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Willing to work with India for peace in S Asia: China

Thank you my friend. :cheers:

China and India, as the two emerging economic superpowers of the world, have everything to gain from cooperation with each other.

(War is out of the question anyway, since both sides are nuclear powers).

ya agree...............
That's history that contributed to the building of a nation though its unfortunate it has lead to a stable foundation China has today.

Seems that when faced with a current situation question you can only pull in the past to sidetrack the discussion.

LOL - I would hardly call Tibet and Xinjiang stable.
Thank you my friend. :cheers:

China and India, as the two emerging economic superpowers of the world, have everything to gain from cooperation with each other.

(War is out of the question anyway, since both sides are nuclear powers).

Yes, its surprising how well we all get along when w want to. Most of the tension is something unnecessary that can be ironed out by diplomacy and talks.

But some idiots from both sides come here with the sole intent of flaming or spreading distrust and hate.
Guys be consistent pls. I agree old issues should not be brought up, but when I brought up the latest JUD issue, you replied with the Tibet issues in which for decades India role has been in line with China's line.

Please follow the same standards you expect of others.

If that India's Tibet policy, I would say that India is not clean, at least until 2008.

Ok, I will not continue, here need a friendly atmosphere.
Yes, its surprising how well we all get along when w want to. Most of the tension is something unnecessary that can be ironed out by diplomacy and talks.

But some idiots from both sides come here with the sole intent of flaming or spreading distrust and hate.

I think most of respected the Chinese members here try not to bring in topics which are sensitive to Indian members and likewise for the respected Indian members. Mutual respect :cheers:
To sum up then I think we can agree that China's offer of "willing to work towards peace in South Asia with India"

and India's reply " thanks but no, thanks......"

"leave out the word south from the statement.....rest is all fine....."
Remember the magic word "south asia".
That means not stepping anywhere across Indo-Pak border or beyond Bangladesh and Sri Lanka..
Same to India... at least China can do a proper Olympic...

ya sure with the blood of hundreds of workers..... such as...

China hushes up Olympic deaths
At least 10 workers have been killed while working on the Olympic stadium but, in a rush to complete the project, Chinese officials have denied the deaths
Special correspondent, Beijing

CHINA has systematically covered up the accidental deaths of at least 10 workers, and perhaps many more, in a rush to construct the futuristic ”bird’s nest” stadium in Beijing for this summer’s Olympic Games.

The estimates are drawn from dozens of interviews conducted over six months, under a guarantee of anonymity, with employees from the huge building site in a northern district of the capital.

Witnesses have told The Sunday Times of seeing workers plummet to their deaths from the perilous heights of the stadium, which was designed by a consortium including Arup, the British engineering firm, and Herzog & de Meuron, the Swiss architects.

The bodies were swiftly removed by police, who sealed off accident scenes with orange tape and cleared other workers from the area while the dead were loaded into police vehicles, witnesses said.
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Managers and police ordered the workers not to mention the deaths to anyone and not to talk about the accidents among themselves.

Gordon Brown heaped praise on the stadium after a visit yesterday, calling it “a huge effort by the people of Beijing, a huge contribution by China to world peace and prosperity”.

Chinese officials deny that there have been any deaths. The authorities have ensured the silence of bereaved relatives by making unusually high compensation payments, which some workers say can amount to up to £13,000. By contrast, labourers on the site said they earned £3 a day and skilled welders earned £4.40 a day.

The conservative estimate of 10 accidental deaths since construction began on the stadium in 2003 was reached by comparing numerous accounts from witnesses who worked at the site at different periods.

It does not include any deaths at other Olympic venues under construction in Beijing and across China as the nation enters a final frenzy of preparation for a mass celebration of patriotism and Communist party propaganda.

The overall Chinese death toll may never be known. Five workers were said to have died during the building of the Olympic stadium for the 2004 Games in Athens. There was only one accidental death connected to the Sydney Olympics of 2000, and one welder was killed at the stadium built for the 1996 Games in Atlanta.

Several factors appear to have contributed to the Beijing stadium death toll. The sheer ambition of Herzog & de Meuron’s design has required workers to spend long periods at great heights to weld and join the struts and girders that are interwoven to form a bowl shaped like a bird’s nest.

Arup said: “Sadly, fatalities during construction could be due to many different things that have nothing to do with design.”

Most of the workers employed on the project are poorly educated migrant labourers from the inland provinces of China, who have scant specialist training and no experience of building on such a gigantic scale.

Of all their accounts, none was more telling than that of a 25-year-old construction worker from Gansu province who worked as a welder at the site for more than a year. He spoke to The Sunday Times last summer, early in the investigation.

“One day towards the end of [2006], the weather was terribly cold. On the top of the ‘bird’s nest’ I could see some ice. I stood on the ground, thinking of how best to climb to the top to get on with the welding,” he said.

“Just at that moment I heard a terrible scream. Before I realised what had happened I heard a thump on the ground. I suddenly realised that someone had fallen from the top of the nest - yet I couldn’t see anybody on our sandpile, which was heaped in the middle of the running track.

“The manager ordered workers to excavate the sand with shovels. After half an hour a dead body was pulled out of the heap. The body was gory and I didn’t dare look at it.

“The body was taken away immediately and everyone on the spot was told to keep it secret. For a couple of nights after that I had nightmares. In the end I quit and went back to my home town.

“So why did I come back again? Because I couldn’t find a better job. And I guess because my girlfriend broke up with me. I felt lost. So I came back here to forget my unhappiness through hard work.”

As the Chinese leaders urged the project on to completion last summer, the casualties continued in and around the “bird’s nest”.

