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May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Just curious ... What sort of anime do you like watching, if at all. A top 5 or 10 list would also be appreciated along with reasoning as to why you like or liked that anime. As a conversation starter I'll post mine.

No. 5. Guyver (the original series from 1989)

Reasons: Well, it was the first anime I ever watched. Has a lot of action in it. It is a bit sentimental at times, however as an anime it was WAYYYYY ahead of its time. A good watch if your in the the 'action' genre.

No.4. Blood Lad

Reasoning: Loads of action. Has a bit of comedy too. A plot that can be classified as more or less original, plus it has elements of parody to it too. Overall, a nice watch if you want to kill some time.

No. 3. Aldonoah Zero

Reasoning: It's flat out brilliant. Anime fans who like action, but don't like the usual screaming attack calling Dragon Ball Z kind of characters, will LOVE this one. The main character is a strategist, and you'll find that people who are in to military anime's will like this one too. It'll also appeal to those anime fans who are in to romance anime's etc. So all in all, a really good anime.

No.2. Btoom!

Reasoning: This anime is one that'll constantly keep you on your heels. It's basically an anime whose plot is focused on survival. And yeah, it's good ... really good!

No.1. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Reasoning: It's the one anime you simply can't go wrong with. It comes from the same studio as " Attack on the titans" and in my opinion, it's far better. Like Btoom! it has a plot based on survival. Loads of action, and a really badass female character. Add to that amazing music and stunning visuals and you have yourself a great anime to binge watch.
Just curious ... What sort of anime do you like watching, if at all. A top 5 or 10 list would also be appreciated along with reasoning as to why you like or liked that anime. As a conversation starter I'll post mine.

No. 5. Guyver (the original series from 1989)

Reasons: Well, it was the first anime I ever watched. Has a lot of action in it. It is a bit sentimental at times, however as an anime it was WAYYYYY ahead of its time. A good watch if your in the the 'action' genre.

No.4. Blood Lad

Reasoning: Loads of action. Has a bit of comedy too. A plot that can be classified as more or less original, plus it has elements of parody to it too. Overall, a nice watch if you want to kill some time.

No. 3. Aldonoah Zero

Reasoning: It's flat out brilliant. Anime fans who like action, but don't like the usual screaming attack calling Dragon Ball Z kind of characters, will LOVE this one. The main character is a strategist, and you'll find that people who are in to military anime's will like this one too. It'll also appeal to those anime fans who are in to romance anime's etc. So all in all, a really good anime.

No.2. Btoom!

Reasoning: This anime is one that'll constantly keep you on your heels. It's basically an anime whose plot is focused on survival. And yeah, it's good ... really good!

No.1. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Reasoning: It's the one anime you simply can't go wrong with. It comes from the same studio as " Attack on the titans" and in my opinion, it's far better. Like Btoom! it has a plot based on survival. Loads of action, and a really badass female character. Add to that amazing music and stunning visuals and you have yourself a great anime to binge watch.
My Anime Collection

Have over 150 Dubbed Anime Series on My Drive
My top favs
Death note
Black lagoon
Black butler
Kings avatar
Attack on titans
Code gease
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its been so long since i last read a manga or watch anime
but here are my favourites



i am more of a werewolf guy but this vampire king wins over them all

Favourite character: Raizel
Reason:Grace and unholy tremendous power

2: Bleach


Everyone knows about this

Favourite Character : Grimmjow
Reason :

3: Belzebub


for the lulz
For me its the following
1 death note
2 cowboy bebob
3 evangelion
4 wolfs rain
1. Code Geass

Both Seasons are legendary. The plot,suspense,planning,the characters...you just cannot describe this anime.it covers all genres from action to romance to Mecha to what not...
2. Stein's Gate

This anime gives you a real feel that time travel is possible. It feels like reality and comedy is also pretty good. It certainly gets the second place.

3.Attack on Titan

Good action and quality graphics.

4. Tokyo Ghoul

It disappointed me the way last episode ended but overall excellent anime.A must watch.

5. Owari no Seraph

I do not like vampires type anime but this is an exception. Watch to enjoy a decent anime.

6. Aldnoah Zero

Love the character in the picture. Sci-Fiction and Mecha genre anime but is very good. the action too is marvelous.

The list goes on.... But nothing beats Code Geass and then Stein's Gate. But Code Geass is damn too good.
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In no particular order:

Attack on Titan, Boku No Hero Academia, Mirai Nikki, Parayste, Gintama, Steins Gate, Tokyo Ghoul, Akame Ga Kill, Gurren Lagann, Psycho-pass, Death Note.

Probably a host more that I can't recall right now.

Reasoning: This anime is one that'll constantly keep you on your heels. It's basically an anime whose plot is focused on survival. And yeah, it's good ... really good!

Loved Btoom, its a pity they never went ahead with a second season.
Just curious ... What sort of anime do you like watching, if at all. A top 5 or 10 list would also be appreciated along with reasoning as to why you like or liked that anime. As a conversation starter I'll post mine.

No. 5. Guyver (the original series from 1989)

Reasons: Well, it was the first anime I ever watched. Has a lot of action in it. It is a bit sentimental at times, however as an anime it was WAYYYYY ahead of its time. A good watch if your in the the 'action' genre.

No.4. Blood Lad

Reasoning: Loads of action. Has a bit of comedy too. A plot that can be classified as more or less original, plus it has elements of parody to it too. Overall, a nice watch if you want to kill some time.

