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What Makes Indian Men Unattractive ? - Lowest SMV (blackpill analysis)

first telling me pls

yourself Brahmin ? which caste ?
Yes sir ji. Me Middle quality Brahmin. In my native village, upper quality Brahmins not giving us girls. And we aalso not giving girls to lower quality Brahmins. We are good practicing Brahmins sir.
you can laughings, sir

but myself is tall and fair, handsome, and very intelligent man... even foreign ladies are always looking at me :)

why ? because Im brahmin, the highest 🙃

If any brahmin believes this, he is indeed 'high' 😁
I’m glad I married back home. US women are mentally ill… lmfao

It's a sad reality, but I also see this in Pakistani females. I don't know if it's the mothers, fathers, or daughters. While I married back home, my one brother married in the States, and 3rd is a work in progress. They start just wanting doctors, engineers, and lawyers while they have useless sociology and psychology degrees that amount to nothing. The Western world doesn't pump out that many to satisfy every female. On top of that, they're all aged majority beyond 30+ and can't find anything; they're always in window shopping mode.

I often joke with my wife that she's still young. I can get a cougar for pastime while she's away there all 30+ years, so she doesn't need to worry about competition. She said to go ahead, but I don't know if she's serious or joking around as understanding Pakistani women is a complex science F-22 level.

The other thing I have seen from Pakistani females on the rishta scene is asking their friends for validation rather than thinking with their brains (although there is a lack of material in there as well in some of them). I have seen females friends blow off nice rishta's after getting outside opinions and ignoring their parents. If you're getting a good future spouse who earns well and clothes himself, do you think a friend will not get jealous?

But in the end, they end up with a kalu or a fat gora and do a fake Islamic conversion (99% of them are fake; I know a handful in Oak Brook Terrace, IL, and the last 12 years, but never attended a Jumma or Eid prayer). Their sorry-looking mothers console themselves and tell my mother, I don't know how, but my daughter Rishta came to our doorstep while I was worried, and in the end, everything worked out. This one aunti recently said this at a wedding I attended before Ramadan; one married a kalu, another Mexican beaner, another Kalu, and the fourth married a Gora.

I felt like telling the mother when her daughters publicly split their legs; they didn't need to come through the front door cause they were already in.
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If any brahmin believes this, he is indeed 'high' 😁
ok, then can you tellings me pls the following:

who is higher then brahmin in the HINDUS socity ???

you will get the answer, dear :)
It's a sad reality, but I also see this in Pakistani females. I don't know if it's the mothers, fathers, or daughters. While I married back home, my one brother married in the States, and 3rd is a work in progress. They start just wanting doctors, engineers, and lawyers while they have useless sociology and psychology degrees that amount to nothing. The Western world doesn't pump out that many to satisfy every female. On top of that, they're all aged majority beyond 30+ and can't find anything; they're always in window shopping mode.

I often joke with my wife that she's still young. I can get a cougar for pastime while she's away there all 30+ years, so she doesn't need to worry about competition. She said to go ahead, but I don't know if she's serious or joking around as understanding Pakistani women is a complex science F-22 level.

She is joking.

My wife has two MA’s, so when I bring her to the US, she’ll be making good money. But the funny thing is she said ‘of course, I’m going to work but you and our son take priority’.

The fact that she can think practically makes me feel like I won the lottery.
She is joking.

My wife has two MA’s, so when I bring her to the US, she’ll be making good money. But the funny thing is she said ‘of course, I’m going to work but you and our son take priority’.

The fact that she can think practically makes me feel like I won the lottery.

True, their know where to give more focus.

Also, I added more content after your post.
True, their know where to give more focus.

Also, I added more content after your post.

I’ve seen all of this first hand. It’s the society in the US. I’ve seen a lot of pakees females and males with gora/goris and kala/kalis. All of them miserable.

That’s why I always knew I’d marry back home.

A few weeks ago I met this cool well off older lahori guy. He’s married to a Brazilian woman. He wanted to give me something so I drove to his house. When I got there, he met me in his lawn and embarrassingly said, I’d love to invite you in but my wife insists on keeping this fat ugly dog with spit drooling down his face. My home is not clean..

I was surprised that this guy lived this way but I was like whatever not my life. lol

On the other hand, when I was last in Pakistan, I was talking to a friend in front of my house in mid June during the summer heat of BWP. It was over a 110 F easily. My wife literally put on a burka and came out in the street with a plate of 2 ice cold glasses of water.

