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Zakir Naik says 9/11 was inside job

You only chase after Osama if he was the perpetrator. The entire idea of doubting the official account is that he was not. Till the end, the FBI never issued an arrest warrant for Osama, because they said they didn't have the evidence. Osama himself, while praising the event, denied his involvement.

Google the event on Youtube. I didn't believe it myself until I investigated. Believe me, the official account is ludicrous.


And just because you convinced yourself with this information---1 1/2 million afghans have died---1 1/2---2 1/2 million iraqis have died---1 1/2 million syrians and Libyans have died---about 50 million muslims are homeless and refugees---.

For what---because the FBI had not issued a warrant for his arrest---.

But then all the american public and the american media and all the american govt officials had called Osama Bin Laden the culprit and asking for his head---.

Son---if you look up ancestory---it might not come as a surprise to you that maybe---you and many a pakistani maybe children of the governor of Otrar or the descendants of Khwarzim Shah---.

Those folks had the same view of the coming threat---.

lol, outside of USA, most people believe 9/11 was an inside job. Even in USA people believe 9/11 was an inside job.

Read this:


Who the fck was Osama Bin Laden to pakistan---that you pakistanis want to destroy your nation for his sake---

Who gives a fck if it was an inside job or not---. They were coming to rape and murder your children and families---destroy your cities and the life you knew---.

How come young and old pakistani stay so dumb about this issue---how come the muslims as a nation stayed so dumb about the issue---.

I have always asked that question since I was 12 years old after reading the history behind the invasion of muslim empire by the mongols---.

What kind of commercial jet can bring down 3 buildings?

Indians, Iranians & Israelis.


Any commercial aircraft can---. It is not only the impact of the initial hit that does the damage---the real damage starts from the fires---.

Not from the regular fires---but the fires created by a air displacement draft---that has a higher temperature---it starts to burn softer metals---when softer metals start to catch on fire---the temperature of the fire goes up----that makes the harder metals to catch on fire as well---bricks and concrete starts to catch fire as the temperature rises---.

Moisture condensed between the cracks of concrete girders becomes an explosive because the heat from the fire heats u the moisture which turns into steam---and the force of the steam is extremely explosive---.

That is why you hear explosions in building fires---because water in cracks becomes steam---and being in a confined spaces---the steam wants to escape with an explosive force that acts and sounds like explosions---.

An engineer would ask this question---the helipad on top of the twin towers---was it rated to take the weight of the US president's helicopter to land---.

If not---then yes---the weight of the aircraft alone was able to destroy the building---. The weight of the aircraft was around 100000 lbs---it ht the building at a speed of 600 mph minimum----which results in a force of 60000000 ft/lbs---. There is no man made structure that could absorb this much of an impact and still remain standing---.

Any commercial aircraft can---. It is not only the impact of the initial hit that does the damage---the real damage starts from the fires---.

Not from the regular fires---but the fires created by a air displacement draft---that has a higher temperature---it starts to burn softer metals---when softer metals start to catch on fire---the temperature of the fire goes up----that makes the harder metals to catch on fire as well---bricks and concrete starts to catch fire as the temperature rises---.

Moisture condensed between the cracks of concrete girders becomes an explosive because the heat from the fire heats u the moisture which turns into steam---and the force of the steam is extremely explosive---.

That is why you hear explosions in building fires---because water in cracks becomes steam---and being in a confined spaces---the steam wants to escape with an explosive force that acts and sounds like explosions---.

An engineer would ask this question---the helipad on top of the twin towers---was it rated to take the weight of the US president's helicopter to land---.

If not---then yes---the weight of the aircraft alone was able to destroy the building---. The weight of the aircraft was around 100000 lbs---it ht the building at a speed of 600 mph minimum----which results in a force of 60000000 ft/lbs---. There is no man made structure that could absorb this much of an impact and still remain standing---.

I disagree that this ever happened.
I also disagree (technically) that building would have collapsed with load of comm.jet.
At higher altitudes, fuel would burn very inefficiently.
Fuel of a jet is in its wings, which can never go inside the building.
If some explosions are heard in a building fire, those could be anything but concrete exploding, moisture in concrete is present only in newly constructed building. Moisture is a water molecule which basically makes bond with cement and form solid materials.
Real is what fire fighters witnessed.
Truth is no plane ever hit the building, it's not possible for many reasons.
1) US security would have intercepted the planes much earlier
2) One need hell of a skill pilot to maneuver planes at low altitude with high speed.
3) Accused persons were not pilots, never had any record of flight training.
4) Building fires usually continue for hours.
5) Buildings are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing system
6) Never seen a building collapsing from fire.....
I disagree that this ever happened.
I also disagree (technically) that building would have collapsed with load of comm.jet.
At higher altitudes, fuel would burn very inefficiently.
Fuel of a jet is in its wings, which can never go inside the building.
If some explosions are heard in a building fire, those could be anything but concrete exploding, moisture in concrete is present only in newly constructed building. Moisture is a water molecule which basically makes bond with cement and form solid materials.
Real is what fire fighters witnessed.
Truth is no plane ever hit the building, it's not possible for many reasons.
1) US security would have intercepted the planes much earlier
2) One need hell of a skill pilot to maneuver planes at low altitude with high speed.
3) Accused persons were not pilots, never had any record of flight training.
4) Building fires usually continue for hours.
5) Buildings are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing system
6) Never seen a building collapsing from fire.....


You are in error---. We found about the water in concrete after a tanker accident on a freeway overpass on I10 freeway in Los Angeles about 10-12 years ago---.

After the fire was going on for a while---the concrete started exploding large chunks were flying around---.

What happens is as the concrete dries---it develops cracks---the water---condensation seeps into the cracks and stays in there and form a mini reservoir---which when heated boils and may explode---.
Destruction of twin towers and fall 3rd little tower along with two big brothers served the purpose.

