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Zakir Naik says 9/11 was inside job


Please speak in detail---. Thanks.

You only chase after Osama if he was the perpetrator. The entire idea of doubting the official account is that he was not. Till the end, the FBI never issued an arrest warrant for Osama, because they said they didn't have the evidence. Osama himself, while praising the event, denied his involvement.

Google the event on Youtube. I didn't believe it myself until I investigated. Believe me, the official account is ludicrous.

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Ewww who is this ? Some call centre wala indian? Sheesh these guys have such poor grooimng and disheveled hairstyles. Btw looking at third pic it seems guy is a depression patient and badly needs psychiatric attention.
It's 2018. If you still listen to what Mr.Naik then you're the idiot.
Ibwould rather listen to him than someone the stuff I am reading here

Zakir Naik is another egotistical idiot, who loves himself and his own voice.
Interesting.....I don't actually have an opinion on him but what I have heard I have no issue with. Can't say that about some people here though
Drone technology existed before 9/11... not so hard for people with knowledge to modify some jets during checkup to install some devices which could give them full control of the commands jet...Do I need to remind the drones who fly over Aghanistan and which are piloted from.... USA ?

What kind of commercial jet can bring down 3 buildings?

Who doesn't think it's an inside job
Indians, Iranians & Israelis.
You only chase after Osama if he was the perpetrator. The entire idea of doubting the official account is that he was not. Till the end, the FBI never issued an arrest warrant for Osama, because they said they didn't have the evidence. Osama himself, while praising the event, denied his involvement.

Google the event on Youtube. I didn't believe it myself until I investigated. Believe me, the official account is ludicrous.

Osama Bin Laden did admit he did it.
lol, outside of USA, most people believe 9/11 was an inside job. Even in USA people believe 9/11 was an inside job.

Read this:

Read this.

But I am amazed at you. Even though we are in the fourth year after the events of September 11th, Bush is still engaged in distortion, deception and hiding from you the real causes. And thus, the reasons are still there for a repeat of what occurred.

So I shall talk to you about the story behind those events and shall tell you truthfully about the moments in which the decision was taken, for you to consider.

I say to you, Allah knows that it had never occurred to us to strike the towers. But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and tyranny of the American/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind.

The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorised and displaced.

And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children.

And that day, it was confirmed to me that oppression and the intentional killing of innocent women and children is a deliberate American policy. Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance.

This means the oppressing and embargoing to death of millions as Bush Sr did in Iraq in the greatest mass slaughter of children mankind has ever known, and it means the throwing of millions of pounds of bombs and explosives at millions of children - also in Iraq - as Bush Jr did, in order to remove an old agent and replace him with a new puppet to assist in the pilfering of Iraq's oil and other outrages.

I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with their occupants and high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy.

The situation was like a crocodile meeting a helpless child, powerless except for his screams. Does the crocodile understand a conversation that doesn't include a weapon? And the whole world saw and heard but it didn't respond.
Read this.

But I am amazed at you. Even though we are in the fourth year after the events of September 11th, Bush is still engaged in distortion, deception and hiding from you the real causes. And thus, the reasons are still there for a repeat of what occurred.

So I shall talk to you about the story behind those events and shall tell you truthfully about the moments in which the decision was taken, for you to consider.

I say to you, Allah knows that it had never occurred to us to strike the towers. But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and tyranny of the American/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind.

The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorised and displaced.

And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children.

And that day, it was confirmed to me that oppression and the intentional killing of innocent women and children is a deliberate American policy. Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance.

This means the oppressing and embargoing to death of millions as Bush Sr did in Iraq in the greatest mass slaughter of children mankind has ever known, and it means the throwing of millions of pounds of bombs and explosives at millions of children - also in Iraq - as Bush Jr did, in order to remove an old agent and replace him with a new puppet to assist in the pilfering of Iraq's oil and other outrages.

I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with their occupants and high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy.

The situation was like a crocodile meeting a helpless child, powerless except for his screams. Does the crocodile understand a conversation that doesn't include a weapon? And the whole world saw and heard but it didn't respond.
I do not know how credible the al jazeera article. that is 4 years later.

In the CNN article it says that the stupid Bin Laden denied involvement in 9/11.

There is a contradiction.

Personally I think Bin Laden is a damned idiot, but bring more proof that Bin laden did 9/11 to convince us.

because most people outside of USA believe 9/11 was an inside job.
I do not know how credible the al jazeera article. that is 4 years later.

In the CNN article it says that the stupid Bin Laden denied involvement in 9/11.

There is a contradiction.

4 years later when he gave the speech to explain why he did it. Not to mention behind the scenes video of him explaining the operations of the 9/11 attacks.