Now maybe I am not as wealthy as this Lahori guy, but sakoon or a peace in your life is priceless.
On top of that, they're all aged majority beyond 30+ and can't find anything; they're always in window shopping mode.
If so many girls are aged above 30 how come Pakistani women produce so many children?
If so many girls are aged above 30 how come Pakistani women produce so many children?

You have to divide this into three groups:

1) Pakistani living in Pakistan will produce more. (Young female)
2) Pakistani males are marrying overseas Pakistani produce midway. (Young female)
3) Pakstami male marrying in the States tend to produce fewer kids. (Mixed ages, but seeing increased infertility rates)
But in the end, they end up with a kalu or a fat gora and do a fake Islamic conversion (99% of them are fake; I know a handful in Oak Brook Terrace, IL, and the last 12 years, but never attended a Jumma or Eid prayer). Their sorry-looking mothers console themselves and tell my mother, I don't know how, but my daughter Rishta came to our doorstep while I was worried, and in the end, everything worked out. This one aunt recently said this at a wedding I attended before Ramadan; one married a kalu, another Mexican beaner, another Kalu, and the fourth married a Gora.
I don't want so sound like a jerk, but from what I have heard US Pakistani women are some "Kharab" women.

In Norway close to 99% of second generation Pakistani women marry Pakistani men. Why is the case different in the US?
I’ve seen all of this first hand. It’s the society in the US. I’ve seen a lot of pakees females and males with gora/goris and kala/kalis. All of them miserable.

That’s why I always knew I’d marry back home.

A few weeks ago I met this cool well off older lahori guy. He’s married to a Brazilian woman. He wanted to give me something so I drove to his house. When I got there, he met me in his lawn and embarrassingly said, I’d love to invite you in but my wife insists on keeping this fat ugly dog with spit drooling down his face. My home is not clean..

I was surprised that this guy lived this way but I was like whatever not my life. lol

On the other hand, when I was last in Pakistan, I was talking to a friend in front of my house in mid June during the summer heat of BWP. It was over a 110 F easily. My wife literally put on a burka and came out in the street with a plate of 2 ice cold glasses of water.

Now maybe I am not as wealthy as this Lahori guy, but sakoon or a peace in your life is priceless.

Same experience as me my brother on more than one occasion.

A good childhood friend needed help with his business documents, so I went over. A good 40 minutes were spent going over everything; his American-raised Pakistani wife knowing full well you have a guest in the house, didn't bother to ask for a cup of water or soda, not like my rich behind needed but just courtesy. Instead, she heats some chicken and walks away.

We then stepped out because he's a heavy chain smoker and apologized for her behavior, I said nothing of it, as I know Americanized Pakistanis are not the brightest tool in the box to his face, and he agreed. However, when I have a client or friend over, the chai, cookies, and food comes out.

In what sense you say that? In comments of FB memes about engineers and doctors, there are so many Pakistani lady engineers and doctors.

Also since Pakistan is like India, just as there are many lady engineers and doctors in India, there must be many ladies in those fields in Pakistan.


In the West, you will find more educated Pakistanis in medicine and engineering, but not as great as India due to its population size, but not as much back home, but it's growing. So don't just use Facebook as a gauge; you have to see the local communities to see where things are.
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I don't want so sound like a jerk, but from what I have heard US Pakistani women are some "Kharab" women.

In Norway close to 99% of second generation Pakistani women marry Pakistani men. Why is the case different in the US?

The parents place a lot of trust in their kids in the U.S., from my experience, and the kids take advantage of it. But, after a certain point, they are out of their parent's control and rocking their boat.

The fault squarely lies in the parents for loosening the ropes.

Also, Europe has a much older Pakistani community due to colonial times compared to the U.S., bringing 1st generation Pakistanis under-educated at most. So they try to act more like Jones than the Joneses, trying to become modernized but failing. However, my cousins, who are 3rd generation in Birmingham and Reading, U.K., are more well-rounded than Pakistanis and Indians in the States.
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Disgusting prostitution
If you want to know more about the escorts we are looking at, here is an answer. We are Escorts Agency in Karachi, and a huge number of Escorts Services in Karachi work for us as models or call girls. As was said before, these women know everything there is to know about this area and are experts in i.e. have a group of expert women who have received a lot of praise from our past clients. They train every new person who is added to our list.
If so many girls are aged above 30 how come Pakistani women produce so many children?
- the mean child bearing age is less than 30.
- couple go for more kids (voluntary/unvoluntary)

Incase of Pakistan, mean age is 28.6

- the mean child bearing age is less than 30.
- couple go for more kids (voluntary/unvoluntary)

Incase of Pakistan, mean age is 28.6

There is another factor which increases over all population - every family has a couple who go for producing a cricket team at home. lol
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