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Will Turkey ever have to give back NATO nukes?

According to president Gul, the world should be Nuke free. We all know this is not possible since nobody will give up their nukes. Not Russia, not Isreal, not US or anybody else. Nor will all countries agree on nuclear agreements.

So only option is that Turkey keeps its nuclear arsenal. Turkey has 90 nukes and only has the codes of half of them. There were some noise from NATO about wanting to take back the nukes but will Turkey give them back?

Nukes are last deterrents. Countries that have Nukes will never be completely defeated because they will also have the nuclear option. For example would Japan be nuked if Japan also had Nukes at the time? No, because a Nuke on Japan, would mean a nuke on US soil as retaliation. I hope these talks are just political correct shit:

I mean at the moment US and Turkey's interest go hand-in-hand. Who says it will always be like that? When US doesn't see benefit in the relationship they will be your enemy in a split second. Turkey should take advantage of the situation and build their own arsenal as soon as possible while Turkey is geopolitically important for the west. When western interest and Turkey's interest collide in the far future (50 years from now). It might be very difficult to build the nukes because they will boycot Turkish products like they boycot Iranian products today.
Few Things They are not Your Nukes US owns them and even these Weapons are from 70 80s era, yes they are in Turkey but it dsnt mean any one who get their hand on a nuke will be available to use it

Turkey Can build it the question can turkey go full on challenging US and west 
I read somewhere that half of them are under Turkish control and half of them are under NATO control.

Turkey has source codes of the Nukes but not all of them. There are 90 nukes on Turkish soil and 40 of them Turkey has the source codes of.

So in case they are needed, Turkey can drop 40 bombs on targets. The only problem is that Turkey doesn't have nuclear capable bombers..

Here is more information: http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/inside/turkey/2010/100412A.html
the place you read from is wrong Turkey cant use them on its own
It is not our nuke's to not give.

If all sh*t brakes out (nuclear war), Turkey would use it as if the bombs are hers; but still the US would have to give permission...
Turkey has strike capability but there is not much information about it. I guess Turkish airforce conducts secret military exercises that we don't know about. Also some people say we need permission. As I said earlier Turkish Armed forces HAS, I repeat HAS the codes, but only half of the nuclear arsenal.
I get a little bit confused by your post #12, #13.
does Turkey's aircraft have the capability of carrying and using Nuclear bombs or not?
what's your opinion?

Yes several dosens Turkish F-16s have been modfied to carry these nuclear bombs. The current bombs are ancient cold-war relics. It is understood that these would be replaced soon by more modern ones, however this can also be used as an oppurtunity to get rid of them.

These bombs arent anything of significant value to Turkey, just used for showing off muscle by US. Even though we modified some F-16s to be able to use them, just in case. Wether they stay or are removed, the power balance will remain the same as ever. These were never considered to be part of Turkey's muscle.

If the US is so eager to stop the predator deal, then we simply can remove any american related facility or base in Turkey, they shouldnt forget why we are their allies in the first place (important geographical location).
I am not sure but i think control of bombs 60/40 percent. But US doesnt have any aircraft to deliver in Incirlik base. These are tactical nukes not thermo nuclear. I suspect when Turkey in dead or live situation can caple of delivery.
My personal thoughts nuclear weapons can be build easyly. Especially if we think its technology discovered more then 60 years ago. But the problem is if you use these weapons there will be No winner. I watched one of Soviet thermo nuclear test in documentary. Shockwaves turned around the world 7 times after this test they stopped more testing because they afraid. At least documentary explained that. My point is yes nucleaar free world must be. Humanity afraids from what they build because it may being armegedon. This situation always seems me stupid.
I am not sure but i think control of bombs 60/40 percent.
It has. Turkey's nuclear weapons are partly under Turkey's control and has the codes and partly under control of NATO.

But US doesnt have any aircraft to deliver in Incirlik base. These are tactical nukes not thermo nuclear. I suspect when Turkey in dead or live situation can caple of delivery.
My personal thoughts nuclear weapons can be build easyly. Especially if we think its technology discovered more then 60 years ago. But the problem is if you use these weapons there will be No winner. I watched one of Soviet thermo nuclear test in documentary.
True, that is why we need Nuclear weapon. If a country has a nuclear weapon, they won't totally crush them.

Look what happened to Japan who didn't have nuclear weapons? Totally crushed.

Look what happend to Germany? Totally crushed.

Would they totally crush Russia? No because they have nukes.

