: :frown:

Brother, again and again you voice my thoughts. For too long we have been complacent regarding terrorism, and i dont see maoists as anything lesser. For those who say 'they are our people' lemme ask you, do u know what they did tho the CPRF Jawans they killed? they decapitated them to make sure they were dead. how can u count these motherfuck***g animals as part of your country? will any human right wank**s open their piehole if their father, son or brother were amongst the dead? will any indian forgive these dogs if their loved ones' mangeld body arrives at their doorstep?

Its time we detach our emotions from the issue and address it head on. Maoists may have had a legitimate cause, but they have far-overstepped their lines. i dont count these animals as humans, and its time we killed each and everyone who refuses to surrender. and all the while we develop rural areas to starve them of their support bases.

and i hope the Maoist sympathisers one day get a taste of the brutes they support. nothing else will cure them.
Look i am from andhra pradesh itself , here the greyhounds (anti naxal police special force) have been very successful against these scums. However when they were thrown away from our state they fled to Chattisgarh and other states where the police force are a little bit less equipped.

I say prepare more of these grey hounds teams and hunt these dogs down.

I completely agree with Tshering, let us not make this another situation where we have to be soft, if u know what i mean.
Brother, again and again you voice my thoughts. For too long we have been complacent regarding terrorism, and i dont see maoists as anything lesser. For those who say 'they are our people' lemme ask you, do u know what they did tho the CPRF Jawans they killed? they decapitated them to make sure they were dead. how can u count these motherfuck***g animals as part of your country? will any human right wank**s open their piehole if their father, son or brother were amongst the dead? will any indian forgive these dogs if their loved ones' mangeld body arrives at their doorstep?

Its time we detach our emotions from the issue and address it head on. Maoists may have had a legitimate cause, but they have far-overstepped their lines. i dont count these animals as humans, and its time we killed each and everyone who refuses to surrender. and all the while we develop rural areas to starve them of their support bases.

and i hope the Maoist sympathisers one day get a taste of the brutes they support. nothing else will cure them.

Bro u know one of the special tactics used by Grey hounds in Andhra was to not only go after the maoists but also go after their supporters and sympathizers. This ensured that the problem was rooted out to a great great extent.
Fine, then lets not think abt the world, no one give a jackhorse of what we do.

out of 100 maoist, there are only 10 who are power hungry and 90 have a genuine concern. Now we have been blaming them for creating an arm revolution but who gave them the excuse to get arms...? first answer that.

Now if you carry on exterminating the 100 then you are also killing the 90 innocent and suffered and also giving another 90 another excuse to come back and kill 100 among us.

The problem has started socially, now exterminate them totally and forget the F**cking developemnt all togather....let the country sleep for another 100 years before you see some village has proper road.

coz thats the politicians will do, also blame them!!!...
They just want to get rid of the problem and earn bucks.

You keep blaming the babus all the time.
and you will keep blaming them for the same reason, after 100 years, coz you will find they have done nothing.
Fine, then lets not think abt the world, no one give a jackhorse of what we do.

That's a more sensible approach now.

out of 100 maoist, there are only 10 who are power hungry and 90 have a genuine concern. Now we have been blaming them for creating an arm revolution but who gave them the excuse to get arms...? first answer that.

Indian government in general has poor infrastructure buts commits to providing free education to all under 14. Dr. Kalam, our former and one of the two finest Presidents ever in the history of modern India was raised a slum-dweller.

He rose to hold some of the most envious positions in the country despite his social background. Just take a look at the government school boys and girls who come out. Because they are given free education, half of them bunk schools and play around.... what's the result? Un-educated and then later find it hard to get jobs. Poverty creeps in and then they become criminals. And once poverty seriously crosses limit, they start justifying their poverty as a reason and pick up AKs.

You tell me, if they can scavenge for weapons funds, what difficult it is for them to form a group and get into a cooperative society development program where everyone can at least do small business and earn two-time peaceful meals?

Poverty is also there in Haryana, Himachal, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab but people take the initiative here to work hard and do something to earn money and food rather than pick up arms and destroy lives. What about them? So every person not able to gather a reasonable income for himself should get a gun and start shooting fellow Indians? Pathetic excuse indeed for violence.

