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Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

India should start preparing for that day without showing any sign of weakness.In fact at that time of Sino-Jap showdown,we should re take what is our own and that is Pakistan ...occupied ..kashmir and in process de link China from middle east .Without taking on China we can harm them in terms of strategy to be unfolded towards resource rich middle-east in time to come by them.If India let go this opportunity then it would be strategic loss of India in long terms.
I think that this notion that India could do something in case a war breaks out between China and Japan is an absolutely bogus perception!!!India is a peace loving nation and we usually take a chill pill and go to bed at night:rofl:it is not until the enemy transgresses our border that we take up arms. . . . . .It is also very much apparent in India's foreign policy.Just last year there was an incident in India where a Chinese company in the course of advertising itself in a seminar was displaying a map in which showed AP as a part of China,if anything of a similar nature had taken place in China I am pretty sure that the Chinese would not have let go so easily.As far as the question of India's role in the event of a war between China and Japan is concerned I am pretty sure that India would remain neutral as usual cause believe me a military confrontation and an overtly inimical relationship with China is the last think India wants!!!BTW I also feel that the CCP should be more considerate of Indian sensitivities especially in terms of the kind of hate content about India that keeps on appearing in the Xinhua from time to time.Let me make another aspect of Indian FP very clear.India never asserts herself in a aggressive manner on the fora but makes very subtle gestures which are louder in effect.For example-While this entire VISA row was going on about Chin not granting VISA to people from the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh India took up the matter with the Chinese MoE but since there was no action from the other side last time when the Chinese Premier was on a visit to India (in 2010 I guess) India for the first time in 60 yrs refused to commit herself to the one-China policy and Tibet was given the status of an independent nation.We do not want any inimical relations with China and also do not want to mingle with its internal affairs but China does the same in India.
We have to assure Pakistan has enough firepower to deter India attack , I mean potential attack. This is not showing our hostility toward India, but our admit and responsibility to Pakistan. We did not sigh treaty with Pakistan as of japan With USA.

Every old cannon can fire, but deterrence is a word to be used with caution. We do not intend to take advantage of a situation, it would be a threat to Global Peace. Its just silly to think a country like India would waste its resources for a needless advantage.

There are many other ways to quench our thirst but all face to face.
Ahhh lovely so all Indian fear is Pakistan Centric which is lovely for China as well since India remains so China can silently proceed with engaging India

the Chinese arming Pak is definitely a concern to us

for decades China has used Pak to bog down majority of Indian military strength on its western border and to keep India busy in its backyard

this strategy got huge blow since early 90s due to several factors and in 2000s with introduction of Agni 3 and WOT

the peace we are experiencing in India in recent years is due to fact that Pak is busy in WOT since last 10 years

Thus we are concerned with policies of your nation as we don't wish to return in that situation
This is one of the biggest Bull-Crap

India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988,.

Next you will say India invaded and captured India which was an area belonging to British.
India should start preparing for that day without showing any sign of weakness.In fact at that time of Sino-Jap showdown,we should re take what is our own and that is Pakistan ...occupied ..kashmir and in process de link China from middle east .Without taking on China we can harm them in terms of strategy to be unfolded towards resource rich middle-east in time to come by them.If India let go this opportunity then it would be strategic loss of India in long terms.
This is definitely taking advantage. China has very strong relationship with Saudi and Iran, none of these country will deny china market to please indian.
Thank you for the admiration. Let me tell you a secret.

The moment Pakistan announces that it is being threatened by India and moves its troops towards Indian border, the same people Pakistan is fighting against will join us to fight against India.

We probably would again start fighting amongst ourselves after we take care of Indian hides.

You guys may not understand this reality - please don't.
And still you guys says that Indian are obessed towards Pakistan not vise versa.
there will be no war you war mongers. These days wars are fought between a weak country and a strong country. India, Pakistan, China and Japan are not weak militarily so no more wars
Its a dire need that India and China resolve all their bilateral conflicts and create a friendly relationship..both of us are part of the BRICS.Its the responsibility of both these nations to free the world from american oppression and dependence with joint scientific and economic developments.We are home to almost a third of the world's population and yet we fail to realize our potential as friend...:undecided:
This is one of the biggest Bull-Crap one hears from Indians. We are a very peaceful and status quo country any where in the world.