I do not know how credible the al jazeera article. that is 4 years later.

In the CNN article it says that the stupid Bin Laden denied involvement in 9/11.

There is a contradiction.

Personally I think Bin Laden is a damned idiot, but bring more proof that Bin laden did 9/11 to convince us.

because most people outside of USA believe 9/11 was an inside job.
Some people say that is a fake video, @Oldman1

No its real. People thought it was fake because of the video that makes him look like he has a fat face. But in its original his face just looks like the face people can recognize.

9/11 truthers (naturally) wary of Osama bin Laden's conspiracy theory obsession

The revelation of the stranger elements of his personal library was dismissed by online theorists as ‘nonsense’ – because he’s been dead nearly 14 years

Alan Yuhas in New York

Wed 20 May 2015 22.07 BSTFirst published on Wed 20 May 2015 21.53 BST

This article is over 2 years old

The Illuminati: one of Osama bin Laden’s other pet obsessions. Photograph: Apic/Getty Images
Obsessed with plots to ruin America, terrified of bugs implanted in tooth fillings or women’s clothing, and secluded away from even his confidants, Osama bin Laden may not have been in the most healthy frame of mind during his years in hiding.

It should perhaps come as no surprise, then, that his personal library included conspiracy theories about the occult, the Illuminati – and even 9/11.

Documents and details released by US intelligence officers on Wednesday from the raid that killed bin Laden in 2011 revealed the al-Qaida leader’s collection included The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11, a book that aims to dismantle the official story of the September 11 attacks and alleges that president George W Bush was complicit in them.

the 2011 raid by US Navy Seals on Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound in which the al-Qaida leader was killed, constitute “elaborate political theater” in Fetzer’s mind.

“Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11,” Fetzer said, dismissing the 2004 videotape in which Bin Laden took credit for the attacks. “The whole story we’ve been told is a complete charade.”

The reaction at hubs of conspiracy theory was similarly unbowed by revelations from the 2011 raid.

“Am I the only one who thinks that a bunch of CIA documents released years after the fact are nothing more than propaganda?” asked Jesse Wyneck at InfoWars, the website of conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones.

“I wish they’d get more creative with this nonsense,” bemoaned another commenter.

“We live in a world of lies. Nothing more,” said another.

The commenter badgerpit suggested that Bin Laden’s possession of a book about 9/11 might be “a sort of wink”. “They get away with everything so I imagine their confidence to rub stuff in our face is high.”

Jones himself did not broach the disclosures on his Wednesday radio show, instead railing on about changing gender norms in American society and declaring: “The fall of humankind is here. It’s going down.”

On the other great center of truthers, Reddit, people were less credulous about conspiracy theories. There reactions ranged from “9/11 was a fraud” to blaming Nasa to “I bet they used to sit around the compound at night and read each other the theories for laughs.”

Bin Laden’s odd collection also included The Conspirators’ Hierarchy, a book about how an elite cadre of manipulators are somehow involved in everything from the Kennedy assassination to the East India trading company and the international drug trade.

Bin Laden also owned Bloodlines of the Illuminati, by Fritz Springmeier, an Oregon man who has written extensively about the eponymous semi-historical sect, mind control, Jehovah’s witnesses and Freemasons.

At least one believer maintains that the fatidic date of 1 May links the Illuminatito the deaths of Adolf Hitler and Bin Laden, even though Hitler killed himself on 30 April 1945 and Bin Laden was killed in the early hours of 2 May 2011, Pakistan time.

Jones has also linked Bin Laden to the Illuminati, albeit through the more tortuous route of the Mossad, CIA and MI6, among other agents.

The al-Qaida leader’s taste in rightwing perspectives on conspiracy did not end with Springmeier: he also had a copy of The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, a book by Holocaust denier Eustace Mullins, who during his life shared his antisemitic sentiments with Ezra Pound and wrote an article in praise of Hitler.

Mind control was also plainly a fixation for Bin Laden, whose reading materials included Senate testimony from 1977 on the CIA’s MK Ultra program on behavioral modification, and a book by Noam Chomsky titled Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies.

Perhaps the oddest book in Bin Laden’s collection was The Secret Teachings of All Ages, a 1928 tome by the Canadian mystic Manly Palmer Hall. The son of a dentist and a chiropractor, Hall became a famous spiritualist and lecturer, and filled his book with ideas about tarot readings, alchemy and Shakespeare trutherism. Despite the eager discussion of conspiracy theories, few online dared to theorize what Bin Laden might have made of Hall.

Virtually all the most popular theories about 9/11 have been thoroughly debunked by both the investigators of the 9/11 commission and independent experts in aviation, engineering, the military and other fields.


