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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

This is completely and absolutely unacceptable.

Zaid Hamid might be an idiot, and most of us do not endorse his ideas, but he is a Pakistani and we can not allow something like this to happen to a Pakistani by these Saudis. You could have deport him, ban him from traveling to Saudi, but 8 years jail term and 1000 lashes for criticizing Saudis?????

If the punishment goes through, next time throw some of those Saudi princes in Jail for illegally hunting and destroying Pakistan natural inhabitant. Or when some Saudi Mullah is caught for hate speech, sentence him to 2000 lashes.

From now on, I have absolutely no sympathy for these Saudis!

I'll personally start a campaign that not a single Jawan is sent for the §$%%& to defend them or fighting their wars.

Where are all those human right $%&§ who b!tch day in, day out for freedom of speech?
What a delicious irony, given the man, his views and who passed the sentence. One could write a thesis using this example as to how many things are wrong with Islamic countries these days, but ain't nobody got time fer dat.
We represent deep condolences to Mr.Zaid Hamid's fans and followers for such tragedy. We hope that government of Pakistan will be taking notice and help to fight for his rights in Saudi Arabia.
We appreciate for all the hard work he put up to ,to help in giving clear picture of various defense and political events and for some useful strategies regarding COIN insurgencies.
We wish best of luck to Sir Zaid Hamid and his family.
The Pakistan Defense Team.
We represent deep condolences to Mr.Zaid Hamid's fans and followers for such tragedy. We hope that government of Pakistan will be taking notice and help to fight for his rights in Saudi Arabia.
We appreciate for all the hard work he put up to ,to help in giving clear picture of various defense and political events and for some useful strategies regarding COIN insurgencies.
We wish best of luck to Sir Zaid Hamid and his family.
The Pakistan Defense Team.

Awwwww. Isn't that nice. Let us send a card with some flowers too. :D

Seriously though, has all of this been confirmed or not?
Zahid hamid is a bareilwi, he has nothing to do with Sunni world........secondly he was a mureed of a false prophet, Yusuf Kazab, 1200 lashes are less for him.

Well done Saudia, i support their arrest of Red Topi

Dude, are you for real?

A Pakistani has been sentenced to eight years in jail and 1000 lashes for criticizing Saudi and you are supporting Saudis for that?

Yes, most of the time he speaks non-sense, but that is freedom of speech, which is being used by all those "human right activists", politicians or journalists who bark day in day out against our country or its values.

Saudis on one hand are begging us to save their a$$es and on the other hand treating our people like animals, that can not be accepted.

Let all these arrogant Saudis get their a$$es whipped by Yemeni, they fully deserve that !!!!
Well Saudis should keep him as he is the only person who can agree with their delusion of world dominance at the edge of their fart.
Awwwww. Isn't that nice. Let us send a card with some flowers too. :D

Seriously though, has all of this been confirmed or not?
......with your signature and three hearts at bottom with writing: "with love SAH!"
Well,you know then, next might be you by Saudi government for supporting one of their critic ZH. :P
On serious note, it is indeed very tragic news ,since he is being followed by many.The news has been confirmed by ARY.
......with your signature and three hearts at bottom with writing: "with love SAH!"
Well,you know then, next might be you by Saudi government for supporting one of their critic ZH. :P
On serious note, it is indeed very tragic news ,since he is being followed by many.The news has been confirmed by ARY.

As much as I think that ZH is an idiot of the highest order, no man deserves such a punishment for being an idiot. I may disagree with his views, but he has every right to hold them. This is the wrong decision by SA, if indeed true.
There was reports that he has arrested for a hate speech in Saudi against arabs and the govt. Its not 100% clear that he gave this public speech in Suadi, but it might appear this way. If true, then he is a complete idiot for making such speaches or statements while in Saudi...
Dude, are you for real?

A Pakistani has been sentenced to eight years in jail and 1000 lashes for criticizing Saudi and you are supporting Saudis for that?

Yes, most of the time he speaks non-sense, but that is freedom of speech, which is being used by all those "human right activists", politicians or journalists who bark day in day out against our country or its values.

Saudis on one hand are begging us to save their a$$es and on the other hand treating our people like animals, that can not be accepted.

Let all these arrogant Saudis get their a$$es whipped by Yemeni, they fully deserve that !!!!
thats really sad but its almost criminal act on part of saudies but more on pakistani goverment who is so incompetent that they have not raised this issue like they raise their voices over alleged indian operation in mayanmar recentlli

any way its a very bad news now what will happen to radio pakistan Dehli and Gazwa E hind
thats really sad but its almost criminal act on part of saudies but more on pakistani goverment who is so incompetent that they have not raised this issue like they raise their voices over alleged indian operation in mayanmar recentlli

any way its a very bad news now what will happen to radio pakistan Dehli and Gazwa E hind

Just like you, we all took it as comedy and it was funny, nothing serious...

But I agree with you, the incompetent Pak govt should have taken a very hard stance on this. We can't expect anything of sorts from Saudi stooge Nawaz Sharif....

But hey, people of Pakistan, this is the core of the nation and they will show next time the middle finger to these arrogant Sheiks when they need us to save their a$$es.
A very interesting tweet that
May be now Zaid Hamid could understand importance of democracy which he always abhorred .
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