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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

iran will achieve even more if it becomes a secular nation.

Actually what kinda reforms are people in Iran demanding? U already have a democracy!!!

Is it against religion interfering in politics? or any other reason?
Solid example of arabs getting scared

At the start of the revolution they wanted to destroy the city our father built. Now they're taking orchestras there to play nationalist music so they can televize it on national TV.

hahaha - an example of what happens when you put pressure on these animals

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I can only hope for Iran, The Religious Goverment is well rooted in the ground and cant be overthrowed that easely, You would need a revolution/Civil War which would be much bigger and intense then the one in Syria which is already in complete chaos.\

However, Younger generations is a hope for Iran, I think Iranians after a couple generations would be more open minded so they can demand more freedom.
Actually what kinda reforms are people in Iran demanding? U already have a democracy?

Is it against religion interfering in politics? or any other reason?

bro, I mean no offense, but you clearly have very little understanding of Iran. You should wiki Iran first. Start from there and in 5 mins you'll get all the answers.
So far religious folks of Iran have a religious government. If people are not secular, how do you want to make a secular government?
It will be like Egypt. A secular government overthrown by religious folks.
bro, I mean no offense, but you clearly have very little understanding of Iran. You should wiki Iran first. Start from there and in 5 mins you'll get all the answers.

I am very sorry. I know a lot about Iran. Its just a typing error. I never know that i had put a question mark until u showed me. And i do know Iran is a democracy. Thats why i had asked why these protest are for?
So far religious folks of Iran have a religious government. If people are not secular, how do you want to make a secular government?
It will be like Egypt. A secular government overthrown by religious folks.

Well many things came into play with Egypt. Mubarak was corrupt, swindled his people's money and was a puppet of America. I think these played a more important factor in his overthrowing then being secular.
Maybe after a big civil war it would be possible. Otherwise no.
if what Abii says is true the youth are secular then it is just a matter of time dont forget this youth will be future soldiers doctors teachers maybe it wont be a big civil war maybe not
i am not iranian and i think this should be left to iranians to decide but i think secular iran would be better
So far religious folks of Iran have a religious government. If people are not secular, how do you want to make a secular government?
It will be like Egypt. A secular government overthrown by religious folks.


did he just compare the Iranian society to Egypt?

So far religious folks of Iran have a religious government. If people are not secular, how do you want to make a secular government?
It will be like Egypt. A secular government overthrown by religious folks.

Or the ROC overthrown by CCP in 1949? Iranians unlike, Egyptians, had experienced religious extremism and are now more politically educated.
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