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Dalai Lama talks about freedom when there are human skin drums in tibetan museums and photographs of his cronies cutting eyes out. India should prosecute this terrorist to fullest extent and if it is unable to, extradict him to china.

If he starts killing people or instigate violence we will surely prosecute him under the rule of law.
Dalai Lama talks about freedom when there are human skin drums in tibetan museums and photographs of his cronies cutting eyes out. India should prosecute this terrorist to fullest extent and if it is unable to, extradict him to china.

He is a spiritual leader and I am sure he has talked about Integration of Tibet with China in the past.
Dalai Lama talks about freedom when there are human skin drums in tibetan museums and photographs of his cronies cutting eyes out. India should prosecute this terrorist to fullest extent and if it is unable to, extradict him to china.

Hey Mate

Has China asked for the Lama to be extradited?

Oh really ? Those who spoke against India got their houses burned down and they also face prosecution.

How they got their houses burned down. If that was case, both have been in god's home at earliest possible time. But they are because of democracy.
Dalai Lama talks about freedom when there are human skin drums in tibetan museums and photographs of his cronies cutting eyes out. India should prosecute this terrorist to fullest extent and if it is unable to, extradict him to china.

We will do if it create violence or tense situation. I think same person has already said earlier that Tibet is part of China but with some extent of autonomy.
"He can say whatever he wants" because he is protected by his Indian BOSS.

MIND IT, In India, there is only One BOSS...!!!


@ topic: When you said alike Tibet, China, Japan, Taiwan & many other countries are part of India, actually you are right..!! All these countries 's Umbilical Cord is associated with INDIA, SPIRITUALLY.
like hafiz saeed is free to say anything in pakistan ,similarly dalai lama is free to say anything...
anyway there is huge difference between hafizz saeed and lama..:cool:
Dalai Lama talks about freedom when there are human skin drums in tibetan museums and photographs of his cronies cutting eyes out. India should prosecute this terrorist to fullest extent and if it is unable to, extradict him to china.

And there re photographs of chinese executing people by a thousand cuts, slicing away their bodyparts slowly.

And there are recent photos you see on Falun Gong sites too. But is that relevant here? Also, has Dalai Lama endorsed such practices? NO. So you are only making off topic comments on an off topic thread.

At topic, Hafizzzz, sorry whats the topic, ya, taking statements of private individuals out of context to make an anti india thread with extraordinary mental gymnastics to relieve personal pain of various injuries inflicted by india, mainly mental. ya, thats the topic. LOL

Seriously, stop making ridiculous assertions, it makes you look like a person of zero credibility.
Dalai Lama a terrorist now?! The guy cant even walk straight for crying out loud! That being said i do have tons of respect for his holiness ...but couldn't resist ..you know?. Anyway India can provide asylum to whomsoever she wishes and china can do squat about. If tibet is already an "integral part" of china, then why throw a hissy fit over us giving the poor guy a place to stay? Unless, you would rather admit that Tibet is in fact really a "problem region" and you dont want anything affecting its stability.

I saw a nat geo documentary once on tibet ( it was about illegal tiger hunting by chinese on india), there the whole region is saturated with chinese officials. Apparantly they have their hands on the tibetan religious institutions as well--the guys given the privilage to wear tiger skins were identified as chinese stooges.

Offtopic: The documentary revealed that the tiger carcass traffickers really had no qualms about facing the music (cops). Apparantly most of the tiger products are bought by the chinese military itself and no measures are in place to check this illegal trade.
And there re photographs of chinese executing people by a thousand cuts, slicing away their bodyparts slowly.

And there are recent photos you see on Falun Gong sites too. But is that relevant here? Also, has Dalai Lama endorsed such practices? NO. So you are only making off topic comments on an off topic thread.

At topic, Hafizzzz, sorry whats the topic, ya, taking statements of private individuals out of context to make an anti india thread with extraordinary mental gymnastics to relieve personal pain of various injuries inflicted by india, mainly mental. ya, thats the topic. LOL

Seriously, stop making ridiculous assertions, it makes you look like a person of zero credibility.

Falun Gong Web site? Indians believe that the content on this site?
I also don't believe Dalai Lama wants to make drums out of human skin and cut off peoples' ears. But do you?

Do you know “Tibet serfdom”? I suggest you go ask the Tibetan people in Tibet.
Have them tell you the truth.


MIND IT, In India, there is only One BOSS...!!!


@ topic: When you said alike Tibet, China, Japan, Taiwan & many other countries are part of India, actually you are right..!! All these countries 's Umbilical Cord is associated with INDIA, SPIRITUALLY.
How could you say that SPIRITUALLY?For east Asian people India just has some oral influence.
And there re photographs of chinese executing people by a thousand cuts, slicing away their bodyparts slowly.

Seriously, stop making ridiculous assertions, it makes you look like a person of zero credibility.

Seriously you just described yourself very well, and also demonstrated how naive and guilble you are``:wave:
We do not care about Indian interference in Tibet.

By the same token, If China interfer in India's internal affairs in the future, Plz Indian also not care it.

Do not forget what you did.
Do not ask why we do.

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