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Appeal for Kashmir to National Human Rights Commission

Indian Muslims are really not your concern...

They are definitely of our concern being human beings and Muslim brothers and Sisters living in brutal Hindu regime.[/QUOTE]

Indian Muslims are really not your concern...

They are definitely of our concern being human beings and Muslim brothers and Sisters living in brutal Hindu regime.[/QUOTE]

Ahem..... you mean something like the Ahmadis / Quadiyaanis? Are they also your brothers & sisters Sir? How are you taking care of their concern? Will there be finally a back bone in your nation to give those people their basic right to follow their religion while still being protected by the Pakistani consitution or will the free for all continue against them.

We first need to discipline and make ourselves deserving before we start chanting the cause of others. Even Zimbawe's Mugabe has been claiming the leadership of Africa, does that mean that he is the leader and will get that due.

Like they say, first deserve and then desire. So best to take care of your own muslims first and then try to do well for other muslims. It is a nice idea, the one that you have, but it is important to learn to execute the idea.

i will invite u to india.so that ur illusions can be derailed.problem is not at so much extent as u r defining.[/QUOTE]


Some Extracts from Sachar Report on Status of Indian Muslims for refreshing your knowledge about the pathetic state of Muslims in India

The presence of Muslims has been found to be only 3% in the IAS, 1.8% in the IFS and 4% in the IPS. The share of Muslims in employment in various departments is abysmally low at all levels. Muslim community has a representation of only 4.5% in Indian Railways while 98.7% of them are positioned at lower levels. Representation of Muslims is very low in the Universities and in Banks. In no state does the representation of Muslims in the government departments match their population share. Their share in police constables is only 6%, in health 4.4%, in transport 6.5%.

There is a clear and significant inverse association between the proportion of the Muslim population and the availability of educational infrastructure in small villages. Muslim concentration villages are not well served with pucca approach roads and local bus stops. The concentration of Muslims in states lacking infrastructural facilities implies that a large proportion of the community is without access to basic services. In both urban and rural areas, the proportion of Muslim households living in pucca houses is lower than the total population. Compared to the Muslim majority areas, the areas inhabiting fewer Muslims had better roads, sewage and drainage and water supply facilities. Substantially larger proportion of the Muslim households in urban areas are in the less than Rs.500 per month expenditure bracket.

The average amount of bank loan disbursed to the Muslims is 2/3 of the amount disbursed to other minorities. In some cases it is half.

Bidi workers, tailors and mechanics need to be provided with social safety nets and social security. The participation of Muslims in the professional and managerial cadre is low. Muslim regular workers are the most vulnerable with no written contract and social security benefits. Muslim regular workers get lower daily earnings in both public and private jobs compared to other socio-religious communities.

Names of large number of Muslims are missing in the voter lists of a number of states, the Committee’s attention was also drawn to the issue of Muslim concentration constituencies of Assemblies and Parliament declared as reserved for Schedule Caste persons while constituencies with very low Muslim population but high SC concentration remain unreserved. Hence, it was argued that Muslims are being systematically denied political participation.


This is your Real India - the paradise for Muslims?
Yeah, and the respect is pretty obvious !

We know that we really cannot do as well as your country is doing in human riots Sir. So your comment is indeed very well learned and well placed.

Your country's handling of the Balochistanis, the consitutional banishing of the Ahmadis, the distant war strategy via the fly overs by the jets etc. are I am sure truly exemplary in your views, but we would rather not try and match your benchmark.

So for us, it is going to be a different simple goal to make lives better everyday and learn from every mistake.
Above letter should serve as EYE OPENER to the Rest of the World.

Yeah....specially for Pakistan that India have a true democracy and everyone is free to say anything even if its true or not.

But opening of eyes will not do everything one should also give rights to free speech which is not there specially in the countries like China.
They are definitely of our concern being human beings and Muslim brothers and Sisters living in brutal Hindu regime.

You dont have to worry abt Indian muslims.They are citizens of India and they will be taken care of by the Indian government.
And what is a "Hindu regime"? Can you pls explain.
we would rather not try and match your benchmark.

I don't think we should try to score points on the human rights issue. Neither was i trying to.

I am not saying that there are no human rights violations in Pakistan.

But to say that India has a better record would be turning a blind eye to it.

I don't have to narrate to you the incidents that happened in India in the past.

This is yesterday's story;

In central India's Raipur city, activists of the Bajrang Dal, a radical Hindu party, assaulted youngsters and scuttled their Friendship Day celebrations on Sunday (August 1).

A group of 100 activists on motorbikes intimidated youngsters by nastily hounding them in parks and restaurants.

Young girls were their main targets and activists were seen slapping and kicking them in public places. They even blackened their faces.

A radical Hindu party activist who was also actively harassing youths called it a "great" initiative to stop the spread of obscene behaviour.

In the past incidents, the radical Hindu parties have strongly protested celebrations of any social events like Friendship Day and Valentine's Day.

According to these Hindu outfits, such events incite westernization and affect India's cultural heritage

Human Rights Violations are equally condemnable, regardless of where they take place. I hope we can rise above our communal and nationalistic divides some day.
I don't think we should try to score points on the human rights issue. Neither was i trying to.

I am not saying that there are no human rights violations in Pakistan.

But to say that India has a better record would be turning a blind eye to it.

I don't have to narrate to you the incidents that happened in India in the past.

This is yesterday's story;

In central India's Raipur city, activists of the Bajrang Dal, a radical Hindu party, assaulted youngsters and scuttled their Friendship Day celebrations on Sunday (August 1).

A group of 100 activists on motorbikes intimidated youngsters by nastily hounding them in parks and restaurants.

Young girls were their main targets and activists were seen slapping and kicking them in public places. They even blackened their faces.

A radical Hindu party activist who was also actively harassing youths called it a "great" initiative to stop the spread of obscene behaviour.

In the past incidents, the radical Hindu parties have strongly protested celebrations of any social events like Friendship Day and Valentine's Day.

According to these Hindu outfits, such events incite westernization and affect India's cultural heritage

Human Rights Violations are equally condemnable, regardless of where they take place. I hope we can rise above our communal and nationalistic divides some day.
Oh as if Pakistan is the most liberal state. Here's something for you to read and shut your trolling.

Hindu families evicted for drinking water from mosque

I can give you similar instances in much more larger quantities. Now stop derailing the thread and get back to the topic. Your country has far more religious persecution than India or even Bangladesh. You'll call this also a "Zionist conspiracy" and live in a state of denial.
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भारतीय भाईयों से निवेदन है कि आप इस "गन्नर" की टिप्पणियों पर ध्यान न दें । ऐसे लोग ही भारतीय सदस्यों पर प्रतिबंध लगने का कारण बन जाते हैं । :frown:
@Tshering22, try to understand what Gunner is saying mate..
Indian Muslims are really not your concern...

They are definitely of our concern being human beings and Muslim brothers and Sisters living in brutal Hindu regime.[/QUOTE]

What you think about Chinese muslims ?????
Yeah....specially for Pakistan that India have a true democracy and everyone is free to say anything even if its true or not.

Yes speech is free in India and genocides of Muslims, Christians and dillats are also free.

Thats what is the Biggest Democracy is for !!!!!

India is the biggest shame for humanity!
@Tshering22, try to understand what Gunner is saying mate..
I am not talking about his friendship day attack but his previous posts that have derailed the thread. Take a look there first.
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