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Why The US Dollar Will Collapse in 28 May 2016 ?

Anonymous : How to stop the Dollar collapse in 28 May 2016 ?

Elite NWO Agenda - U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSE 2016 - China Orders Banks To Drop The USD - Elite NWO Agenda

Alex Jones Confirms That Dollar Collapse In 28 May 2016

Dollar Collapse and WW3 HAS BEGUN !!! WATCH THIS !

Why US Dollar = Global Toilet Paper In 28 May 2016 ? Shocking Video
China wants internationalise Yuan. Its about time US dollar take a beating :D
Will the US Dollar collapse on May 28? Will the Yuan finally have its day as king of the hill? Will anyone actually care? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!!!

And will we finally handshake with Aliens especially Greys they are good guys
I want to know which time zone the US Dollar would be collapsing??

Will it be GMT + 12 time zone or GMT - 10 Time zone

Cause it's different because it's May 3rd here in Australia (GMT - 10) and it's still May 2nd in most country including the US.
I want to know which time zone the US Dollar would be collapsing??

Will it be GMT + 12 time zone or GMT - 10 Time zone

Cause it's different because it's May 3rd here in Australia (GMT - 10) and it's still May 2nd in most country including the US.

Peking Standard Time, of course. :D
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