Now if you carry on exterminating the 100 then you are also killing the 90 innocent and suffered and also giving another 90 another excuse to come back and kill 100 among us.

How do you know that 90 are innocent? Will you use the same justification for the jihadi terrorists in Kashmir and their leaders? Does this mean that police and military just throw their weapons off and let this continue?

I am amazed how can you continue sympathizing with these scoundrels even after they've made hundreds of women widows and hundreds of kids orphans. This shows that the un-affected lack national empathy until they meet a similar level of loss for themselves.

The problem has started socially, now exterminate them totally and forget the F**cking developemnt all togather....let the country sleep for another 100 years before you see some village has proper road.
coz thats the politicians will do, also blame them!!!...
They just want to get rid of the problem and earn bucks.

You're talking no sense man. When Maoists don't allow the engineers, miners, etc to come and work peacefully on the rich mineral resources, how the hell can the region develop? Punjab is said to be the cradle of wheat in India.. because people let government come and lay agricultural infrastructure and allot land, that's why farmers work there and reap harvests isn't it? If they pick up AKs and start shooting everyone coming there for work then how will the place develop in first place?

Weird logic you have. :blink:

You keep blaming the babus all the time. And you will keep blaming them for the same reason, after 100 years, coz you will find they have done nothing.

We people of east take the toughest form of life any emerging country has to take here and we also protest to make things work. How many of you Bangaloreans, Mumbaikars, Punewalas, Chenniites, Delhites etc stage public protests for the sake of infrastructure? Your son gets an NRI job, your daughter gets married, you get into a good house and that's it. You forget the rest of the country.

26/11 happened in Mumbai after which the Mumbaikars if having even a spark of sense should have ripped the government officials off for letting this disaster happen by creating mass protests in entire Mumbai for days and being aggressive towards the babus who said "itne bade desh mein chhoti chhoti baatein hoti rehti hain".

What did they do? Come to the road all fashionable and shiny, a couple of teenagers and youngsters showed some Gandhigiri plays you lit candles in the shape of India, and that's it.

If a terrorist act this big that cost so many lives is taken so lightly by the metropolitan people of the country, then how can they have the right to complain in private?

Maoists Don't attack government officials who're sitting tight and warming the seats of their palatial houses. Common jawan earning a Rs. 5-10,000 salary a month, under-trained in anti-guerilla warfare gets blown to bits.

Is that so invisible to you or are you asleep? The Maoists if that depressed should attack the Netas which these cowards don't have the guts to do. Instead they kill buses full of civilians and resting peacekeeping lowest rank jawans.

Some agitators eh? They're all cowards and no different from terrorists in Kashmir who deserve extermination. If they were really upset with the government and sincere with their cause, they would attack government offices, kill MLAs, instead of looting, kidnapping and plundering villagers and threatening them to support Naxalism and killing jawans.

If you don't want to accept this reality, go ahead continue your sleep but rest of India has had enough of these rogues.
You tell me, if they can scavenge for weapons funds, what difficult it is for them to form a group and get into a cooperative society development program where everyone can at least do small business and earn two-time peaceful meals?

26/11 happened in Mumbai after which the Mumbaikars if having even a spark of sense should have ripped the government officials off for letting this disaster happen by creating mass protests in entire Mumbai for days and being aggressive towards the babus who said "itne bade desh mein chhoti chhoti baatein hoti rehti hain".

What did they do? Come to the road all fashionable and shiny, a couple of teenagers and youngsters showed some Gandhigiri plays you lit candles in the shape of India, and that's it.

The above...:tup::tup::tup:

Russia showed the finger to the world when Chechen terrorists blew up their citizens, China showed the finger to the world when uyighurs threatened the lives of Chinese citizens, Israel showed the world a finger sitting in the middle of threats, when terrorists attacked their airlines and responded.

Russia has been fighting a guerrilla war in Chechnya from 1999 to 2010, clearly their "keep killing them" strategy is not working. Every year the Chechen rebels get stronger and stronger and the civil war is still continuing.

China's Xinjiang has 21 million people, all of the Uigher protests have only involved under 1,000. None of the Uighers are currently engaging in civil war.

India's Maoist group probably is 70,000-100,000 strong. But every year their numbers KEEP GROWING they started out as a small group of a few hundred and now they are 100,000 strong and are engaged in full scale civil war.


