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Will separating the North East be better for everyone?

Yup,lots of empty,fertile lands waiting to be harnessed by modern agro-tech and not to mention the humongous(for its size) hydro electric potential.The land of AP/south tibet never had proper surveys so there is a bright possibility of finding vast mineral wealth here.It is the biggest state in NE India with over 83,000km2 of territory with a population density below 18 per km2.

IF PRC gains control of AP it will gain control of most of NE indias water resource as it is in south tibet that the largest rivers which feed the brahmaputra are found.The Indians great fear of China controlling water resources of NE India will be fulfilled and it is a great leverage over a densely over-populated country such as India.Not to forget it China will then surround Bhutan from 2 sides.Myanmar or burma will lose much of it border with India and the rest of NE can be separated from India and the pure mongoloid states can be brought under influence of China,extending chinese influence over NE like never before in history.

first thing chinese will do if ever they able to occupy Arunachal is to make you tribals minority, Han population will rise to 80% with in few years, all your forests and rivers will be exploited most of you will work as 3rd-4th tier workers in your own homeland. You wont be choosing any government some puppet of china will be installed on you.
Arunachal will become a big mine or safari for Han chinese most of the tribal population will be sent to far off ghost towns.
But the question is can chinese now occupy Arunachal from India, the answer is no. And in a hypothetical scenario of chinese attacking India with multiple allies han nation of east asia will see 100s of mushroom clouds all over the eastern strip where their civilization is based.
first thing chinese will do if ever they able to occupy Arunachal is to make you tribals minority, Han population will rise to 80% with in few years, all your forests and rivers will be exploited most of you will work as 3rd-4th tier workers in your own homeland. You wont be choosing any government some puppet of china will be installed on you.
Arunachal will become a big mine or safari for Han chinese most of the tribal population will be sent to far off ghost towns.
But the question is can chinese now occupy Arunachal from India, the answer is no. And in a hypothetical scenario of chinese attacking India with multiple allies han nation of east asia will see 100s of mushroom clouds all over the eastern strip where their civilization is based.
You made an account just to say that?Lol.We have no problem with hans or any other ethnic chinese coming to live here.Why would we?The fate of people is in their own hands,if they are capable and the authorities don't discrminate like mainland one does,then our future is secure.The trade off is a positive overall.The idea that Indians will nuke china for AP is ludicrous at best.Indian nuke yields are unverified and most probably low yield as you guys never conducted enough tests to refine the designs,even by using supercomputers,which will require extensive test data.India with its corrupt "democratic leaders" who have looted billions and tens of billions from the piss poor average mainlander will not risk death for the sake of some remote states.Nope they love their lives of luxury too much to risk nuclear war with china with megaton yield nukes and a better delivery infrastructure in place.
But here is the main thing,its not about development..its not about prosperity.It's about us being where we belong.A part of China as we always have been,as is the natural order of things.
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You made an account just to say that?Lol.We have no problem with hans or any other ethnic chinese coming to live here.Why would we?The fate of people is in their own hands,if they are capable and the authorities don't discrminate like mainland one does,then our future is secure.The trade off is a positive overall.The idea that Indians will nuke china for AP is ludicrous at best.Indian nuke yields are unverified and most probably low yield as you guys never conducted enough tests to refine the designs,even by using supercomputers,which will require extensive test data.India with its corrupt "democratic leaders" who have looted billions and tens of billions from the piss poor average mainlander will not risk death for the sake of some remote states.Nope they love their lives of luxury too much to risk nuclear war with china with megaton yield nukes and a better delivery infrastructure in place.
But here is the main thing,its not about development..its not about prosperity.It's about us being where we belong.A part of China as we always have been,as is the natural order of things.

Apin dito a??

no time here watching football !!:cheers: we are leading by 1 goal:D

Apin dito a??
Domang hupak teng.hilo kenong anpa mang.Apin donam doleh maang.Acha ngo adi kapal se kendune?Assam AP border keya?
anyong ko lumem dung eedokom,"apin doto neya" mandu nena.
You made an account just to say that?Lol.We have no problem with hans or any other ethnic chinese coming to live here.Why would we?The fate of people is in their own hands,if they are capable and the authorities don't discrminate like mainland one does,then our future is secure.The trade off is a positive overall.The idea that Indians will nuke china for AP is ludicrous at best.Indian nuke yields are unverified and most probably low yield as you guys never conducted enough tests to refine the designs,even by using supercomputers,which will require extensive test data.India with its corrupt "democratic leaders" who have looted billions and tens of billions from the piss poor average mainlander will not risk death for the sake of some remote states.Nope they love their lives of luxury too much to risk nuclear war with china with megaton yield nukes and a better delivery infrastructure in place.
But here is the main thing,its not about development..its not about prosperity.It's about us being where we belong.A part of China as we always have been,as is the natural order of things.

