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"What Israel is facing today, India suffered between 2004-14. Never forgive, never forget…" - BJP issues statement of support for Israel

They should also remember this

"In the passages that follow, the Torah tells us that one who is guilty of idolatry is put to death, through stoning."

"And you shall watch yourselves very well, for you did not see any image on the day that Hashem spoke to you at Chorev from the midst of the fire. Lest you become corrupt and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth… And lest you lift up your eyes to heaven, and see the sun, and the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, which the Hashem, your L-rd, assigned to all peoples under the entire heaven, and be drawn away to prostrate yourselves before them and worship them. (Sefer Devarim 4:15-19)"

Such vile sadistic creatures these idol worshippers in india.
They should also remember this

"In the passages that follow, the Torah tells us that one who is guilty of idolatry is put to death, through stoning."

"And you shall watch yourselves very well, for you did not see any image on the day that Hashem spoke to you at Chorev from the midst of the fire. Lest you become corrupt and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth… And lest you lift up your eyes to heaven, and see the sun, and the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, which the Hashem, your L-rd, assigned to all peoples under the entire heaven, and be drawn away to prostrate yourselves before them and worship them. (Sefer Devarim 4:15-19)"

Such vile sadistic creatures these idol worshippers in india.
The difference between Jews and Muslims are that Jews don't follow the above verse literally as they have grown out of it over the centuries. Muslims will also grow out of the 'kill the kafirs' verse in the next few centuries.
Religious fundamentalism will never last forever in any religion. Fundamentalists will give way to moderates then moderates will give way to people with don't care attitude towards religion.
The difference between Jews and Muslims are that Jews don't follow the above verse literally as they have grown out of it over the centuries. Muslims will also grow out of the 'kill the kafirs' verse in the next few centuries.
Religious fundamentalism will never last forever in any religion. Fundamentalists will give way to moderates then moderates will give way to people with don't care attitude towards religion.

There is literally no verse in Quran that says kill the kafir for fun or because of their idolatry.

Islam from start has maintained For You is Your Religion; For Me is My Religion.” Surah al-Kafirun,

There is no punishment in Quran for idolaters, atheists or people who leave Islam. I will treat your comment as ignorant because you have no idea what Quran actually says. You are easily influenced by others, media and mullah you see in your daily life.

On the other hand Jews have killed messengers and prophets. So if you are an idolater, your chances of survival are high with a true Muslim compared to a Jew. In fact Muslims gave refuge to Jews many times when they were being persecuted.
They should also remember this

"In the passages that follow, the Torah tells us that one who is guilty of idolatry is put to death, through stoning."

"And you shall watch yourselves very well, for you did not see any image on the day that Hashem spoke to you at Chorev from the midst of the fire. Lest you become corrupt and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth… And lest you lift up your eyes to heaven, and see the sun, and the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, which the Hashem, your L-rd, assigned to all peoples under the entire heaven, and be drawn away to prostrate yourselves before them and worship them. (Sefer Devarim 4:15-19)"

Such vile sadistic creatures these idol worshippers in india.
What’s wrong with idol worship ? More importantly how can you call worship of God evil ?
There is literally no verse in Quran that says kill the kafir for fun or because of their idolatry.

Islam from start has maintained For You is Your Religion; For Me is My Religion.” Surah al-Kafirun,

There is no punishment in Quran for idolaters, atheists or people who leave Islam. I will treat your comment as ignorant because you have no idea what Quran actually says. You are easily influenced by others, media and mullah you see in your daily life.

On the other hand Jews have killed messengers and prophets. So if you are an idolater, your chances of survival are high with a true Muslim compared to a Jew. In fact Muslims gave refuge to Jews many times when they were being persecuted.
I think you have your own understanding and I have mine, i completely disagree with you in punishment for leaving Islam point you mentioned above. The punishment for leaving Islam as per my understanding is 'DEATH', which is universally accepted by majority of muslims worldwide.
What’s wrong with idol worship ? More importantly how can you call worship of God evil ?

Read again, it is a passage quoted from Judaism texts. I am a Muslim, can tell you from my perspective and not their's.
You're created idols and worship them human can't be creator of God
Why not ? Gods were / are created all the time. You may not like some of them but others may not like the ones you created.

Ultimately you call them Allah and they call them Bhagwan or God or something else .

When you disrespect Bhagwan you are disrespecting Allah and the vice Versa.
I think you have your own understanding and I have mine, i completely disagree with you in punishment for leaving Islam point you mentioned above. The punishment for leaving Islam as per my understanding is 'DEATH', which is universally accepted by majority of muslims worldwide.

Majority of Muslims world wide are wrong in their understanding and imposing of this punishment as they are in understanding the blood money.

You can cherry pick their understanding over the actual Quran's words. I have no problems with that.
Why not ? Gods were / are created all the time. You may not like some of them but others may not like the ones you created.

Ultimately you call them Allah and they call them Bhagwan or God or something else .

When you disrespect Bhagwan you are disrespecting Allah and the vice Versa.
I'm talking idol not Baghwan baghwan has no statue

We believe only in Allah but you include countless Idol God that is shirk in Islam

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