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@Taygibay I would like to ask a question,if it doesn't bother you !
Don't you think to replace the VAB fleet,it would have been better to buy an enhanced version of the VAB,such as the MK3 rather than developing a new platform ? It would have probably saved money and time !

how goes university life?? england cold or warm??

seems the british pm is quite disgusting personally.
you mean university of life? :)
I dont know dave personally
its getting cold... but still pleasant... winter is coming ...
@Taygibay I would like to ask a question,if it doesn't bother you !
Don't you think to replace the VAB fleet,it would have been better to buy an enhanced version of the VAB,such as the MK3 rather than developing a new platform ? It would have probably saved money and time !

Nous sommes bien d'accord. mec! If it ain't broken, don't fix it!

Good day back home, Tay.
am good, thank you. took break from the forum for few months as it was addictive... how are things on your side?
To say good would be a big fat lie. But I'll say it anyway because I cannot explain my problems. How are you mate. Your presence is deeply needed on this forum to combat conservative and orthodox views-and also cut up the tension. Cheers mate.
To say good would be a big fat lie. But I'll say it anyway because I cannot explain my problems. How are you mate. Your presence is deeply needed on this forum to combat conservative and orthodox views-and also cut up the tension. Cheers mate.
I remember you said you have some physical illness which constrains your movement, or was it somebody else? I dont know whether I can call my situation 'good' but I often compare with people who are less advantaged and tell to myself 'it could have been lot worse'.
Ya I know lot of conservative views, but good news is, its fuelled by naivety due to young age of members, I was much worse. There is no need to feel distressed as most people learn as they grow older( as long as they continue to interact)
so @BDforever which places in India have u visited so far? ever been to south? have u studied in India too?
Kolkata, Delhi, Odisha, Jammu and Kashmir.
No, I studied in Bangladesh.

I remember you said you have some physical illness which constrains your movement, or was it somebody else? I dont know whether I can call my situation 'good' but I often compare with people who are less advantaged and tell to myself 'it could have been lot worse'.
Ya I know lot of conservative views, but good news is, its fuelled by naivety due to young age of members, I was much worse. There is no need to feel distressed as most people learn as they grow older( as long as they continue to interact)
oh, so you are alive in PDF lol
Kolkata, Delhi, Odisha, Jammu and Kashmir.
No, I studied in Bangladesh.
Try visiting south man next time u visit, its just majestic. I am exploring it of late.

if arpita can come back from dead why cant I...:p: .. wassup dada
U should say bhaiya, Bangladeshis are not much into this dada thing:p: @BDforever am I right?
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