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You know forget the fact that you have never win any battle let alone war. Let's have a little comparison between Operation Zara-e-Azb and Decisive Storm in Yemen, although you started it three months ago while we started ours six months ago, and futher yours is in Pakistan itself while ours in another country and let's add as well that Huthies are much more in numbers and much more armed:

Casualties and losses
347 + killed[27][28][29]

943 (injured + killed) including 38 limb loss, 42 vision lost [30]

Arab Coalition

Total: 301 killed 2 ( 104 soldiers among them)

Indeed, you're such great great warriors...


well said.. hauthis have more men and fire power (along with a great share of yemeni army)than likes of ttp and other militant groups in sub continent. Pakistanies fighting inside their own country againist ttp can never be compared to arabs fighting much powerful hauthies inside yemem.
I think it is you who don't want to admit the capabilities of your forces.
Sir you have accused the egyptian army of being not professional and you have used wars where the egyptain army was at a great disadvantage to prove that and I answered your claims I would have typed more if I had a slight suspicion that whatevery I say would change your opinion/believe.
We are debating a believe not an opinion debating believes is a waste of time in my opinion.
people usually believe what they want to believe not reality so if you want to believe that arabs are the biggest losers out there you are free to do so.
I was going to post a reply but feel no need to really. Comparing the Pakistani and Arabian armies was a stupid choice. I do not consider Egypt to be a part of the Arab countries. It has had and will have its own distinct traditions,history,people and values.
I also quote this :
"The history of the Arabian Peninsula goes back to the beginnings of human habitation in Arabia up to 130,000 years ago. The region has twice in world history had a global impact. The first was in the 7th century when it became the cradle of Islam. The second was from the mid-20th century when the discovery of vast oil deposits propelled it into a key economic and geo-political role. At other times, the region existed in relative obscurity and isolation, although from the 7th century the cities of Mecca and Medina had the highest spiritual significance for the Islamic world, Mecca being the destination for the Hajj annual pilgrimage."

"The first written attestation of the ethnonym "Arab" occurs in an Assyrian inscription of 853 BCE, where Shalmaneser III lists a KingGindibu of mâtu arbâi (Arab land) as among the people he defeated at the Battle of Karkar."

God be my witness the Benaglis have won more important victories than pre-Islamic Arabs.​
Guerrilla warfare vs conventional warfare.

its not guerrilla warfare , Yemen Army is using whatever it can .... the problem is that other side has air superiority and USA help them with precious inlets ... ...
lol then what?

I am just stating that these weapons and armour are wasted on such imcompetent armies. I have watched many videos of Saudi Armies on exercises, Some of them literally have pot bellies while the rest look uninterested and unmotivated.

The only armies I have respect for in the middle east are Egypt and Jordan.

You know forget the fact that you have never win any battle let alone war. Let's have a little comparison between Operation Zara-e-Azb and Decisive Storm in Yemen, although you started it three months ago while we started ours six months ago, and futher yours is in Pakistan itself while ours in another country and let's add as well that Huthies are much more in numbers and much more armed:

Casualties and losses
347 + killed[27][28][29]

943 (injured + killed) including 38 limb loss, 42 vision lost [30]

Arab Coalition

Total: 301 killed 2 ( 104 soldiers among them)

Indeed, you're such great great warriors...


Please elaborate more
why do you think that???????
Talking about the egyptain army

Some members have unwittingly steered the discussion into generalising entire Arab forces. Making reference to previous wars and comparisons to operations by Pak Military or any other for that matter is plain wrong. No two wars are exactly the same and hence not comparable. To be fair, Arabs are one of only two civilizations that have threatened the very existence of western civilization when they crossed into France from present day Spain. Second being Ottoman Turks when they laid siege to Vienna. But all that is history now and history takes its own course over time.

As far quality of Arab soldiers, it is quite good. People often think that every Arab belongs to royal family, drives a Ferrari and sleeps on a solid gold bed. No such thing. Majority of Saudi citizens, almost all Jordanians, Egyptians, Iraqis, Syrians, Yemenis and other Arab state citizens are either middle class or even plain poor. Only Emirati have greater proportion of wealthy citizens. Most luxuries are concentrated in the inner circle of ruling dynasty and their tribe. In the aftermath of 1973 war, Israel set out an internal review of war and they concluded that had it not been for leadership failure in Arab militaries, an arab soldier was equally fearless and willing to fight as were Israelis. Best and most respected soldiers were that of Jordan. Till today Jordan maintains one of the best disciplined and ably led defence forces of Arab world.