Shockwaves turned around the world 7 times after this test they stopped more testing because they afraid. At least documentary explained that. My point is yes nucleaar free world must be. Humanity afraids from what they build because it may being armegedon. This situation always seems me stupid.
These is fairy tales and hippy talk. We all know that the world will never be nuke free because there will always be countries who want to hold on their nuclear bombs at all cost. Get over these things. If Turkey gives up their nukes, Turkey won't have deterrent. It will be same as Japan who didn't have nukes during WW2. They will drop nukes on you and if you don't surrender, they will drop the second one.
Turkey has strike capability but there is not much information about it. I guess Turkish airforce conducts secret military exercises that we don't know about. Also some people say we need permission. As I said earlier Turkish Armed forces HAS, I repeat HAS the codes, but only half of the nuclear arsenal.

Do you have any have evidence for this?

It does not seem likely that any member of Nato (including US) would like Turkey to have the the ability to independently carry out a nuclear strike that could lead to WW3.
Do you have any have evidence for this?

It does not seem likely that any member of Nato (including US) would like Turkey to have the the ability to independently carry out a nuclear strike that could lead to WW3.
Do you really think Turkey would just randomly use a nuclear strike and start WW3? I'm sure Turkey won't use nuclear option against another nuclear state, that is why nuclear states stay away from each other such as Russia/US. Only senario it could be used is in case of threat of loosing sovereignty.
Do you really think Turkey would just randomly use a nuclear strike and start WW3? I'm sure Turkey won't use nuclear option against another nuclear state, that is why nuclear states stay away from each other such as Russia/US. Only senario it could be used is in case of threat of loosing sovereignty.

Of course Turkey would not just use nuclear weapons randomly but that is not the point.

I cannot foresee any circumstance in which the other Nato members, led by the US, would actually
supply nuclear bombs to Turkey and then allow the independent use of those weapons.

If you have any concrete evidence that Nato has already given Turkey permission to use those 40 bombs
then please present it as I would be highly interested to see it!
It has. Turkey's nuclear weapons are partly under Turkey's control and has the codes and partly under control of NATO.

True, that is why we need Nuclear weapon. If a country has a nuclear weapon, they won't totally crush them.

Look what happened to Japan who didn't have nuclear weapons? Totally crushed.

Look what happend to Germany? Totally crushed.

Would they totally crush Russia? No because they have nukes.

These is fairy tales and hippy talk. We all know that the world will never be nuke free because there will always be countries who want to hold on their nuclear bombs at all cost. Get over these things. If Turkey gives up their nukes, Turkey won't have deterrent. It will be same as Japan who didn't have nukes during WW2. They will drop nukes on you and if you don't surrender, they will drop the second one.
Do you know the diffenrence between a thermo nuclear or a tactical nuke? Tactical nukes useless if you dont have capable hit Second or third time. Btw i am old enough to remember what happended in Chernobly. Nukes are dooms day weapon and they must be cleared from earth. ones missiles starts to fly it effects all the world not only countries hitting each other. There is over 20000 nukes all over the world. In many countries Arsenals and they are waiting for an idiot to use them. Now imagine the time of Cuba crisess what if Bush and Boris Yeltsin was leading their countries in that time? 
Last thing Germans crashed because of they attacked Soviets

Japan crushed long before nukes fall. In midway.
Japan crushed long before nukes fall. In midway.
Not at all. Midway has nothing to do with Nuclear strike(s) on Japan. US didn't throw two nukes on Japan because of midway. They threw two nukes on Japan because they knew it would cost Americans 1 million soldiers to invade Japan. So they nukes them. Two of their cities. If Japan has Nuclear deterrent. They wouldn't have nuked Japan since that would mean Japan would deliver nuclear strike on US soil too. What don't you don't understand about Nuclear deterrents? I know you say the world should be nuclear free and everybody should give up their nuclear weapons including US and Israel (who are you going to convince that?) and everything should be green and rosy but it is not. That is the reality. If you have nuclear weapons, nobody will use nuclear weapons against you. If you don't have nuclear arsenal, you will end up like Japan in WW2. 
Of course Turkey would not just use nuclear weapons randomly but that is not the point.

I cannot foresee any circumstance in which the other Nato members, led by the US, would actually
supply nuclear bombs to Turkey and then allow the independent use of those weapons.

If you have any concrete evidence that Nato has already given Turkey permission to use those 40 bombs
then please present it as I would be highly interested to see it!
Go and do your own research since you don't like the sources I gave. If you are too lazy to read the sources I gave, you shouldn't be questioning anything.

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