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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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From day one, a typical Indian reads, sees and is exposed to the hatred for Pakistan everywhere. From school textbooks to media, movies, elders, you name it. Now I come to response mechanism of brain and affect of feedback effect. Read about it and you will know how it affects as decision making process and alter our brain.

Once you learn about it, you won't have any doubt why this behavior on both sides of the border. Answer lies in psychology and neuroscience.
Apply the Game theory model between india and pakistan and see what you get....
Apply the Game theory model between india and pakistan and see what you get....
Zero sum game or Nash equilibrium.

I think non-linear differential equations can model this phenomenon better. There is research article on Chaos in Love and Romance. Based on differential equations. May be you should look into it. You will see butterfly effect which shows the exact nature of Indian-Pakistan relationship.
All I have to say about you is that you are giving really bad name to Parsis on this forum. I have met so many Parsis of Pakistan and not even one was like you. I don't think u r even Parsi. Another troll Indian hiding behind Parsi identity.

I must admit that some of what vsdoc says shocks me. Actually even offends my milder sensibilities somewhat.

But there is no mistaking the fact that there are actually many young men like him in both our Indian and expat community.

In a way it is difficult to fathom. We are an extremely tolerant people born of extreme intolerance. The hurt and collective anger is part of our psyche.

It is not directed at any person or community or faith. It is directed and feeds off any intolerance and fundamentalism and narrow minded communal viewpoint.

In some of us it manifests more radically. But believe me when I tell you that it is inbred and ingrained in us all. Right down to the most mild mannered silver haired doddery aunty baking biscuits in her 1920 gas flame glass fronted oven.

It is there.
I must admit that some of what vsdoc says shocks me. Actually even offends my milder sensibilities somewhat.

But there is no mistaking the fact that there are actually many young men like him in both our Indian and expat community.

In a way it is difficult to fathom. We are an extremely tolerant people born of extreme intolerance. The hurt and collective anger is part of our psyche.

It is not directed at any person or community or faith. It is directed and feeds off any intolerance and fundamentalism and narrow minded communal viewpoint.

In some of us it manifests more radically. But believe me when I tell you that it is inbred and ingrained in us all. Right down to the most mild mannered silver haired doddery aunty baking biscuits in her 1920 gas flame glass fronted oven.

It is there.
What is the reason of anger? The loss of kingdom happened ages ago. Do you want your own israel for your anger to subside?
I don't like Indians.

Plain and simple.

What is the reason of anger? The loss of kingdom happened ages ago. Do you want your own israel for your anger to subside?

I think it has a lot to do with that. But for us, its more to do with our faith than us as a people.

As a people, we are insignificant - in number if not collective impact.

But as a faith, we are right there alongside Hinduism as one of the world's most ancient great faiths.

The other part is to do with fratricide. And blood turning on blood.

A lot of our strong sentiments against the creation of Pakistan and why it was created, comes from that historical collective unconscious.

When the Islamic armies attacked India, it was as if our past had caught up with us. Little wonder that some of the biggest funding of Shivaji's campaigns was by rich Parsi merchants of Gujarat. From what I recall, 20 lakh rupees in those days!

Partition was like a bad dream or deja vu.
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