Now you can keep exposing it for next 100 years, but not learning the lesson.

And just because you convinced yourself with this information---1 1/2 million afghans have died---1 1/2---2 1/2 million iraqis have died---1 1/2 million syrians and Libyans have died---about 50 million muslims are homeless and refugees---.

For what---because the FBI had not issued a warrant for his arrest---.

But then all the american public and the american media and all the american govt officials had called Osama Bin Laden the culprit and asking for his head---.

Son---if you look up ancestory---it might not come as a surprise to you that maybe---you and many a pakistani maybe children of the governor of Otrar or the descendants of Khwarzim Shah---.

Those folks had the same view of the coming threat---.


Any commercial aircraft can---. It is not only the impact of the initial hit that does the damage---the real damage starts from the fires---.

Not from the regular fires---but the fires created by a air displacement draft---that has a higher temperature---it starts to burn softer metals---when softer metals start to catch on fire---the temperature of the fire goes up----that makes the harder metals to catch on fire as well---bricks and concrete starts to catch fire as the temperature rises---.

Moisture condensed between the cracks of concrete girders becomes an explosive because the heat from the fire heats u the moisture which turns into steam---and the force of the steam is extremely explosive---.

That is why you hear explosions in building fires---because water in cracks becomes steam---and being in a confined spaces---the steam wants to escape with an explosive force that acts and sounds like explosions---.

An engineer would ask this question---the helipad on top of the twin towers---was it rated to take the weight of the US president's helicopter to land---.

If not---then yes---the weight of the aircraft alone was able to destroy the building---. The weight of the aircraft was around 100000 lbs---it ht the building at a speed of 600 mph minimum----which results in a force of 60000000 ft/lbs---. There is no man made structure that could absorb this much of an impact and still remain standing---.

I am genuinely lost about what you are saying. Because I don't believe the US government narrative is why so many muslims are dead? I'd say it's the fault of the Americans who are doing the damage.

Your view of planes bringing down buildings is at odds with the US government view. NIST ( US body for investigating this ) says the buildings were brought down by fire, not impact.

Before 911, not a single building of this type was ever brought down by fire; on 911 three building came down. And remember, there were 2 planes, and three buildings came down.

I suggest you google 'Architects and engineers for 911 truth'. That's 2,000 certified engineers and architects who say the official narrative is wrong.
I am genuinely lost about what you are saying. Because I don't believe the US government narrative is why so many muslims are dead? I'd say it's the fault of the Americans who are doing the damage.

Your view of planes bringing down buildings is at odds with the US government view. NIST ( US body for investigating this ) says the buildings were brought down by fire, not impact.

Before 911, not a single building of this type was ever brought down by fire; on 911 three building came down. And remember, there were 2 planes, and three buildings came down.

I suggest you google 'Architects and engineers for 911 truth'. That's 2,000 certified engineers and architects who say the official narrative is wrong.


That is not possible---.

Impact is the first step leading to destruction---. That much force hit the tower and got absorbed by the structure---must have left some major major damage---because physically---it is not possible not to.

The aircraft wings sliced thru many of the iron girders----the impact sheared of many others---because the rivets holding the joints would have ripped out of quite a few of them.

You can google architects and engineers as much as you want to---if that helps you.

None of those building were hit by 995,024,876 foot-pounds of force---if I am not wrong

I have written it a few times---

All buildings in the US are rated for load at the top for the HELICOPTER landings on the helipad---but none can take the heavy military helicopters.

The marine one is heavier than most helicopters---but it may not be even half the weight of the 737---and marine one cannot land on top of any building in the US ( correct me please )---.
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That is not possible---.

Impact is the first step leading to destruction---. That much force hit the tower and got absorbed by the structure---must have left some major major damage---because physically---it is not possible not to.

The aircraft wings sliced thru many of the iron girders----the impact sheared of many others---because the rivets holding the joints would have ripped out of quite a few of them.

You can google architects and engineers as much as you want to---if that helps you.

None of those building were hit by 995,024,876 foot-pounds of force---if I am not wrong

I have written it a few times---

All buildings in the US are rated for load at the top for the HELICOPTER landings on the helipad---but none can take the heavy military helicopters.

The marine one is heavier than most helicopters---but it may not be even half the weight of the 737---and marine one cannot land on top of any building in the US ( correct me please )---.

The scientist and engineers working for the US government do not say that the impact caused, or had any discernible influence on the collapse, you are at odds with them. And you don't think the views of 2,000 Architects and Engineers whose job it is to build these buildings is of any value?

And how about the building that fell down and wasn't hit by a plane?
The scientist and engineers working for the US government do not say that the impact caused, or had any discernible influence on the collapse, you are at odds with them. And you don't think the views of 2,000 Architects and Engineers whose job it is to build these buildings is of any value?

And how about the building that fell down and wasn't hit by a plane?


You are looking for answers where there are none---.

A christian army wanted to invade a muslim nation---all you had to kill was a known terrorists and his team---who was neither a citizen of pakistan or afghanistan---and his own country had kicked him out---.

If you could not kill 20 of them to save 1 million muslims and stop the invasion of a christian army---and thus the tragedy of the murder of muslims for the last 16 years is in front of us---.

So---who did the 9/11---if the towers fell from fire or from impact---and how did the 3rd tower fell---who gives a rat's ar-se.
Let’s take It in this way
It was an inside and outside job, so who is the beneficiary? A Muslim a Jew or a Christian? Or a Hindu umm may be Buddhist
Zakir Naik is an Indian, but he is a gem of the Indian Muslim community.

This is the best gem the Indian Muslims could come up with? lol They are not very smart then are they. I'm glad UK finally banned this ''gem'' from brainwashing youths here.

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