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World's fastest rail journey starts operation

The risk of over investment in rail construction should not be underestimated though the building of high speed railway for passenger line will liberate China's busiest railways from the combination of passenger and freight which will greatly increase its freight transport ability.

Cool pictures...congrats....:tup:
High Speed Train technology per see is not that expensive compared with the infrastrucutre expenditure needed to support the CRH, which is almost prohibitivly expensive. Only tiny western European countries can afford it, after this recession of course, apart from small East Asia ones.

$ 300 billion! My! One can only appreciate what $ 300 billion means in the context where India's total govt stimulus fund of this recession was about $ 8 billion, with German one, the largest in Europe, being slightly more than Euro 200 billion.

Large countries such as India can only build some short high speed lines in 20 years time or so. It is almost financially impossible for India to replicate the nationwide network as China's in the foreseeable future.

looking at infras photos posted here, we can now intuitively understand why China produces and consumes most of world's steel and cement.

The only drawback I see is that tickets/ fares of the CRH are probabaly out of reach of many common Chinese, as the CRH network is too ahead of time.
Aimarrul, Stax,

What are the charges on these super fast trains about? And how expensive are they when compared to the not-so-super-fast trains services?

1)What is the distance between Wuhan - Guangzhou?
2)Is this broad-gauge or metre-gauge?
3)Can it carry freight also besides passengers? If so whats the tonnage and avg speed for such and comparison to current freight trains along the route?
4)How many runs will be made in a day/week?
5)How many stops on the way?
Aimarrul, Stax,

What are the charges on these super fast trains about? And how expensive are they when compared to the not-so-super-fast trains services?

I checked:

VIP: about $120 - can see how CRH is driven.
1 class : about $100
2. Class: about $ 70

Kids (1.1m-1.5m height): half price
Students: 25% discount
Group fare: 25% discount

It's said that the normalised standard fare would become about $60 later.

I don't know what's the standard fare for normal trainlines, probabaly half of it?

In comparison to arilines, CRH is 45 mins slower for the same distance, and possiblely slightly cheaper or the same.

But hey, that's for 1068.6km journey within 3 hours btw Wuhan and Guanzhou! And the train goes as frequent as City Bus : every 0.5 hour per train.

In comparison, only a part of France and a part of Spain have similar service. The trains of rest of the EU (including Germany and Britain) to China's CRH, is like a VW to a Ferrari !

Yes, it's expensive for many common Chinese as normal journey, I think.
I checked:

VIP: about $120 - can see how CRH is driven.
1 class : about $100
2. Class: about $ 70

Kids (1.1m-1.5m height): half price
Students: 25% discount
Group fare: 25% discount

It's said that the normalised standard fare would become about $60 later.

I don't know what's the standard fare for normal trainlines, probabaly half of it?

In comparison to arilines, CRH is 45 mins slower for the same distance, and possiblely slightly cheaper or the same.

But hey, that's for 1068.6km journey within 3 hours btw Wuhan and Guanzhou! And the train goes as frequent as City Bus : every 0.5 hour per train.

In comparison, only a part of France and a part of Spain have similar service. The trains of rest of the EU (including Germany and Britain) to China's CRH, is like a VW to a Ferrari !

Yes, it's expensive for many common Chinese as normal journey, I think.

Is this CRH 06? It doesn't say it on the front of the train.
Don't be so pessimistic, I heard that India may want to import high speed train made in China.

No, not pessimism... Indians always go for economic means. The fastest train services in India in the present times, command almost the same fare that one pays for air travel. So people end up using the airways. This is exactly what happened in the United States, and there are no high speed train networks in the US, though there are plenty in EU.

Not trying to say that high speed rail network is not economic or useless or anything as such. It does serve its own great purposes, but the viability comes down to the people who value its usage. Indians are a little different from the Chinese and the Europeans in this regard, I think.
Aimarrul, Stax,

What are the charges on these super fast trains about? And how expensive are they when compared to the not-so-super-fast trains services?

The second class ticket price is 72$, first class ticket price is 114$. Total distance is 1064 km. It takes 3 hours from Wuhan to Guangzhou.

Original price:
Sleeper: from 35$ to 57$
Hard seat: 20$
It takes 10.5-12.5 hours for the journey
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