This is what Russia's doing right now.

It clearly is NOT working for them since the Chechen rebels are getting stronger year by year.

Let me ask you, you call the Chechen rebels terrorists? Would you call the Indians who fought a guerilla war against the British terrorists?

These Chechen rebels are angry because the country were invaded by Russians in 1817

Caucasian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Caucasian War of 1817–1864, also known as the Russian conquest of the Caucasus[1] or the Gazawat (Holy War)[2] to North Caucasian Muslims, was an invasion of the Caucasus by the Russian Empire ended with the annexation of the areas of North Caucasus to Russia.

Indiscriminately bombing women and children has only drawn MORE people to the side of the so called terrorists.

Same thing happened in the Vietnam war, the USA indiscriminately massacring million of Vietnamese only made them more hated and turned more people to the side of the "terrorists".

So what do you think is going to happen if the Indian military starts mass slaughtering? That MORE people would not get angry that the Indian military accidentally killed their family and pick up weapons to join the maoists?

You may call them terrorists but the founders of the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China were both started by guerilla warriors.

Russia has been fighting a guerrilla war in Chechnya from 1999 to 2010, clearly their "keep killing them" strategy is not working. Every year the Chechen rebels get stronger and stronger and the civil war is still continuing.

China's Xinjiang has 21 million people, all of the Uigher protests have only involved under 1,000. None of the Uighers are currently engaging in civil war.

India's Maoist group probably is 70,000-100,000 strong. But every year their numbers KEEP GROWING they started out as a small group of a few hundred and now they are 100,000 strong and are engaged in full scale civil war.


This is what Russia's doing right now.

It clearly is NOT working for them since the Chechen rebels are getting stronger year by year.

Let me ask you, you call the Chechen rebels terrorists? Would you call the Indians who fought a guerilla war against the British terrorists?

These Chechen rebels are angry because the country were invaded by Russians in 1817

Indiscriminately bombing women and children has only drawn MORE people to the side of the so called terrorists.

Same thing happened in the Vietnam war, the USA indiscriminately massacring million of Vietnamese only made them more hated and turned more people to the side of the "terrorists".

So what do you think is going to happen if the Indian military starts mass slaughtering? That MORE people would not get angry that the Indian military accidentally killed their family and pick up weapons to join the maoists?

You may call them terrorists but the founders of the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China were both started by guerilla warriors.

The reason why Uyighur separatists don't attack you is simply because your government initially made ways to make sure that separatists don't get leverage to create terror to that level and that is something I really admire in your government's iron-fist policies towards strengthening China.

The reason Maoists are alive because we have some traitors alive in political circles of India who are hand in glove with them and coverty support them under the guise of "poor people disgruntled". These have to be caught and exterminated.

Every supporter of Maoists in political and media circle has to be caught by military intelligence, interrogated and executed. They are the reason why these scumbags are so strong. Once completely blacked out from the air of media world of any attention, they are just cakewalk for the Army's special forces.

Garuds, Para Commandos and MARCOs would shred these cowards to pieces in a matter of days if their nation-traitor supporters can be caught and destroyed.


I know all Indians here might accuse me of using "tyrant like democracy destroying words" but sometimes we have to disregard certain principles for the sake of greater good.

Witches like Arundhati Roy sit in plush palatial houses in Mumbai and talk cr@p while we northeastern Indians suffer these scumbags the most. Our farmers, villagers, junior-level government workers posted in remote areas struggle the most against these wretched terrorists. Arundhati Roy like intellectuals are the reason Maoists are so strong these days. Once moles and traitors like her are caught, interrogated and executed, no terrorist will ever dare to mess with India.

These types of traitors are there supporting Kashmiri terrorists too.
Govt preferred over Naxals

India's worst Naxal-affected states want development and if forced 10 times the number of people will prefer Government over Naxalites. These are the stunning findings of the first-ever opinion poll of people living in India's Naxal-infested areas.India's worst Naxal affected states has thrown up some myth-shattering findings. Commissioned by CNN-IBN and The Week the findings establish that people living in the states believe lack of development was triggering Naxalism and pushing it will help solve the problem.

New Delhi: Residents of India's worst Naxal-affected states want development and if forced 10 times the number of people will prefer Government over Naxalites. These are the stunning findings of the first-ever opinion poll of people living in India's Naxal-infested areas.

