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Migration to Italy stopped


Aug 1, 2018
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When i said here that our party will win election and then evrything will change..many users did not believe it. They said we could do nothing. Migration is a fact bla bla. International law.

Now we did win the election and since we have a lega nord interior minister we achieved alot. Numbers of migrants reaching Italy did sink down to zero.

Since June Italy accepts no NGo ships anymore. We confiscated ships, arrested crew and now block even national ships.

We send migerants back to Libya.

Each day the libyan war lords we call" libyan coast guard" catch 800 migrants at their coast.

1200 migrants drowned in the mediterranean just in last 4 weeks.

The pressure went so high, that Tunisia was forced the accept a migrant ship yesterday.

But also inside Italy much changed. gypsies camps get erased and the gypsies driven out of Italy. Our interior minister plans the expulsion of 600.000 unwanted persons from Italy.

We break evry human rights and geneva conventions.

Its strange for me, because the politics we now have were what i always dreamed about.

Italy has fallen absolutely to the dark side of the force. So many suffer because of that.

@HannibalBarca once said, that we will learn our lesson, when we win elections but he also said we will not win.

Well... we did win Hanni and it feels great


I hope Tunisia will be avle to care for all those poor souls


TUNIS — Tunisia has agreed to accept a boat carrying around 40 African migrants stranded for two weeks off the country's coast after first allowing it to dock, the Red Crescent said on Tuesday.

Monji Slim, an official of the Tunisian Red Crescent, said the boat will arrive on Wednesday morning in the southern port of Zarzis.

Among the migrants are two pregnant women, he said, adding that aid and food had been already delivered to the vessel.

The North African country had first argued Malta or Italy should accept the migrants, according to the Red Crescent.

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Rome called last month for migrant centers to be set up in Africa to stop a tide of asylum-seekers fleeing toward western Europe. Tunisia has rejected this proposal.

At least 80 migrants died when their boat sank off the Tunisian coast in June, one of the worst migrant boat accidents in the North African country of recent years.

Human traffickers are increasingly using Tunisia as a launch pad for migrants heading to Europe as the Libyan coast guard, aided by armed groups, has tightened controls.

(Reporting by Mohamed Argoubi; Writing by Ulf Laessing; Editing by Matthew Mpoke Bigg)
When i said here that our party
Good to see you back. Tiberius my family has just come back from Italy [I was supposed to go but business appointments kept me back so I missed the fun] and what I heard from them was rather surprising. Lowdown was -

  • Fantastic country. Beautiful people. Beautiful building. Style everywhere.
  • Shoddy service. Very relaxed work ethic.
  • Police/carabineri not very efficient. Guns galore but oggled everywhere. Unprofessional.
  • Rome fantastic. Hotel was fantastic. Food great.
  • Centre of Rome full of **g*** threatening women. Trying to scam and harassing females.
  • Loads of Indian/Banglas trying to scam by washing cars without asking but then demanding money.

Clearly Rome is overran with migrants and far from a Muslim threat your going to be another colony of Africa. And I am not trying provoke you or anything. Surprised about the number of Blacks and how cocky they were even under the noses of Carabineri.
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When i said here that our party will win election and then evrything will change..many users did not believe it. They said we could do nothing. Migration is a fact bla bla. International law.

Now we did win the election and since we have a lega nord interior minister we achieved alot. Numbers of migrants reaching Italy did sink down to zero.

Since June Italy accepts no NGo ships anymore. We confiscated ships, arrested crew and now block even national ships.

We send migerants back to Libya.

Each day the libyan war lords we call" libyan coast guard" catch 800 migrants at their coast.

1200 migrants drowned in the mediterranean just in last 4 weeks.

The pressure went so high, that Tunisia was forced the accept a migrant ship yesterday.

But also inside Italy much changed. gypsies camps get erased and the gypsies driven out of Italy. Our interior minister plans the expulsion of 600.000 unwanted persons from Italy.

We break evry human rights and geneva conventions.

Its strange for me, because the politics we now have were what i always dreamed about.

Italy has fallen absolutely to the dark side of the force. So many suffer because of that.

@HannibalBarca once said, that we will learn our lesson, when we win elections but he also said we will not win.

Well... we did win Hanni and it feels great


I hope Tunisia will be avle to care for all those poor souls


TUNIS — Tunisia has agreed to accept a boat carrying around 40 African migrants stranded for two weeks off the country's coast after first allowing it to dock, the Red Crescent said on Tuesday.