If India is pushed against the wall she will use nuclear forces, and secondly its not possible for china to occupy Arunachal now 1962 was very different scenario most of the Arunachal is a bunker now India learnt her lesson in past pretty well.
And again I am pretty sure you are a chinese bot or may be a pakistani as most of the Arunachalis I have met are very pro India. Arunachal is the only north eastern state where Hindi is spoken and relation between Army and locals are very cordial. I can well imagine a Naga or Manipuri saying that they want separate states but coming from someone from Arunachal is pretty rare as far as my experience goes.
If India is pushed against the wall she will use nuclear forces, and secondly its not possible for china to occupy Arunachal now 1962 was very different scenario most of the Arunachal is a bunker now India learnt her lesson in past pretty well.
And again I am pretty sure you are a chinese bot or may be a pakistani as most of the Arunachalis I have met are very pro India. Arunachal is the only north eastern state where Hindi is spoken and relation between Army and locals are very cordial. I can well imagine a Naga or Manipuri saying that they want separate states but coming from someone from Arunachal is pretty rare as far as my experience goes.
India has NFU policy.LOL.Enough said.You guys can't handle pakistan and dream of nuking china?
I have seen how well prepared the Indians are for war in AP.Bunker,military build up..yeah right.After 62,Indians just gave up on AP and over decades China has slowly captured territories once under Indian control.You guys don't have the infrastructure to wage a serious campaign here.For heaven's sake,there is only one real modern bridge over the Siang.A single air strike or missile attack will cut it off and leaving Indians stranded.The mountain roads are so dangerous and can be shut off easily..i.e, if roads are there in the first place.Your pot bellied soldiers are no good in harsh terrain of AP.Even nepali dajoos perform and adapt better to conditions here than even the hatta katta mainlander soldiers.
Hindi is spoken to communicate with you mainlanders and that is that.Once okhomiya was prevalent in border of AP and assam for same reason,not out of love or admiration for them but for interacting with them when required.We leave your soldiers alone,that does not mean we love them or have cordial relations with them.Most Arunachalees will not even give a lift to a mainlander soldier.
We had far less worse relations with brits then we ever had with you.
In fact when brits left,it was a mixture of sadness and happiness for us as the brits had left but left their loyal running dogs in charge.So much for AP loves you.We only love our own and thats it.
India has NFU policy.LOL.Enough said.You guys can't handle pakistan and dream of nuking china?
I have seen how well prepared the Indians are for war in AP.Bunker,military build up..yeah right.After 62,Indians just gave up on AP and over decades China has slowly captured territories once under Indian control.You guys don't have the infrastructure to wage a serious campaign here.For heaven's sake,there is only one real modern bridge over the Siang.A single air strike or missile attack will cut it off and leaving Indians stranded.The mountain roads are so dangerous and can be shut off easily..i.e, if roads are there in the first place.Your pot bellied soldiers are no good in harsh terrain of AP.Even nepali dajoos perform and adapt better to conditions here than even the hatta katta mainlander soldiers.
Hindi is spoken to communicate with you mainlanders and that is that.Once okhomiya was prevalent in border of AP and assam for same reason,not out of love or admiration for them but for interacting with them when required.We leave your soldiers alone,that does not mean we love them or have cordial relations with them.Most Arunachalees will not even give a lift to a mainlander soldier.
We had far less worse relations with brits then we ever had with you.
In fact when brits left,it was a mixture of sadness and happiness for us as the brits had left but left their loyal running dogs in charge.So much for AP loves you.We only love our own and thats it.

Well buddy you might have your opinion but the few friends I met from Arunachal are very pro India although their village has turned christian. The reason you support china is development only it seems unlike many other parts of India where many parts have some other reasons to asks for more autonomy or even independence.
Well for one I take that as a positive as when Indian govt. start investing more Arunachali tribes will integrate with Indian mainstream.
And regarding modern infrastructure not available in Arunachal it was deliberately done to avoid any modern day mass armor push from chinese side, but it seems as now mass armor days are gone and Indian air force is more comfortable to take mass armor Indian army will push for more infrastructure in arunachal which will definitely make you somewhat more comfortable with India.
Well buddy you might have your opinion but the few friends I met from Arunachal are very pro India although their village has turned christian. The reason you support china is development only it seems unlike many other parts of India where many parts have some other reasons to asks for more autonomy or even independence.
Well for one I take that as a positive as when Indian govt. start investing more Arunachali tribes will integrate with Indian mainstream.
And regarding modern infrastructure not available in Arunachal it was deliberately done to avoid any modern day mass armor push from chinese side, but it seems as now mass armor days are gone and Indian air force is more comfortable to take mass armor Indian army will push for more infrastructure in arunachal which will definitely make you somewhat more comfortable with India.
Doesn't matter.Our reasons for supporting them was because we find ourselves close to China as we have always had contact with it and not even the rest of NE let alone mainland.Of course your friends will speak pro mainland.We have enough trouble remaining safe from you guys when we visit mainland as it is.
Doesn't matter.Our reasons for supporting them was because we find ourselves close to China as we have always had contact with it and not even the rest of NE let alone mainland.Of course your friends will speak pro mainland.We have enough trouble remaining safe from you guys when we visit mainland as it is.

