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why we lagging behind the world


Oct 25, 2008
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a q from pakistani members

why we lags

is 62 years were not enough

what is your analysis

what to do and how we can acheivve prosperity

your views and ur point of view is welcome here
What nonsense, i thing you are not gone through the forum.....you will come to know Pakistan is the next SUPERPOWER in the world.
Pakistan is leading the world in defense, industry, education,science,space,IT and what not and you....what the hell man...you are spreading misinformation and propaganda about pakistan.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
I guess it is lack of "critical analysis" or say rational thinking on part of Pakistan. There are many instances where even Pakistani members are bashed as they tried to put alternate views. Those who are against some particular opinions, are called foreign agents, traitors or too western minded. If this is the case with elite group (who are educated and has access to information from several sources) then consider the case of common people.

I understand I might not be considered because of my flags still this is what I think. This is also among Indians however I can say based on my observation, this thing is not so much with us. There is member Paritosh whose views most of the time does not concide with mine. Still he gives me another approach to an event. Anyways, India is out of context here.

I do not intend to make a generalization. There are many members who are very rational. But, irrationality has penetrated in elite members even.

P.S. --> If someone thinks my post is offensive kindly let me know. I would edit it. Thanks.
constant intervention by armed forces in state and civilian affairs has led to this we need to ask armed forces to go back to baracks and get civilian pakistanis to manage state business.
Rational thinking, open mindedness, and determination to make Pakistan a better place.
IMHO the reason is lack of direction. Like a rudderless ship, to date we have not been abled to decide which direction we want Pakistan to take. There is a division in the Pakistan society.

The 'fundoos'; who’s aim is to take Pakistan back to a dark age “Utopia”, where the radio, video cassettes & TV are all banned and women are forbidden to go to school. These forces send out burqa clad lathi wielding women to beat up ladies taking part in marathon and blow up girls schools.

On the other side are liberal fascists such as me; who would like Pakistan to be a modern liberal state; something that our founding fathers, especially the Quaid had in mind.This division is not limited to Madarassah students and the English medium educated elite; instead it is present at levels of the society.

Urdu media stalwarts such as Hamid Mir, PA senior officers such as Hameed Gul, Oxford educated ex playboys such as Imran Khan are all ‘fundoos’. When you consider that Punjab Chief Minister and his Law Minister are also appealing to Taliban for clemency; result can only be chaos.

Unfortunately, PPP and their allies who represent liberal forces; don’t even know what good governance means. These leaders may be liberal in outlook, but their appetite for corruption at all levels appears to be limitless.

Thus the blame as to why the last 62 years have been wasted lies squarely on the shoulders of our leaders. Regret to say that after 1951, nearly all of our leaders, whether civilian bureaucrats, military or political; have been found lacking in statesmanship. You cannot completely absolve ordinary Joe public from the blame either. Why the public keeps voting the same people again and again, almost like musical chairs?

Unless Pakistanis decide once for all which way they want Pakistan to go, we are doomed to muddle thru aimlessly as we have done for the last 62 years.
I would say its being Pakistani's too much faith in religion and their masters, army, generals etc.

Faith provides confidence and will. But too much of it makes us blind. Pakistan's masters, are controlling the country by fooling the common citizens. But these citizens are too loyal to their masters and won't hear a word against them.

That is the problem. Pakistanis and Indians are same, the only difference is blind faith. Indians are cunning and respect logic more than their faith. Pakistanis are emotional, they can be made to do things they don't want to do all because of their faith.
a q from pakistani members

why we lags

is 62 years were not enough

what is your analysis

what to do and how we can acheivve prosperity

your views and ur point of view is welcome here
Few things that I could think off are,

1. Making peace with India - Thus less defense expenditure which can be used for alternative vital purpose.

2. Good Leadership

3. People's cooperation.
The problems -

1. Pakistan was feudal, is feudal and will continue to be so unless people wake up.

2. Have not invested in education in the scale needed after Pakistan came into being. Lahore was one of the best center of education in undivided India.

3. Attitude, Turkey has practicing Muslims and that has not stopped them from education and modernization. Mullahs have made Pakistan retrogressive. Ulema today are in the forefront of promoting ignorance and hatred, particularly of women. India's top scientist is a Muslim.

4. Burden of whole world, Pakistani's are too busy in deciding who is going to hell or heaven. The fact is that you are an ostrich that cannot see beyond religion, pre-occupied with the conspiracy theories.

Allah only helps those who struggle and work hard and help themselve. May Allah Almighty gives you enough courage to stand up against hypocrasy.

Yar i don't Understand Why Indians members object to our Islam.

I mean if some Maulvi is Spreading hate or some Suicide Bomber is Blowing himself in the name Islam what this has to do with Islam.

I mean have you even studied a little about true Islam.It's a Religion of Peace and is a COMPLETE CODE OF LIFE.

If you People don't Believe in your Hinduism kindly don't drag Islam into it.
how one speak about thing he doesnot know
indians are really biased ones and they are really not accepting the reality that they knows nothing about pakistan
thats y such commentsare comming

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