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Why the existence of Pakistan is not in India’s interest

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The thing about mangoes is when you keep it for too long, even the good ones becomes rotten unless you eat it.

Every mango goes back to nature.. the rotten ones becomes manure, the good ones becomes shit.

Then are you recommending that the rotten one's be send into the ground as soon as possible ? :P

....can't say I disagree. :angel:
Then are you recommending that the rotten one's be send into the ground as soon as possible ? :P

....can't say I disagree. :angel:

Nope . I didnt say it.

Send it to pepsico company, they make frooti out of it.

Now agree to it.
So, in the light of vacuous article, one thing is quite clear: The people who are fighting against our GREAT PAKISTAN ARMY and our GUARDIAN Intelligence agencies! This is the land of ALLAH, one can never ever break it.

it is a hindrance in India’s quest to be a self-confident power in and of itself

and INSHALLAH it will be forever!

Whatever others may believe, my opinion is simply that it is better for India to brave a costly nuclear attack by Pakistan, and get it over with even at the cost of tens of millions of deaths, than suffer ignominy and pain day in and day out through a thousand cuts and wasted energy in unrealized potential.

Even the RAW/CIA/MOSSAD backed terrorists will call it the most stupidest idea!

actually Pakistan is real threat, in near future india would be conquered captured by a very very furious bloody war. Some would provoke india to attack Pakistan which india would stupidly resulting in nuclear war and loss of whole india. Yes man.. believe or not does not matter, but whole india afghanistan bangladesh is the FUTURE PAKISTAN.
actually Pakistan is real threat, in near future india would be conquered captured by a very very furious bloody war. Some would provoke india to attack Pakistan which india would stupidly resulting in nuclear war and loss of whole india. Yes man.. believe or not does not matter, but whole india afghanistan bangladesh is the FUTURE PAKISTAN.
barren glass sheet as a result of nuclear bombardment is the future of Pakistan
These are the people Indians need to fear not the Pakistanis. Rest assured, if we did struck, we will obliterate India for good. These nuclear extremists are a real threat to the region's safety.

Dont need to talk about obliteration.That is not good for anyone.This article is BS.No doubt in that.

We dont cry a bucket to Amerikaans.:lol:
Infact your premier was snubbed so badly this time...because even the amerikaans are tired of your rauna dhona...:D

:what: maza nahi aya ;) come up with something better next time .

Indians are talking about nuking Pakistan and still you guys cry rivers .

Seems its Indians' national sports
Indians are very good in daydreaming ..;.. please come out from your this Shinning India stuff... and stop drinking cow's piss... when america will leave afghanistan this year... very bad time is coming on india .. as we will be free from 10 year war on terror.. than we will let you taste another same situation for at least next 20 years... :sniper::sniper::sniper:
You are too weak to do anything to us thats the reality.
Pakistan had stood it's ground and it will continue to do so. Now whether you accept the fact or not, Pakistan is going to remain an existent country.

Useless thread, a sheer feast for trolls.
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