No. 3. Aldonoah Zero

Reasoning: It's flat out brilliant. Anime fans who like action, but don't like the usual screaming attack calling Dragon Ball Z kind of characters, will LOVE this one. The main character is a strategist, and you'll find that people who are in to military anime's will like this one too. It'll also appeal to those anime fans who are in to romance anime's etc. So all in all, a really good anime.

No.2. Btoom!

Reasoning: This anime is one that'll constantly keep you on your heels. It's basically an anime whose plot is focused on survival. And yeah, it's good ... really good!

No.1. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Reasoning: It's the one anime you simply can't go wrong with. It comes from the same studio as " Attack on the titans" and in my opinion, it's far better. Like Btoom! it has a plot based on survival. Loads of action, and a really badass female character. Add to that amazing music and stunning visuals and you have yourself a great anime to binge watch.
You should watch Tokyo Ghoul and Code Geass.... and then Stein's Gate. You will love them.

P.S: Forgot to mention Death Note
In no particular order:

Attack on Titan, Boku No Hero Academia, Mirai Nikki, Parayste, Gintama, Steins Gate, Tokyo Ghoul, Akame Ga Kill, Gurren Lagann, Psycho-pass, Death Note.

Probably a host more that I can't recall right now.

Loved Btoom, its a pity they never went ahead with a second season.

Woah. I didn't imagine you being an anime guy lol
Psycho Pass is also a pretty good anime. Also Fate Zero...Erased is a tragic and dramatic series but yet excellent.

In no particular order:

Attack on Titan, Boku No Hero Academia, Mirai Nikki, Parayste, Gintama, Steins Gate, Tokyo Ghoul, Akame Ga Kill, Gurren Lagann, Psycho-pass, Death Note.

Probably a host more that I can't recall right now.

Loved Btoom, its a pity they never went ahead with a second season.
Well i need to ask a question that does being older influence your love for animes? I would be very upset if the reply is positive... BTW, you will love code geass if you have not watched it already... @Manticore too.

Btoom was just merely above average.
91 Days is also a good anime released recently... And yeah watch this too :

Sword Art online season 1 was fine but Season 2....:bad::sick:
Log Horizon also is same but somewhat better...

Hunter x hunter is a bit childish but its still awesome...

I also love the songs from Macross Delta.

I will be frank here and say that I do not like Gintama. The Parody,Humor and Comedy is too much that you start to dislike it...but The action in it is excellent...
Woah. I didn't imagine you being an anime guy lol

Anime is my preferred time killer. Had run out of the more well known good ones which made finding new titles difficult. I hope this thread really flourishes because I already found two anime here which seem to have an interesting premise.
Also Fate Zero

Oh yes, how could I forget! I love the entire Fate Series. The timelines will F you up though.

Well i need to ask a question that does being older influence your love for animes? I would be very upset if the reply is positive... BTW, you will love code geass if you have not watched it already... @Manticore too.

Dude, I'm not that old, just close to middle age in fact.

I was introduced quite late (comparatively) to anime. Walked in on a YO watching anime during office hours. For a breach of discipline, I gave him a bit of a tough time and gave him a good piece of my mind for watching "cartoons" at his age. I did not raise the matter officially since I did not want to damage his career.
Any way, when he was being given his tea-out, he was asked to share his thoughts with the rest of the officers and he harkened back to this incident. He was thankful that I didn't take the matter to higher-ups, conceded that he deserved the treatment he got but said that he was upset that I called anime "cartoons" and challenged me to watch a series of his choice and then reserve my judgement. He left me with Death Note and I haven't stopped watching anime since. Never in office times though :p:

That being said though, I think watching anime at my age does affect my preferences a bit. I don't have the patience to watch watered down shonen anime like Fairytail and Bleach, trust me I've tried. I'm much happier watching short, crisp sub 50 episode ones (Gintama being an exception).
I also prefer animes with more somber themes rather than all that "friendship makes the world go round" rabble of shonen animes.

I've watched Code Geass, one of my first few titles in fact. Its a truly wonderful series. I should probably re-watch it some time.

I will be frank here and say that I do not like Gintama. The Parody,Humor and Comedy is too much that you start to dislike it...but The action in it is excellent...

I'm afraid I will have to ban you for this transgression. o_O
Oh yes, how could I forget! I love the entire Fate Series. The timelines will F you up though.

Dude, I'm not that old, just close to middle age in fact.

I was introduced quite late (comparatively) to anime. Walked in on a YO watching anime during office hours. For a breach of discipline, I gave him a bit of a tough time and gave him a good piece of my mind for watching "cartoons" at his age. I did not raise the matter officially since I did not want to damage his career.
Any way, when he was being given his tea-out, he was asked to share his thoughts with the rest of the officers and he harkened back to this incident. He was thankful that I didn't take the matter to higher-ups, conceded that he deserved the treatment he got but said that he was upset that I called anime "cartoons" and challenged me to watch a series of his choice and then reserve my judgement. He left me with Death Note and I haven't stopped watching anime since. Never in office times though :p:

That being said though, I think watching anime at my age does affect my preferences a bit. I don't have the patience to watch watered down shonen anime like Fairytail and Bleach, trust me I've tried. I'm much happier watching short, crisp sub 50 episode ones (Gintama being an exception).
I also prefer animes with more somber themes rather than all that "friendship makes the world go round" rabble of shonen animes.

I've watched Code Geass, one of my first few titles in fact. Its a truly wonderful series. I should probably re-watch it some time.

I'm afraid I will have to ban you for this transgression. o_O

why not read mangas instead of watching animations.its much less time consuming
why not read mangas instead of watching animations.its much less time consuming

Too lazy. Plus the animation, the art and motion of anime is also a major reason I enjoy it. Don't think it would be the same if it were just the story.
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