One migrant worker from Pingyin county, in northeast China’s Shandong province, described how he saw a work-mate die in front of him.

“He slipped off the boards, the safety rope broke, he fell 30 yards to the ground from the scaffolding and died,” the worker said.

“He was only 33 years old and had a pretty young wife and a lovely son. I saw her when she came to get his things and collect his body.

“I felt such pity for him. Just 33. His life was just beginning and then it was over. People said his wife got more than 200,000 yuan [£13,000]. We don’t know exactly because the negotiations were secret. At least his wife and son were lucky.”

Some of the deaths appear to have been bad luck. One employee, who worked on the site for three years, described the fate of a worn-out migrant worker who decided to sleep overnight on the ground inside the stadium.

When a bulldozer drove into the arena before first light, it ran over him. The driver was so stunned that in his confusion he reversed the vehicle and its tracks crushed the victim for a second time.

In interviews workers talked of the relentless pressure to get the job done, of abusive subcontractors who frequently withheld pay in violation of China’s labour laws and of harsh restrictions on their personal lives in thin-walled dormitories where men bunked 12 to a room.

One problem cited again and again was the use of subcontractors - a practice that, Chinese critics allege, leads to opportunities for corruption.

The lead contractor on the stadium is the state-owned Beijing Urban Construction Group. There appear to be up to five levels of subcontractors on some jobs.

Several workers said the subcontractors tried to conceal workplace injuries from the authorities.

“Some bosses do not report accidents to the lead contractor and the Olympic construction committee,” a safety inspector said in an interview.

“They know that if the lead contractor knows which construction firm has a bad record of deaths and injuries, the company could be punished and may not be given more projects.”

Complaints about delayed wages were persistent. One man, who said he knew he was talking to a reporter, handed over an open letter addressed to the Chinese government. It read: “At the beginning I was happy to work in the ‘bird’s nest’ because I was making a contribution to the Olympic Games, but now I am very angry.

“Why? The contractor has defaulted on my salary for half a month. My family is anxious. My two children need money to pay tuition. My wife needs money to buy fertiliser. My old parents need money to go to hospital.

“I can’t understand it. The Olympic stadium is a big state project. To my contractor this amount of money is nothing, but for me it is a lifeline. I hope the government can pay attention to this issue.” In the worker’s own interests, the letter was not delivered.

For the younger men sitting around inside a dormitory, the exhaustion of sleep comes as a relief from loneliness and frustration. “The lack of women is a big problem,” said a worker named Qi. “Most of us haven’t been home to sleep with our wives for six months or a year. The single men have no chance or time to talk love with girls.”

His friend Huang, 25, boasted: “I go to the barber’s shop very often and I know how to bargain with the prostitutes. Sometimes I get a discount from 200 yuan (£13) to 50 yuan.” All the young men laughed at him, shouting: “You cheapskate!”

They get by, like many Chinese workers, on a mixture of pride, fatalism and necessity. But that does not mean they are ignorant.

“We know that builders died in Greece at the Olympic site,” said one young labourer. “At first the government denied it but after the opposition party and workers’ union disclosed the names of the dead the government had to admit it.

“But in China who dares to investigate such a sensitive issue? Would you dare?”

No one was available for comment at the Beijing 2008 Olympic organising committee.

ever managed to raise a proper voice against your authoritarian government against them....eh ..?

One such death happening in India and you have Human rights groups and journalists swarming around the construction sites and hounding the official government spokesperson and the sports minister to death with questions....

at least we get our priorities right now dont we ?.....:cheers:
ya sure with the blood of hundreds of workers..... such as...

ever managed to raise a proper voice against your authoritarian government against them....eh ..?

One such death happening in India and you have Human rights groups and journalists swarming around the construction sites and hounding the official government spokesperson and the sports minister to death with questions....

at least we get our priorities right now dont we ?.....:cheers:

奥运会“鸟巢”建设中曾发生两起事故 两人死亡
房地产门户-搜房网 2008年01月29日10:15 来源:联合早报







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ya sure with the blood of hundreds of workers..... such as...

ever managed to raise a proper voice against your authoritarian government against them....eh ..?

One such death happening in India and you have Human rights groups and journalists swarming around the construction sites and hounding the official government spokesperson and the sports minister to death with questions....

at least we get our priorities right now dont we ?.....:cheers:

You are deadly wrong in many aspects.

1) The western allegation of hundred deaths has no evidence. Now, based on that allegation, you let your imagination soar… :lol:
2) There are many voices around in China that are against the government. Your ignorance causes your joke.
3) Most Chinese seem happy with the government as it eliminates the illiteracy, hunger, malnutrition, etc.

In fact, You haven’t got your priority quite right: food, education, that is the top priority that you haven’t got it right. :disagree:
You are deadly wrong in many aspects.

1) The western allegation of hundred deaths has no evidence. Now, based on that allegation, you let your imagination soar… :lol:
2) There are many voices around in China that are against the government. Your ignorance causes your joke.
3) Most Chinese seem happy with the government as it eliminates the illiteracy, hunger, malnutrition, etc.

In fact, You haven’t got your priority quite right: food, education, that is the top priority that you haven’t got it right. :disagree:

I think there is a little lack of confidence in that line Gpit.
Either they are happy or they are not happy.

lets say they are happy, but you dont teach that to us. We are happy and they are happy...period.

You are from America right?, dont convey your thoughts in south Asia. Coz no one accepts it.
Same to India... at least China can do a proper Olympic...

Of course it can. Very thorough job just like Tiananmen Square and Great Leap Forward. No doubt in my mind that if your state puts your mind to it - it can do anything within its own borders.
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