I will not go on to poke fun at losses in previous wars. All Arab nations have fought valiantly against overwhelming odds against an enemy that was determined, shrewd and backed up fully by Major powers. I am especially an admirer of Jordinian forces who have put up spectacular fight. However, truth remains that overall result of wars has been in favour of Israel and a frank but brutal examination of these failures should be done by Arab nations and their militaries. Israelis think that problem lies with tribal structure of Arab societies and how the officer corps is structured on tribal lines. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with an Arab soldier.

As far as operation in Yemen is concerned, this is the first time leading Arab militaries are engaging in this sort of war. There will be losses and set backs like these videos show. What remains to be seen is how determined they remain and how quickly they adapt. Remember PAs first incursions in Bajaur and Swat? We received so many casualities that PA had to withdraw. What we did after that made the difference. PA changed its training, tactics and mindset. It kept on studying it's enemy and kept on adapting. This is what Arabs will need to do in Yemen if they are to succeed. Houthis are no rag tag militia. They are battle hardened, Armed and trained combatants. They are also fully supported by Iran with advanced weaponry (please spare me the rhetoric here). What I see is GCC coalition will be able to overrun resistance by sheer weight of its armour and Airforce just like US did in Iraq. True test lies after that when guerrilla war starts in urban areas and it will be no easy task. It is no easy task for any military. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya are testimony to that. What I have seen from these videos (whose authenticity and circumstances are not known so I will just assume) is the vulnerability of armour to sneak attacks. Tanks do not have 360 degree vision no matter how advance the sensors inside. Therefore they move in formations and need infantry who can look out against small teams trying to ambush.

These attacks don't tell the complete story and nor such losses amount to loosing war. All military actions involve losses and setbacks. Pakistan has had its share and has become wise as a consequence. Hopefully Arabs will too.
Generally,I ignore AngoZionist explanations of 'others' but this piece makes sense:" These attributes included over-centralization, discouraging initiative, lack of flexibility, manipulation of information, and the discouragement of leadership at the junior officer level."
thats a pretty much given in an Arab Monarchy which can survive subduing unarmed Hajis or civilians but feels challenged facing an armed and determined resistance.

during my time in Saudi Arabia when my father was serving along the same troublesome border ... the Saudi soldiers told the Pakistanis that it was impossible for them to spend time in trenches or bunkers unless they were air conditioned.
controlling information is a must for a monarchy that feels threatened and thus discourages people who are ambitious or imaginative in case they ask too many questions and second guess its decisions. the Egyptian army did show some spark and gave some challenge to Israelis hence they dealt with it and acknowledged it as the only worthy opponent .. rest Arab armies were unfortunately hopeless.

although I am very happy that our soldiers are within Pakistan defending its boundaries instead of giving their lives for an unfair war in foreign land for few hallal dollars but I still feel for the Yemenis who are facing the bombs dropped from the Saudis and the ISIS blasts from the ground

Same goes for Egyptian Army and Libyan Army.
I would disagree about Egyptian army though. they were knocking at Israeli borders. this is why Israelis entered into a military understanding with them and established diplomatic ties as well for giving them a little bit of fight.. compared to all other countries they were not that hopeless

I agree that Libyan army is rubbish like GCC.
GCC army is not rubbish.. it successfully killed Iranian Hajjis and the protesters in Bahrain . if the Houthis dont shoot back then they will be beaten in weeks
Comparing ground forces of Pakistan to ground forces of GCC is a huge insult to Pakistani army.

Look at Yemen, there are tens of videos where Saudi/Emirati soldiers leave their armored vehicles intact and run for their lives after first bullets are shot. What kind of idiot gets out of an armored vehicle and goes on foot to save his life? I haven't seen anything like that in Pakistan's ground forces. They are getting their behind handed to them despite the extreme imbalance of firepower and having the most advanced jets with most precise American-made weapons. Not to forget how many times they have savagely targeted civilians and killed tens of people, latest one being the wedding in Taiz where 131 people were killed.
I am just stating that these weapons and armour are wasted on such imcompetent armies. I have watched many videos of Saudi Armies on exercises, Some of them literally have pot bellies while the rest look uninterested and unmotivated.

The only armies I have respect for in the middle east are Egypt and Jordan.

Israel? In terms of capabilities and intelligence gathering.
Holy $hit, never seen before.

Are they really running away from their own expensive tanks or trucks?
Arab and professionalism are to different things for one big reason which is corruption they are all corrupted from the top leaders to the bottom simple soldier.

When a corruption lead a nation that means there is no seriousness so no one care.

They care only one their regime in danger from internal unrest then they become monsters killing raping torturing doing every atrocity so the regime stay intact.

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