No its real. People thought it was fake because of the video that makes him look like he has a fat face. But in its original his face just looks like the face people can recognize.

Well I don't know, because in this day and age it is easy to doctor videos and modify them.

I gave proof from a news article dating to September 17, 2001.

In short, I am not convinced.

"The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11" says George w Bush was complicit in the 9/11 attacks.
9/11 truthers (naturally) wary of Osama bin Laden's conspiracy theory obsession

The revelation of the stranger elements of his personal library was dismissed by online theorists as ‘nonsense’ – because he’s been dead nearly 14 years

Alan Yuhas in New York

Wed 20 May 2015 22.07 BSTFirst published on Wed 20 May 2015 21.53 BST

This article is over 2 years old

The Illuminati: one of Osama bin Laden’s other pet obsessions. Photograph: Apic/Getty Images
Obsessed with plots to ruin America, terrified of bugs implanted in tooth fillings or women’s clothing, and secluded away from even his confidants, Osama bin Laden may not have been in the most healthy frame of mind during his years in hiding.

It should perhaps come as no surprise, then, that his personal library included conspiracy theories about the occult, the Illuminati – and even 9/11.

Documents and details released by US intelligence officers on Wednesday from the raid that killed bin Laden in 2011 revealed the al-Qaida leader’s collection included The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11, a book that aims to dismantle the official story of the September 11 attacks and alleges that president George W Bush was complicit in them.

the 2011 raid by US Navy Seals on Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound in which the al-Qaida leader was killed, constitute “elaborate political theater” in Fetzer’s mind.

“Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11,” Fetzer said, dismissing the 2004 videotape in which Bin Laden took credit for the attacks. “The whole story we’ve been told is a complete charade.”

The reaction at hubs of conspiracy theory was similarly unbowed by revelations from the 2011 raid.

“Am I the only one who thinks that a bunch of CIA documents released years after the fact are nothing more than propaganda?” asked Jesse Wyneck at InfoWars, the website of conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones.

“I wish they’d get more creative with this nonsense,” bemoaned another commenter.

“We live in a world of lies. Nothing more,” said another.

The commenter badgerpit suggested that Bin Laden’s possession of a book about 9/11 might be “a sort of wink”. “They get away with everything so I imagine their confidence to rub stuff in our face is high.”

Jones himself did not broach the disclosures on his Wednesday radio show, instead railing on about changing gender norms in American society and declaring: “The fall of humankind is here. It’s going down.”

On the other great center of truthers, Reddit, people were less credulous about conspiracy theories. There reactions ranged from “9/11 was a fraud” to blaming Nasa to “I bet they used to sit around the compound at night and read each other the theories for laughs.”

Bin Laden’s odd collection also included The Conspirators’ Hierarchy, a book about how an elite cadre of manipulators are somehow involved in everything from the Kennedy assassination to the East India trading company and the international drug trade.

Bin Laden also owned Bloodlines of the Illuminati, by Fritz Springmeier, an Oregon man who has written extensively about the eponymous semi-historical sect, mind control, Jehovah’s witnesses and Freemasons.

At least one believer maintains that the fatidic date of 1 May links the Illuminatito the deaths of Adolf Hitler and Bin Laden, even though Hitler killed himself on 30 April 1945 and Bin Laden was killed in the early hours of 2 May 2011, Pakistan time.

Jones has also linked Bin Laden to the Illuminati, albeit through the more tortuous route of the Mossad, CIA and MI6, among other agents.

The al-Qaida leader’s taste in rightwing perspectives on conspiracy did not end with Springmeier: he also had a copy of The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, a book by Holocaust denier Eustace Mullins, who during his life shared his antisemitic sentiments with Ezra Pound and wrote an article in praise of Hitler.

Mind control was also plainly a fixation for Bin Laden, whose reading materials included Senate testimony from 1977 on the CIA’s MK Ultra program on behavioral modification, and a book by Noam Chomsky titled Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies.

Perhaps the oddest book in Bin Laden’s collection was The Secret Teachings of All Ages, a 1928 tome by the Canadian mystic Manly Palmer Hall. The son of a dentist and a chiropractor, Hall became a famous spiritualist and lecturer, and filled his book with ideas about tarot readings, alchemy and Shakespeare trutherism. Despite the eager discussion of conspiracy theories, few online dared to theorize what Bin Laden might have made of Hall.

Virtually all the most popular theories about 9/11 have been thoroughly debunked by both the investigators of the 9/11 commission and independent experts in aviation, engineering, the military and other fields.


Well I don't know, because in this day and age it is easy to doctor videos and modify them.

Thats pretty funny because the video showing Osama Bin Laden looking fat was modified to make it look like fake Osama by making him look fat.

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