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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

May be loyal to KSA, may be not.

But you gotta go easy on anti-Saudi rants. Thank you
they pick up a citizen of Pakistan like they are our daddies? sorry but no one can be the daddy of Pakistan, if they can insult our parliament and criticize us for not helping them, then for me they are enemies of the state
they pick up a citizen of Pakistan like they are our daddies? sorry but no one can be the daddy of Pakistan, if they can insult our parliament and criticize us for not helping them, then for me they are enemies of the state
I believe you are extremely emotional on this topic and thus attributing wrong things to KSA government.
nope, we are beating the sh*t out of the insurgents, while you are getting involved in another country just so insurgents can attack you back :D

You're hardly beating anyone, your country has been at war for almost its entire existence, the only thing that kept you and still keeping you standing is Saudi political support and Saudi money (not bragging), but your people are in denial i'm afraid.
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You're hardly beating anyone, your country has been at war for almost his entire existence, they only thing kept you and still keeping you standing is Saudi political support and Saudi money (not bragging), but your people are in denial i'm afraid.

Well Juba bro,

Again, you are responding to someone who clearly wants to troll you.

Why are you getting trolled?


You're hardly beating anyone, your country has been at war for almost its entire existence, the only thing that kept you and still keeping you standing is Saudi political support and Saudi money (not bragging), but your people are in denial i'm afraid.

Saudia's support to Pak in terms of money is not that much. Saudia has given $1.5 billion to Pak in 2014 and before 2014, the Saudia gave oil to Pak for 2 years in 1998 on deferred payments. Pak doesn't ask Saudia to send his troops to help Pak in its fight against Taliban (which Pak has almost won) and/or India while it is Saudia who has asked Pak for its troops many times in the history.
You're hardly beating anyone, your country has been at war for almost its entire existence, the only thing that kept you and still keeping you standing is Saudi political support and Saudi money (not bragging), but your people are in denial i'm afraid.

:coffee: :tup:
Never agreed with the mans views, but this decision by the Saudi's is simply outrageous.
What exactly did he do to deserve 1200 lashes and 8 years in jail?? Have the Saudi authorities released this information yet??
Yaar im not supporter of anyone here but whatever he said about ksa it was right current saudi policies are against preaching of our beloved trillion times no number can be said to our beloved PROPHET MOHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) he was right but saudi king why cant handle any talk against him is he bigger than islam our PROPHET MOHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) been talk bad words in his tenure he forgiven them this is why even respect is small word for our PROPHET MOHANMAD ( P.B.U.H) zahid whatever said islam gives full authority for anyone to show his her view unless it dont insult or naked talk these type are prohabited zahid never used bad words he criticised role and policy of saudis with usa and he said these arab differntiate arabs and other muslims in two different types where our beloved MOHAMMAD ( P.U.H) said clearly there is no different from arab to non arab muslim they are brothers so bottom line is zahid came to perfom umrah it is right of every muslim which saidis intereferd for their own sake and loylity he must have been allowed to perfom umrah how can they stop any muslim let him finished his holly umrah than they should have done it i criticise saudi govt true muslim should not earn respect by sentancing others to jails just for their views saudis policies are now been criticising in while muslim world they give money to israel in billions to stop iran pak was right not sent army to supporg coalation
I believe you are extremely emotional on this topic and thus attributing wrong things to KSA government.
like what? did they or did they not criticize our decision not to join their coalition ?

You're hardly beating anyone, your country has been at war for almost its entire existence, the only thing that kept you and still keeping you standing is Saudi political support and Saudi money (not bragging), but your people are in denial i'm afraid.
wow...............the only Saudi funding is too the terrorist in Pakistan
like what? did they or did they not criticize our decision not to join their coalition ?

Why not quote some of those "they".



wow...............the only Saudi funding is too the terrorist in Pakistan

Please quit making false statements. you are on an international forum. Unless you provide specific link between KSA gov and funding of terror in Pakistan of 2015.

Thank you.
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