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where is the cancer ? In Pakistan.. says Woodward

Here is cancer spreading in Palestine

Those people to whom you are referring to were PA soldiers infiltrating a disputed territory to initiate warfare -
Reference, please?

Your own history is flawed and limited, I guess you overlook your own history in order to criticize others.
"My own history." What is that? How is that relevant? Do you mean to concede Pakistan's current transgressions yet compare them favorably to those of an America of generations past? So it's O.K. for Pakistanis today to rob from the public purse for their own personal benefit, or support terrorism, or do something dishonest and dastardly, just because somewhere somebody else must be doing or have done the same?

Moral conduct begins with the self. And one judges it IN CONTEXT.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

Here is cancer spreading in Palestine.
See above.
As much you'll want to criticize US, you all desperately need US. Simply because you can't live together in peace.

Pakistan need US for the military, economic and political support.
India needs US for Nuclear, UN, Weapons and to look-up to complain/cry when there is a militancy attack.
If the Visa get cut, Indians Cry
If there is cut in outsourcing, Indians Cry.

Now why is the double talk here. Guess you'll get some satisfaction of putting US down in the forums.
As much you'll want to criticize US, you all desperately need US. Simply because you can't live together in peace.

Pakistan need US for the military, economic and political support.
India needs US for Nuclear, UN, Weapons and to look-up to complain/cry when there is a militancy attack.
If the Visa get cut, Indians Cry
If there is cut in outsourcing, Indians Cry.

Now why is the double talk here. Guess you'll get some satisfaction of putting US down in the forums.

If you think that only we Pakistanis need US then you are day dreaming .... If we Pakistanis stop you supplies routes to Afghanistan, your war is Just finished then .. Either the dead bodies of your troops will come out or they they will surrender within few months...

All that your US government is giving to Pakistan is because of that...... The big number of population of Pakistan is against supporting the people like you, but even then the government of Pakistan is helping you .. We have done alot for you...If you think that we are not upto your expectations, then why don't you leave us and find any other ally?

Simply you can't leave us because of Afghanistan war ... we are siting on your tail and we are the most important part of your war in Afghanistan... You can't fight this war without us and the day Pakistan army and Government finishes their support to you, you will suffer a great defeat in Afghanistan, similar to Soviet Union ..

By the way, even without that, US is already loosing in Afghanistan....
the tumor is in the middle area, which is popularly known as ISRAEL..... But the thing is that it can be cured by muslims....

It can, if you take the right approach. Egypt did so after 1973 in Camp David accords. They had enough of violence. And soon after, they got all their captured land back.

The power of peace is something warmongers can only dream of
It can, if you take the right approach. Egypt did so after 1973 in Camp David accords. They had enough of violence. And soon after, they got all their captured land back.

The power of peace is something warmongers can only dream of

true but then again israel shouldn't have been where it is!

after the end of world war 1 and the betryal of the British & the back stabbing of lawrence of arabia! the BRITISH promised the zionist a homeland not us!

its like in the middle of london tomorrow muslims rebel and ask for a homeland! so before defending israel people should read up on history!

As much you'll want to criticize US, you all desperately need US. Simply because you can't live together in peace.

Pakistan need US for the military, economic and political support.
India needs US for Nuclear, UN, Weapons and to look-up to complain/cry when there is a militancy attack.
If the Visa get cut, Indians Cry
If there is cut in outsourcing, Indians Cry.

Now why is the double talk here. Guess you'll get some satisfaction of putting US down in the forums.

as long as Crying works we will cry. On the other hand, US - India relations are dynamically different from few years ago. If India really cries, US Pension funds will cry too.
USA's attitude towards Pakistan is getting more and more aggressive,Pakistan's only trustable partner left is China.

Indians write these comments to create problems between Pakistan and US because they will be the biggest beneficiary from this. Like Israel is the biggest beneficiary after 9-11 and how Mossad agents were caught on video laughing and celebrating from a roof top when the planes hit the trade center towers. Indians really sneaky....

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We exactly know who the cancer is and it will be proven who the cancer is with the return of the Christ because it is mentioned in the Quran.
again, since ISI supports terrorism (according to these people) then why do they always try scheduling meetings and conferences with DG ISI and his sub-ordinates?

why would they share (and receive) information from terrorist supporters?

more importantly, why not share the evidence with the world? The Americans weren't shy to share "evidence" of WMDs in Iraq. :D

in the beginning, I used to be on the defensive. Now i just shrug, laugh and dismiss these baseless reports. They come, and they go. :cheers::lol:

just ask the hindustanys! The truth is, we always get the last laugh.
Iraq had weapons of Mass Destruction, they used them on the Kurds and Iran killing tens of thousands of people, including women and children.

Best I can tell Pakistan is up to its *** in alligators and is now worrying about how to drain the swamp.

right right, who sold them those weapons :azn:

and LOL, all of a sudden you are concerned about Iranian well-being when is most convenient....isnt it :)

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