Speak for yourself....that will be better. If so much interested to be a Chinese...most welcome to go...I bet they will accept you as one of them. As far as the dream of merging Arunachal with China is concerned, that ain't gonna happen in your life time. And as far as rest of NE is concerned, there are bigger issues to be dealt with before becoming a separate country.
Speak for yourself....that will be better. If so much interested to be a Chinese...most welcome to go...I bet they will accept you as one of them. As far as the dream of merging Arunachal with China is concerned, that ain't gonna happen in your life time. And as far as rest of NE is concerned, there are bigger issues to be dealt with before becoming a separate country.
And who are you to speak for us arunachalis?For the mizos?For the manipuris and the rest of NE?
We AP people,mizos,manipuris,nagas and most of the rest staes of NE want ot have nothing to do with mainland.
Doesn't matter.Our reasons for supporting them was because we find ourselves close to China as we have always had contact with it and not even the rest of NE let alone mainland.Of course your friends will speak pro mainland.We have enough trouble remaining safe from you guys when we visit mainland as it is.

dude there sure are cases where people from north east was targeted by some goons but these are isolated cases all the students and professionals I have seen from north east never faced any discrimination and whatever they have faced, I and my friends have faced when I moved from my home state to any metro city. so if you think this is the reason they are friendly with me then you are dead wrong.
and regarding you are close to china then my friend you have never met a han chinese in your life. The circle goes like this Japanese and koreans treat them like crap and these hans do the same for rest of their minorities in china only. Hans are mostly homogenous culturally and Indian civilization has adapted all racial and ethnic backgrounds successfully. You do realize that Nepal is mostly mongoloid features and they are majority hindus right. Trust me any illiterate shopkeeper in delhi will treat you much better than any han professional in beijing.
dude there sure are cases where people from north east was targeted by some goons but these are isolated cases all the students and professionals I have seen from north east never faced any discrimination and whatever they have faced, I and my friends have faced when I moved from my home state to any metro city. so if you think this is the reason they are friendly with me then you are dead wrong.
and regarding you are close to china then my friend you have never met a han chinese in your life. The circle goes like this Japanese and koreans treat them like crap and these hans do the same for rest of their minorities in china only. Hans are mostly homogenous culturally and Indian civilization has adapted all racial and ethnic backgrounds successfully. You do realize that Nepal is mostly mongoloid features and they are majority hindus right. Trust me any illiterate shopkeeper in delhi will treat you much better than any han professional in beijing.
Oh cut the bullshit!!Indians are racist to each other all the time..so much for "respecting minorities" punjabis have stereotypes about them held by northies and rest of India,Northies have stereotypes against them by rest of India,southies ,bengalis,gujjus...and the list goes on.The reason is because India was never one country but hundreds upon hundreds of independent kingdoms where one group was more or less the dominant one.That is why we see such animosity between them.Just on this site,rabid right wingers a few weeks back were insulting bengalis and resorting to racist crap and the bengalis were more or less left alone,this is just one example out of many on this site alone.
We are more related to China than even the rest of pure mongoloid NE,that is where our fate lies.Even with differences between asians they are far less than what south asians have.
Oh cut the bullshit!!Indians are racist to each other all the time..so much for "respecting minorities" punjabis have stereotypes about them held by northies and rest of India,Northies have stereotypes against them by rest of India,southies ,bengalis,gujjus...and the list goes on.The reason is because India was never one country but hundreds upon hundreds of independent kingdoms where one group was more or less the dominant one.That is why we see such animosity between them.Just on this site,rabid right wingers a few weeks back were insulting bengalis and resorting to racist crap and the bengalis were more or less left alone,this is just one example out of many on this site alone.
We are more related to China than even the rest of pure mongoloid NE,that is where our fate lies.Even with differences between asians they are far less than what south asians have.

stereotyping and racism are two very different things I hope you realize that every single region has stereotype of other region in India, there is one saying in my native state that after every 4 miles we have different language and different taste of water. I think same is true more or less for every state of India and I think specially for Arunachal whatever i have heard from my arunachali friends. Anyway if you think you are more close to china then I hope you get some job in china only as arunachal's destiny lies with India only :)

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