Let me counter this by some of this ......

Even though, many Indians would say, oh this is just a mythology - but just see the thought process .....

The number killed in the Mahabharata War

April 9, 2009 — Hariprasad

My previous article on the Akshouhini gave rise to some interesting discussions in the comments section. Sri Chiraan rightly pointed out that the actual number of people who participated in the war had to be much more. It was, after all, the “Maha”bharata war!

I recalled reading in the Tatparya Nirnaya that the number 18 Akshouhinis was just the core army. The actual army *had* to be much bigger! So I got down to doing some research on this and yes, the Bhaarata has captured this detail as well. We find details of the actual fatalities (and survivors) in the war in the Stri Parva. The Pandavas, along with Krishna, come to meet Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. At one point, Dhritharashtra asks Yudhishthira if he knows the number of people dead and number of survivors. The numbers that Dharma reveals are

• Fatalities : 1 billion, 660 million and 20,000!!!
• Survivors : 240,165

Today’s world population is 6 billion, 700 odd million. Even in today’s terms, about 25% of the population got wiped out in the war!

The number killed in the Mahabharata War « Anandatirtha Prathishtana

Ashoka, who is pronounced as the most peaceful of the emperors, during his rampaging invasion of the eastern province of Kalinga, saw his army slew more than 100,000 men.

Lets see the current environment .....

India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948, invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal, invaded East Pakistan in 1971, invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975, invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988, created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave, invaded Maldives in 1988 and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and Bhutan and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states including Pakistan.

C'mon guys, have a heart. Don't spread falsehood in such a blatant manner.

Don't carry out historical butchery with lies that tend to hide such grotesque and ugly historical facts.

We should keep this as an reference for those who keep blabering that India didnt existed before47
India is not a status-quo power. It is a regional hegemon. It invaded and captured Junagarh and Manavadar in 1947, invaded and captured Indian Occupied Kashmir in 1947, invaded and captured Hyderabad in 1948,

India will obviously consolidate her citizens and territories

invaded and captured Goa in 1961 which was an area belonging to Portugal,

Oh boy!

I'm glad you didn't say India invaded India which belonged to the British :lol:

invaded East Pakistan in 1971,

Of course Operation Chengiz khan was meant to be friendly military adventurism :lol:

invaded and captured Sikkim as late as 1975,

Like mentioned before consolidate her citizens and territories

invaded and captured some portions of Siachen in 1988,

Siachen was race between India and Pakistan forces, India won.

created Sri Lankan terrorist group LTTE

India created LTTE? :woot:

and later invaded Sri Lanka in 1988 till the President of Sri Lanka had to openly ask the Indians to leave,

IPKF came with Sri lanka Govt's consent, so how is that invasion ? :woot:

invaded Maldives in 1988

Nice try!
Indian forces came on the request of Gayoom!

and has continually interfered in internal affairs of Nepal

India's aid India's choice.

and Bhutan

If so ? why does Bhutan choose to seek Indian advice on her foreign affairs?

and has spread state sponsored terrorism in all her neighbouring states

India supported terrorists in Mynnmar, Bhutan , Nepal,?.............I"ll admit we did so in Zaid Hamid land :lol:

including Pakistan.

Of course again, Innocent Pakistan had nothing to do with supporting seperatist in North East

C'mon guys, have a heart. Don't spread falsehood in such a blatant manner.

C'mon , have a brain and practice what you preach!

Don't carry out historical butchery with lies that tend to hide such grotesque and ugly historical facts.

Anything else, Shakespeare ?
the Chinese arming Pak is definitely a concern to us

for decades China has used Pak to bog down majority of Indian military strength on its western border and to keep India busy in its backyard

this strategy got huge blow since early 90s due to several factors and in 2000s with introduction of Agni 3 and WOT

the peace we are experiencing in India in recent years is due to fact that Pak is busy in WOT since last 10 years

Thus we are concerned with policies of your nation as we don't wish to return in that situation

No one can guarantee Pakistan won't be devoured by India if we just let it go. We just build an strategic balance, nothing more. Pakistan is not able to harm you anyway around.
How come this small nations like the japs nd paks evn dare to stand in front of us!!even thou japan has its own glory but this porkis cant even build a road with their own merit!!they need us(china)..:P
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