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Why The US Dollar Will Collapse in 28 May 2016 ?

May I request to delay this planned collapse till 4 June, so that I can close my dollar account and convert all my dollars into yuans on my next visit to Pak? :undecided:
are there any economist here or students of economics ?

@Rain Man @Truth Finder @NGV-H

Shoot, I went through as many as 20 economy thread to tag 5 people but could not find any. Most threads are just dick measuring contest lol.
I was making fun of the thread title, not your reply. :)

Ah I see, apologies then :oops:

Hey guys, Lets just say the date here is bullshit but i believe the arguments made in the videos are not.

I am no economist but can some body from economics background give their opinion about it. I believe the simple fact that too much debt is always recipe of disaster, no matter how big you are. We have seen big companies gone bankrupt and we have seen too much corporate corruption in term of misinformation and greed. After all governments and companies are run by same people so institutions and countries are also prone to same deficiencies.

You shouldn't be comparing absolute debt.

The quick and dirty way to gauge that is debt as a percentage of GDP.

Even then there are other issues that are somewhat beyond me that have to be taken into account.
Hey guys, Lets just say the date here is bullshit but i believe the arguments made in the videos are not.

I am no economist but can some body from economics background give their opinion about it. I believe the simple fact that too much debt is always recipe of disaster, no matter how big you are. We have seen big companies gone bankrupt and we have seen too much corporate corruption in term of misinformation and greed. After all governments and companies are run by same people so institutions and countries are also prone to same deficiencies.

I will try to explain to you in layman term why what the video said is wrong.

Technically, what you said is true just about any other currency in the world, but not the USD. For USD, since they are the world reserve currency, USD itself became a commodity, and the debt level indicate how much USD have been used around the world.

The problem is, the world uses USD to trade for good and services, and there are only certain amount of USD America can print and allocated, however, on the other hand, since the world never stop develop and for each project (Building Bridge, Building Port and etc) resulting a profit cycle which will not immediately paid off the project immediately, so, unless you wait for each project to reach a turn around time for it to make profit (thus paid off the debt) and only then start another new project, you will need to be in debt if you want to push a few project at once.

Now, so what did US Debt have to do with USD? The more US Debt means there are more demand of USD, and according to the basic principle of supply and demand, that means the value of USD would actually go up instead of down. As long as the debt to GDP level remain intact, the US Debt is actually a good thing to US Economy.

On the other hand, if US Debt decrease to a level where surplus USD can cover the world demand, then either one of the two has happened. 1.) The world is in decline (Not enough development to pop up the debt cycle) 2.) US Economy is insanely strong (Have enough surplus to cover the debt used in the world) And since scenario 2 usually never happened, which means if US Debt decrease, it means the World development in decline.

I am a PhD in Economy Student.
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BS news..:D

News is true bro, unfortunately, but nobody can predict any dates. Japan is already in a recession, Parts of Europe are in recession, others will join shortly, parts of America is in recession. American economy is hanging by a thread.

Check out usdebtclock.org For live info

As of May 21 2016. Picture says a thousand words..

Nobody can predict any dates but it's definitely coming.
Thanks for mentioning.

I think all these are BS news someone made it on youtube to gain some viewers and subscribers.

Now if it is really happened then god help us.
No way man. Alex Jones said it. That makes it as official and official gets.


Game over, man. Game over.


:o: My Svensker?
Now do you know what does it mean when the dollar collapses do you think the world giant's enterprise will let that happen!!!? I don't think so.
so tomorrow dollars will be on streets like tissue papers ?
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