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where is the cancer ? In Pakistan.. says Woodward

We are undergoing treatment for it, unfortunately though the Surgeon is economically restraint at this stage and keeps asking us to do more but not following up with the task himself.

The surgeon is getting angrier by the day as all his current cancer ridden patients are not recovering from the prescribed therapies at all.

The surgeons 'surge' did not work.

Very unprofessional for a man of his stature to say that, you do not loose cool or show emotions in that position.

Calm and collected, that's how you do it, just like Kayani.
Lol which mujahedeen were present in afghanistan before USSR invasion? or did u just create them in ur biased israeli-zoanese hated filled brain?

The "stateless actor"/freedom fighter/irregular forces were created for use against India. (Their most blatant employment was in the 1965 war, when Pakistani infiltrators failed to create a revolt in Kashmir, thus provoking the resumption of large-scale conventional military conflict between India and Pakistan.) The same bureaucracy and organization was used to train mujaheddin even before the Soviet invasion. (link1, link2)
OMG? what is it with you people? can you never admit to a mistake?
ak-47s and RPGs are not WMDs!

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"It was like the Day of Judgment; you stand before God."
-- survivor of the poison gas attack on Halabja, March 16, 1988.

The "stateless actor"/freedom fighter/irregular forces were created for use against India. (Their most blatant employment was in the 1965 war, when Pakistani infiltrators failed to create a revolt in Kashmir, thus provoking the resumption of large-scale conventional military conflict between India and Pakistan.) The same bureaucracy and organization was used to train mujaheddin even before the Soviet invasion. (link1, link2)

The irregulars were citizens of Pakistan! we wernt creating any revolts... and nor we had to send mujahedeen to fight USSR during cold war era... problems between USA AND USSR!?

Afghans were already fightin USSR... USA jumped in...called mujahedeens frm all over the world... armed them with captured arms frm ur country israhell... and pumpeds in $$ and praising them and singin there songs and declaring them holy warriors... to fight their(usa) own enermy USSR.

Wonder who was sendinf blow pipes,stingers etc and providing manuals for there trainings?

U cry abt halloucaust .... lets see wat u think abt indian attrocties in iOK?
And what about your $1.2 billion investment in afghanistan :what:

We will keep on helping our Afghan brothers, whether US leaves or does not leave.
I think you guys should just think about yourselves instead of poking your nose in a place where you ppl are not wanted ie Afghanistan
By the way the Afghans have decided & thats the reason that the Afghan Government is Pro India.

Afghanistan belongs to Afghans not to a terrorist organisation called Taliban
Pakistan has a cancer, bomb Pakistan.

Lol... Thats the tone of the article. Lets bomb all cancer patients :). American cure for cancer.

They want to bomb the "cancer" inside Pakistan and not Pakistan itself.

Do you think it means the same?
We will keep on helping our Afghan brothers, whether US leaves or does not leave.
I think you guys should just think about yourselves instead of poking your nose in a place where you ppl are not wanted ie Afghanistan
By the way the Afghans have decided & thats the reason that the Afghan Government is Pro India.

Afghanistan belongs to Afghans not to a terrorist organisation called Taliban

Afghans werent brothers of indians when india was supporting USSR invasion?
Wat link do u have with afghanistan?Nothing zilch.

About us... afghanistan is like a twin brother..

We il make sure u dont poke ur nose into afghanistan... sideling u frm london was just a preview of the comming days like it or not.
We are undergoing treatment for it


unfortunately though the Surgeon is economically restraint at this stage and keeps asking us to do more but not following up with the task himself.

Disagree on bold part. The surgeon has never said there he will leave any stone unturned in curing the cancer.

The surgeon is getting angrier by the day as all his current cancer ridden patients are not recovering from the prescribed therapies at all.

This surgeon has only one cancer patient.

The surgeons 'surge' did not work.

I believe the 'surge' is yet to come.

Very unprofessional for a man of his stature to say that, you do not loose cool or show emotions in that position.

Happens, even the surgeon is a human being. But he has already shown a lot of patience. Don't u think?
U cry abt halloucaust .... lets see wat u think abt indian attrocties in iOK?

If you talk such nonsense, no one will take you seriously. Don't denigrate the sufferings of those who perished in the holocaust by placing it as the same level as the "Indian atrocities" as you call it.

In the past few months itself, any neutral observer with half a brain will say that India has handled Kashmiri protests with kid gloves. Burning schools, stoning public property, burning churches, etc. etc., still the police has shown maximum restraint. If your 'wonderful' Pakistani army had been in the place of the Jammu&Kashmir Police, we know what they would have done. There is a big precedent in 1971.
The "stateless actor"/freedom fighter/irregular forces were created for use against India. (Their most blatant employment was in the 1965 war, when Pakistani infiltrators failed to create a revolt in Kashmir, thus provoking the resumption of large-scale conventional military conflict between India and Pakistan.) The same bureaucracy and organization was used to train mujaheddin even before the Soviet invasion. (link1, link2)

Those people to whom you are referring to were PA soldiers infiltrating a disputed territory to initiate warfare, not third rate terrorists such as the Mujahideen who were created by US in conjunction with shameless dictator Zia.

Your own history is flawed and limited, I guess you overlook your own history in order to criticize others.
Afghans werent brothers of indians when india was supporting USSR invasion?
Wat link do u have with afghanistan?Nothing zilch.

About us... afghanistan is like a twin brother..

We il make sure u dont poke ur nose into afghanistan... sideling u frm london was just a preview of the comming days like it or not.

India will help any country who asks for help.
Present Afghan Government asked for help and we are giving them.
We were always helping NA against ***ards called Taliban backed by Pakistan.

Give that crap to someone else, that afgjhans are like twin brothers. Afghans & their government is Pro India & Anti Pakistan, else the Government would have asked your help.

Afghans will never forget, Pakistani backed Taliban destroying their country, killing ppl and murdering women in public

And by the way diplomatic wins and losses do happen but in the long run the country with greater resources wins and that happens to be INDIA.
If london makes you happy so be it but Pakistan has nothing credible left for the world to belive.
Afghans werent brothers of indians when india was supporting USSR invasion?
Wat link do u have with afghanistan?Nothing zilch.

About us... afghanistan is like a twin brother..

We il make sure u dont poke ur nose into afghanistan... sideling u frm london was just a preview of the comming days like it or not.

Well if you think present days are an accurate preview of things to come, then things are certainly not looking good for you my friend..

btw what happened after sidelining India from London?? Drone attacks into Pakistan became manned chopper attacks??

Lets have another conference with India sidelined ;)
Disagree on bold part. The surgeon has never said there he will leave any stone unturned in curing the cancer.

If this was the case then the surgeon is failing badly, isn't it. You either stop something or it grows to threaten the whole process.

This surgeon has only one cancer patient.

Technically yes, but the other 'cured' one is still not clear.

I believe the 'surge' is yet to come.

It has already been initiated.

Happens, even the surgeon is a human being. But he has already shown a lot of patience. Don't u think?

Gotta have patience, especially in such complicated scenarios.

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