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‘We are hostages': A Saudi princess reveals her life of hell

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sincerely, if literacy and college degrees were the measure of education and progress, india would be a military super-power and with bases beyond planet pluto... saudia and india are very alike... hope you understand...

Yes is that why 300-400 million (!) of your population (about 25-33,3%) are illiterate? In KSA that number is 2-3% as of 2014. Saudi Arabians are richer than the average EU citizen. Indians one of the poorest on the planet.

Our problems are bound in a few few moronic (recent moreover) laws that most of the population don't support but won't bother changing due to fear. Especially after the "Arab Spring".

We don't suffer from rapes, honor killings (outside of a few isolated cases), street justice, high murder rates etc. Let alone the remaining GCC.

We have free healthcare, we don't pay taxes (!), the government pays us students for going abroad etc. and I can honestly say that on some fronts we have it better than the most developed Western European countries and I know this since I have lived in France for years (also have French family) and now have lived in Denmark for almost 2 years.

Men and women have had and will continue to have different roles in the society. They are not similar. The roles of men and women are well-defined in the Arab world and are not oppressive by nature by any means. They are not different from the traditional roles of men and women in the Muslim world and non-Muslim world. This thing of making men and women carbon copies of each other is a recent phenomenon that I am no fan of.
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Husband AND wife should indeed create a lifestyle. The complaint here is that the men are doing all the determining, women get no say.

That is a huge problem, not a little problem. Not a "family matter". Abusive men need to be put down. If your culture shelters such men, your culture is evil.
Yeap. Although number of travelers greatly reduce outside Tri-city Holy-combo of Jeddah, Makkah, and Madina.

Few people know that you can go only 1 and half hour up the mountains from Makkah, and you are in paradise of the Middle East.

The whole mountain range and the cities there are so beautiful.

Weather is great, people are totally hospitable, gardens are overflowing with grapes, flowers and pomegranates and vegetables, and melons / water melons.


Yes, many are clueless. You are completely right. Even people from KSA itself.

Anyone visiting just 1 of those two threads would know by now.

The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos | Page 30

Saudi Arabia in Pictures | Page 77

You are completely right. Some very big Saudi Arabian cities in the mountainous regions have one of the best climates in the world including large areas of Yemen and Oman.

Check out the climate data of Sana'a for instance. Or Abha.

Sana'a - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sufficient rainfall, plenty of sunshine but the temperature rarely goes below 15 degrees celcius or more than 35 degrees celcius. That's absolutely perfect. Hence why tropical fruits, coffee, tea, vegetables etc. grow all year round in those regions of the Arabian Peninsula.


Since you love communism/socialism you must like the fact that nobody pays taxes in KSA, that women outnumber men in the education sector, that the literacy rates are almost 100% and that the healthcare system is one of the most developed in not only the world but certainly the Muslim world as well. And FREE.

If KSA got a Ba'athi dictator and became a republic with fixed elections you would be in heaven. Obviously what would be needed as well would be to cut all ties with the West and become the key ally of Russia.:lol:;)
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This is sad. But then again this is Saudi Arabia we are talking about. No body is free in Saudi.
Yeap. Although number of travelers greatly reduce outside Tri-city Holy-combo of Jeddah, Makkah, and Madina.

Few people know that you can go only 1 and half hour up the mountains from Makkah, and you are in paradise of the Middle East.

The whole mountain range and the cities there are so beautiful.

Weather is great, people are totally hospitable, gardens are overflowing with grapes, flowers and pomegranates and vegetables, and melons / water melons.


Tri-city area is Jeddah, Makkah and Taif..... roughly one hour drive between each.... But yeah if you mean in terms of holy places. Don't forget Taif.... People always forget Taif :(
Family matter and that is the King's own .Outsiders
dont have any authority to question that.
Sounds like one side of the story...

there is no two side of story. Doesn't matter if his daughters are "bad" they should be allowed to do whatever they want since they're adults. He has no right to confine them in one place.

All arabs are weak and coward. There is a reason Palestine is suffering to this day. If they couldn't fight for their own country when their land was being taken over then yes they deserve everything they're going through.

If these kings were really saints, then they would be living like Abdul Sattar Edhi and would be following his footsteps. but that's not who they are.....talk about equality.
Family matter and that is the King's own .Outsiders
dont have any authority to question that.

kidnapping - keeping and confining someone against their will.
Its not his family matter, he's breaking the law.....well if such law exists in saudi arabia.
kidnapping - keeping and confining someone against their will.
Its not his family matter, he's breaking the law.....well if such law exists in saudi arabia.

Dude.We should accept the reality.Saudi King is supreme leader of that nation.
Moreover this is an issue between a father and his childrens.If he dont want his own blood then how can outsiders question that ?
there is no two side of story. Doesn't matter if his daughters are "bad" they should be allowed to do whatever they want since they're adults. He has no right to confine them in one place.

All arabs are weak and coward. There is a reason Palestine is suffering to this day. If they couldn't fight for their own country when their land was being taken over then yes they deserve everything they're going through.

If these kings were really saints, then they would be living like Abdul Sattar Edhi and would be following his footsteps. but that's not who they are.....talk about equality.

"All arabs are weak and coward" and thus all objectivity was thrown out the window.
i. Can these women have their own bank accounts?
ii. Can they now drive?
iii. Can they ... sing, record and release a song themselves to kill boredom?
iv. Can they take harmless selfies without a hijab and post in a fashion blog for women?
v. Can they go out on their own to buy a book?
I think its , not appropriate to judge Saudia or King Abdulla like this he is a good man , and a friend of Pakistan

a) Saudia has built great number of schools for education of women during King Fahad's time and King Abdulla
b) He has proven to be great friend of Pakistan

The Article source is biased , written by a tabloid paper , and such should be not used as source

Such smeer campaigns should really not bleong on Pakistani defence form , Indian forum may be but Pakistan is friend of Saudia and King Abdulla
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