The extensive opinion poll conducted in seven of India's worst Naxal affected states has thrown up some myth-shattering findings. Commissioned by CNN-IBN and The Week the findings establish that people living in the states believe lack of development was triggering Naxalism and pushing it will help solve the problem.

Conducted by CSDS he poll finds over 60 per cent have faith in democracy and despite controversies and civil rights allegations, will prefer the Government over Naxalites.

The Naxalites may have challenged the authority of the state, they may be trying to wage armed war in the name of the rights of the poor but the poll results are an eye-opener.

Almost 49 per cent of the people say they will choose the Government while just five per cent say that they are with the Naxals; 34 per cent say they are neither with the Government nor with the Naxalites.


The reason why Uyighur separatists don't attack you is simply because your government initially made ways to make sure that separatists don't get leverage to create terror to that level and that is something I really admire in your government's iron-fist policies towards strengthening China.

The reason Maoists are alive because we have some traitors alive in political circles of India who are hand in glove with them and coverty support them under the guise of "poor people disgruntled". These have to be caught and exterminated.

Every supporter of Maoists in political and media circle has to be caught by military intelligence, interrogated and executed. They are the reason why these scumbags are so strong. Once completely blacked out from the air of media world of any attention, they are just cakewalk for the Army's special forces.

Garuds, Para Commandos and MARCOs would shred these cowards to pieces in a matter of days if their nation-traitor supporters can be caught and destroyed.


I know all Indians here might accuse me of using "tyrant like democracy destroying words" but sometimes we have to disregard certain principles for the sake of greater good.

Witches like Arundhati Roy sit in plush palatial houses in Mumbai and talk cr@p while we northeastern Indians suffer these scumbags the most. Our farmers, villagers, junior-level government workers posted in remote areas struggle the most against these wretched terrorists. Arundhati Roy like intellectuals are the reason Maoists are so strong these days. Once moles and traitors like her are caught, interrogated and executed, no terrorist will ever dare to mess with India.

These types of traitors are there supporting Kashmiri terrorists too.

No the real reason why the Uyghur are non violent is because the government listens to them. Every riot or protest leads to the government handing out money.

People only turn to "civil war" when they feel that the government does not listen to their protests.


Look at the top right corner, the turqouise line is Xinjiang, the people in Xinjiang have a standard of living that is MUCH higher than the average PRC citizen. Despite having less education than the average PRC citizen.

Its well known that in the PRC minorities pretty much get treated like kings.

This is based on a chinese confucian theory of bringing wealth to barbarians
List of recipients of tribute from China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China also had a strong Confucian tradition, which believed that showing virtue and giving things/gifts/tribute would civilize "Barbarians". Many of them involved silk and tea, and during the Ming Dynasty

When Zheng He explored the world He also gave gifts to every civilization he came across, with no strings attached

Zheng He - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zheng He presented gifts of gold, silver, porcelain and silk; in return, China received such novelties as ostriches, zebras, camels, ivory and giraffes
All of you who is supporting a Armed revolution against another armed revolution...first answer thsi question.

Especially to you Tsherring2...

How many of the so called government programes are actually directed to poor, how many are reaching the poor. ??
1. We have curroption ******* everywhere...These so called goverment officials are killing and destroying this country day by day.
2. These so called ministers to babus compromise everything from national security to loans to farmers and let them suicide without a meal...forget that they will even steal the so called EXAMPLE of midday meal given to school children and feed them ****....
3. If you want a form to pass from one cabinet to other you have to pay million rupees to a million people.
4. People have been waiting for justice for 100 years. and many even die before getting justice.

Till data we have done nothing to the poor, the so called distribution of wealth is Failed!!!!...

We have done nothing, even we dont show mercy to a children we see on the trafic signal trying to sell a toy, and we buy these toys from the so called fashionable malls, giving 1000s of rupees in names of BRAND and SELF RESPECTED SHOWFF..

We stand here with no rights to some one who wants to wake up and do something...Attack the messege, but not the messenger...

We have done nothing for them to take their lives...

I am not saying dont kill them, but kill the trouble makers, not all of them are trouble makers...

Army bullet will not distinguish.

And somebody was giving example of some other countries, I will reply that thing what earned them the right to kill in some time.
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