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Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

Ahh it means Indian fear is Pakistan centeric so China can silently make progress while India remains Pakistan-centeric


It means that even a mutual desire to maintain peaceful relations may be undone by the accidental involvement in third-party conflict. It is necessary to eliminate this dangerous possibility, so that constructive measures, and commensurate progress between india and China are not undone by some trivial accident, caused entirely by the deep involvement of China with Pakistan.
That is called shameless plunder if India doing so.

Extremely unlikely, in view of the thinking about Aksai Chin currently prevalent.

LOL...I belong to the Indian side of Kashmir dude..I dont need your Defence minister to know about stuff happenings 100 kms away from me...You can fool other Indians here with that line but not me coz i never rely on Internet links too much.

It is critically necessary that Chinese intentions and actions should be transparent and clear. This will avoid a miasma of conjecture.
No one can guarantee Pakistan won't be devoured by India if we just let it go. We just build an strategic balance, nothing more. Pakistan is not able to harm you anyway around.

Then why you complain, when US try to build same strategic balance by supporting Japanese, of Philipins or S Korea. They are also doing the same,just aginst you.
Answer to this question depends upon China reply to :
Will China backstab India if India is militarily conflicting with Pakistan ?

And answer is same....
How come this small nations like the japs nd paks evn dare to stand in front of india or china!!even thou japan has its own glory but this porkis cant even build a road with their own merit!!they need us(china)..:P..if india and china become friens keepin aside their bilateral conflicts,then the world may soon become free of american oppressions and dependence.we r home to a third of the world's populations and yet we(or leaders!) dont understand the potential of ourselves as friends!!...Both these countries are unofficial patent holders of some of world's greatest innovations(the ZERO,printing machine etc),armed wth nukes,home to great civiliztions,religions and yet we find solace in abusing each others!!:argh:...RISE!
And let me telll YOU a secret too..
The moment pakistani army will try to give their `free services`to china , you willl definately see a balochi uprising , of course with RAW`s help... and kaboom.. Republic of Balochistan will be born... so keep your `boot licking to chinese` secrets to yourself..

Your statement makes it amply clear that you don't have the fagest of idea as to the relevance of Baloch problem in the overall contextual environment.
I just want to list some facts here, it's for you guys to decide if India and China will do.

As many Chinese will tell you, we do not hear about much hostility from India towards us in China. and I think here is why.

India has a long history, but it only fought so few wars. one fought with China and few with Pakistan. I don't think India hates China and Pakistan so much honestly, but they have no more enemy besides us, thus the hostility.

China has fought so many wars, internally and externally, just like Americans, and Europeans . We don't have so much political memory or else we will have no friends left.(just check how many wars were fought between France, Spain, Germany and Britain.)
But only with one exception, and that is Japan. Japan has always been hated in China, from the old dynasties to Nationalist goverment and now PRC.

A very concise and lucid summary. Some added details may help understand the situation.

The period before the Sino-Indian border clashes was filled with very high pressure propaganda favoring China and the achievements of the Chinese people. This was done as part of a larger propaganda campaign to improve the public image of the Prime Minister, who was also Foreign Minister. Citizens were never told about the rising tension levels.

As a result, when the fighting came, there was an immediate overwhelming tsunami of hurt and betrayal. This has not yet been neutralised.
Next you will say India invaded and captured India which was an area belonging to British.

And why would I say that for pete's sake!

If you have a common enemy then why do you fight among yourselves, that's a silly secret and its just not me, but no one except you can ever digest it.

Its simply out of bounds for you to understand that.

Yeah ..... out of bounds as if it is lights out time for you.
We have to assure Pakistan has enough firepower to deter India attack , I mean potential attack. This is not showing our hostility toward India, but our admit and responsibility to Pakistan. We did not sigh treaty with Pakistan as of japan With USA.

It is my understanding that the degree of support has become greater than entirely prudent. The situation has become unpredictable. That is not good.
The first question u should ask is that in any war scenario b/w China & Japan who will be the attacker?? Japan being a pacifist country will never attack China but only retaliate any attack onto it.

The second question u should ask is that who will enter in the war next?? Since Japan is in somewhat protective cover of US, it will be the US who will (though it will never want) enter the war from side of Japan against China.

Now ur question will arise that will India attack China & my answer will be NO:

1. India has never attacked any country & is not responsible for initiating any war even if it serves its interests.

2. Attacking a nuclear armed power will be detrimental to the growth aspects of still developing & poor country like India.

3. Even if after so many opposition India does try to entire in war with China than Pakistan can take advantage of this & settle scores with India by opening a second front against India which is a military nightmare for any country not to mention even Bangladesh (though very less probability of it happening).

4. India will be seen as an aggressor & will lose its good will in International community.

So there will be more to lose for India militarily, economically & politically than any gain it can get, that is why i said a clear NO.
This is one of the biggest Bull-Crap one hears from Indians. We are a very peaceful and status quo country any where in the world.

Let me counter this by some of this ......

Even though, many Indians would say, oh this is just a mythology - but just see the thought process .....

The number killed in the Mahabharata War

April 9, 2009 — Hariprasad

My previous article on the Akshouhini gave rise to some interesting discussions in the comments section. Sri Chiraan rightly pointed out that the actual number of people who participated in the war had to be much more. It was, after all, the “Maha”bharata war!

I recalled reading in the Tatparya Nirnaya that the number 18 Akshouhinis was just the core army. The actual army *had* to be much bigger! So I got down to doing some research on this and yes, the Bhaarata has captured this detail as well. We find details of the actual fatalities (and survivors) in the war in the Stri Parva. The Pandavas, along with Krishna, come to meet Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. At one point, Dhritharashtra asks Yudhishthira if he knows the number of people dead and number of survivors. The numbers that Dharma reveals are

• Fatalities : 1 billion, 660 million and 20,000!!!
• Survivors : 240,165

Today’s world population is 6 billion, 700 odd million. Even in today’s terms, about 25% of the population got wiped out in the war!

The number killed in the Mahabharata War « Anandatirtha Prathishtana

Ashoka, who is pronounced as the most peaceful of the emperors, during his rampaging invasion of the eastern province of Kalinga, saw his army slew more than 100,000 men.

Lets see the current environment .....

India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states including Pakistan.

C'mon guys, have a heart. Don't spread falsehood in such a blatant manner.

Don't carry out historical butchery with lies that tend to hide such grotesque and ugly historical facts.

It is useful to learn to distinguish between history and literature, and not to get muddled up - very important not to get muddled up.

Regarding the incidents you have cited, please read my original comment carefully. The responses that you need are contained within. :meeting:
First of all, it is not called senkakus island, but diao yu island. We discover it at least 600years before Japan, and we perform it's right of jurisdiction since Ming Dynasty, this was all recorded in the ancient literature.

Current PRC has no legitimate claims in these Islands. CCP is different from Ming or Han rulers. Chinese always dream about their past which is rosy and want to claim that in present day. Imperila envoy of Ming dynasty visited those Islands but Mings never inhibited them and ruled them.
I wonder why CCP never raised these issues in the past 2 centuries and now they are fighting Japan.

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