Monji Slim, an official of the Tunisian Red Crescent, said the boat will arrive on Wednesday morning in the southern port of Zarzis.

Among the migrants are two pregnant women, he said, adding that aid and food had been already delivered to the vessel.

The North African country had first argued Malta or Italy should accept the migrants, according to the Red Crescent.

Subscribe to The Times

Rome called last month for migrant centers to be set up in Africa to stop a tide of asylum-seekers fleeing toward western Europe. Tunisia has rejected this proposal.

At least 80 migrants died when their boat sank off the Tunisian coast in June, one of the worst migrant boat accidents in the North African country of recent years.

Human traffickers are increasingly using Tunisia as a launch pad for migrants heading to Europe as the Libyan coast guard, aided by armed groups, has tightened controls.

(Reporting by Mohamed Argoubi; Writing by Ulf Laessing; Editing by Matthew Mpoke Bigg)

Welcome back bud, lets see if you are allowed to stay lol.

Loads of Indian/Banglas trying to scam by washing cars without asking but then demanding money.

They are mostly Bangladeshis most likely.

We went down by 97%. And i love it. Evry day is like paradise.

And you know whats ebst? The more hardcore we act, the higher our popularity rises.

Good job by lega nord to take back the country. I was following your elections closely. Best of luck to Italy.
Good to see you back. Tiberius my family has just come back from Italy [I was supposed to go but business appointments kept me back so I missed the fun] and what I heard from them was rather surprising. Lowdown was -

  • Fantastic country. Beautiful people. Beautiful building. Style everywhere.
  • Shoddy service. Very relaxed work ethic.
  • Police/carabineri not very efficient. Guns galore but oggled everywhere. Unprofessional.
  • Rome fantastic. Hotel was fantastic. Food great.
  • Centre of Rome full of niggers threatening women. Trying to scam and harassing females.
  • Loads of Indian/Banglas trying to scam by washing cars without asking but then demanding money.

Clearly Rome is overran with migrants and far from a Muslim threat your going to be another colony of Africa. And I am not trying provoke you or anything. Surprised about the number of Blacks and how cocky they were even under the noses of Carabineri.

I´m happy you liked it.

They are not cocky anymore. We have massive racism rising here. They get attacked on open streets and our interior minister celebrates it.

We reached the point where tehy now try to escape to France.

It is hard to explain but i feel like evrything i believed in politics comes to reality now. Each day gets better. They suffer more and more.

And i´m very excited about the development.
It's amazing how desperate the Africans are to get to Europe despite all the shyt they are subjected to - the sea, the violence, the politics, the racism. Things must be real bad in sub-Saharan Africa.
We went down by 97%. And i love it. Evry day is like paradise.

And you know whats ebst? The more hardcore we act, the higher our popularity rises.

I read some news yesterday that Italy has struck a deal and would still be taking in migrants. It was a Dutch source.

It's amazing how desperate the Africans are to get to Europe despite all the shyt they are subjected to - the sea, the violence, the politics, the racism. Things must be real bad in sub-Saharan Africa.

The situation is bad. Africa has terrible leaders. It has tremendous natural resources, but incredibly sh!tty leaders. People are hacked to death and women raped like cattle. I know this because I work at university where researchers and field workers visit African countries and see such things first hand. Of course, not all African countries are like this, but there are extreme cases.
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I read some news yesterday that Italy has struck a deal and would still be taking in migrants. It was a Dutch source.

To bad i must disappoint you. No deal.

We went into government wit 18%. We are now at 40% approval. The goal is zero migrants. The more hardcore we get, the higher the votes. No deal can compensate that.
To bad i must disappoint you. No deal.

We went into government wit 18%. We are now at 40% approval. The goal is zero migrants. The more hardcore we get, the higher the votes. No deal can compensate that.

There is a deal. The newly elected Italian right-wing government has gone soft.
Welcome back,fascist with the funny memes.:rolleyes:
Going through the list of roman emperors i see.:P

I must admit i thought about this for a few days but i want drink the sweet triumph.

There is a deal. The newly elected Italian an right-wing government has gone soft.

Show the deal. :)

We made a deal to send 600.000 unwanted to Netherlands.
I must admit i thought about this for a few days but i want drink the sweet triumph.

Show the deal. :)

We made a deal to send 600.000 unwanted to Netherlands.

and the dead ones as fertilizer on your tomatoe fields maybe?

I will post the source once I have found it.

You look like an Arab in that avatar.
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