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Washington and Riyadh proceed with plans to make Morocco an ISR heavyweight

It became clear now.. The entry of the satellite (Mohammed VI A) + (Mohammed VI B) This year in addition to the ISR-SIGINIT.. here we are talking about a new interconnected air system to be completed will a raise in the number of F16 fighters most likely the "V" variant, a Tanker and new attack helicopters..

In parallel there is a comprehensive replacement of the infrastructure of all types of means of military communication through a contract with the leading company in the field "Harris", and there is also the C4ISR network being worked on and expanded..

Coverage of the ISR planes..




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Morrocans dont have a running fued with anyone..what interest does Saudi have in arming Morocco!
Saudi Arabia and Morocco are strategic allies.. and the latter is part of the Arab coalition fighting in Yemen.. Any weapons purchase for Morocco is considered a weapon for the coalition in its present conflict with the Houthis and for the future..With an advantage for Morocco to own these sophisticated systems and use them for its own defence as well.. While their advanced technologies' transfer will Help Morocco in its R&D efforts..
When there was a few years back some kind of conflict developing between Spain and Morocco concerning a tiny Island off the shores of Morocco and claimed by Spain.. KSA sent some F-15s right away to Morocco.. since then the conflict was cooled down pretty much.. and when the Yemeni conflict started, Morocco sent a few F-16s to KSA.. This is how close they are..
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Morrocans dont have a running fued with anyone..what interest does Saudi have in arming Morocco!
Spain has turned Moroccan islands it occupies to military bases out of fear from Morocco's military reforms and new Sophisticated weapons
12 January 2018


The Confederation newspaper, close to the Spanish military intelligence, revealed the existence of Spanish military bases on three Moroccan islands occupied by Spain, the Jafari islands (which includes Isha Island, Ido Island and Isni Island) and the three Al Hoceima islands (Al Hoceima, Mar, and the island of De Tierra), and the island of Qomira (now known as the island of Badis).

The newspaper added that the Spanish Ministry of Defense hired the company "Soncatel" to maintain a range of military facilities in these islands.

On the implications of Spain's conversion of the Moroccan islands it occupies into military bases, Abdel Fattah al-Fatihi, a political researcher and expert on Sahara and Sahel affairs, believes that Spain has always sought to control the military balances in the region, especially as it was always concerned about arms deals between the Moroccan army and American and French companies.

"The military and security controversy raised by Morocco's launch of the satellite Mohammed VI has made Spain seriously consider developing its military capabilities and fortifying the islands it occupies for fear of Morocco," the spokesman told Nun Press.

Al-Fatihi stressed that Spain is looking more than ever at controlling the balances of power with Morocco, especially as there are controversial issues between the two countries concerning the occupation of Ceuta, Melilla and the Canaries.

The expert on Sahel and Sahara issues stressed that the issue of Spanish fear of Moroccan military capabilities has become a matter of inevitability and realism, especially after the Moroccan army is going to strengthen its military arsenal by acquiring military equipment that poses a real threat to the kingdom's northern neighbor.

but the main fact is that there is no direct deal with Usrael.. unlike Turkey who has relations with Usrael and buys directly from them

since 2010 Turkey doest buy anything from Israel and Turkey develops its own technology including Electronic Warfare Systems , Gan based AESA Radars and ISR Technology

The US is only selling weapons but never gives Technology transfer

currently S Arabia and Uae have good relations with Israel and Israel is ready for Technology transfer to anti-Iran and anti-Turkish Arabian Countries
since 2010 Turkey doest buy anything from Israel and Turkey develops its own technology including Electronic Warfare Systems , Gan based AESA Radars and ISR Technology

The US is only selling weapons but never gives Technology transfer

currently S Arabia and Uae have good relations with Israel and Israel is ready for Technology transfer to anti-Iran and anti-Turkish Arabian Countries
Where do you see KSA and the UAE having any relationships with Usrael, let alone good ones.. if you have credible sources post them, otherwise don't make things up.. Turkey has normal relationships with Usrael.. to buy from it or not is irrelevant..Qatar for example has good relationships with Usrael and Iran , but not the rest of the GCC countries..
This time the US is transferring technology, believe it or not.. the world has changed and the US has to keep its competitiveness in world market.. A lot of other countries offer ToT nowadays..
Saudi Arabia and Morocco are strategic allies.. and the latter is part of the Arab coalition fighting in Yemen.. Any weapons purchase for Morocco is considered a weapon for the coalition in its present conflict with the Houthis and for the future..With an advantage for Morocco to own these systems and use them for its own defence as well.. While their advanced technologies' transfer will Help Morocco in its R&D efforts..
When there was a few years back some kind of conflict developing between Spain and Morocco concerning a tiny Island off the shores of Morocco and claimed by Spain.. KSA sent some F-15s right away to Morocco.. since then the conflict was cooled down pretty much.. and when the Yemeni conflict started:rofl:, Morocco sent a few F-16s to KSA.. This is how close they are..
When did KSA sent F-15 to help Morocco? Arab news? Sauds at that time can barely take off and land there planes.To send them to Morocco that is big task that Sauds pilots weren’t qualified to handle...and against Spain ? :rofl: :rofl::rofl::pop::pop:

Spain is not the problem of Morocco...Algeria is...
Morocco never was, is or will be a threat to Algeria...Nor Morocco was, is or will be threatened by Algeria despite the many reasons coming from Morocco...
Talking about the subject at hand, the Sauds are arming Morocco for future use..Moroccans are better soldiers than the Sauds brethren that they are allied to..Morocco needs the Sauds financial help, therefore it is a country malléable to the Sauds désirata.
For the 4 ISR crafts they want bring any pluses to Morocco...Spain has a lot more technology to render these craft useless, as as Algeria or for that matter the RASD who has a more sophisticated air Defence than Morocco.
And to that that Morocco lacks strategic depth...
Where do you see KSA and the UAE having any relationships with Usrael, let alone good ones.. if you have credible sources post them

Willful ignorance is the state and practice of ignoring any sensory input that appears to contradict one's inner model of reality.
When did KSA sent F-15 to help Morocco? Arab news? Sauds at that time can barely take off and land there planes.To send them to Morocco that is big task that Sauds pilots weren’t qualified to handle...and against Spain ? :rofl: :rofl::rofl::pop::pop:

Morocco never was, is or will be a threat to Algeria...Nor Morocco was, is or will be threatened by Algeria despite the many reasons coming from Morocco...
Talking about the subject at hand, the Sauds are arming Morocco for future use..Moroccans are better soldiers than the Sauds brethren that they are allied to..Morocco needs the Sauds financial help, therefore it is a country malléable to the Sauds désirata.
For the 4 ISR crafts they want bring any pluses to Morocco...Spain has a lot more technology to render these craft useless, as as Algeria or for that matter the RASD who has a more sophisticated air Defence than Morocco.
And to that that Morocco lacks strategic depth...

Well... I know as the next door guy... that war btw you two...is "almost" not happening...
But maintaining such "climat" is a prerequisite to grow your military forces and therefore having this escuse of "Why I'm using such money"...
Same goes for Algeria... she's arming herself to the teeth...for who?... I don't think it's for Morocco or Little Tunisia either... I know many like to say ..; it's "against Monsieur France"... but we all know... it's false and that a part of the Algerian society need that money for the army... to gain influence and grow their pockets... .
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Well... I know as the next door guy... that war btw you two...is "almost" not happening...
But maintaining such "climat" is a prerequisite to grow your military forces and therefore having this escuse of "Why I'm using such money"...
Same goes for Algeria... she's arming herself to the teeth...for who?... I don't think it's for Morocco or Little Tunisia either... I know many like to say ..; it's "against Monsieur France"... but we all know... it's false and that a part of the Algerian society need that money for the army... to gain influence and grow their pockets... .
Well...that what we call “radio trottoir” is being circulating. Algeria is not arming itself against neighboring countries or against France. It is just like every country updating and upgrading its obsolete equipment from the Soviet Era. The embargo that was imposed on her in the 90 when it was under attack by fundamentalists with the help of all the Arab countries but a few, as Syria is today, made Algerian wiser and its army more prepared than ever. It’s growth will continue despite that our borders are kept safe. It is the first time in the Algerian history, that her army is deployed on all her borders, but that of Morocco and Tunisia ...
Since you open the subject, can you tell us in all objectivity, the armement boulimie, that is seen in Egypt, and all the khaleedi mini states and the role of the creation of the NATO Sunni?
Has Algeria attacked any country?
Well...that what we call “radio trottoir” is being circulating. Algeria is not arming itself against neighboring countries or against France. It is just like every country updating and upgrading its obsolete equipment from the Soviet Era. The embargo that was imposed on her in the 90 when it was under attack by fundamentalists with the help of all the Arab countries but a few, as Syria is today, made Algerian wiser and its army more prepared than ever. It’s growth will continue despite that our borders are kept safe. It is the first time in the Algerian history, that her army is deployed on all her borders, but that of Morocco and Tunisia ...
Since you open the subject, can you tell us in all objectivity, the armement boulimie, that is seen in Egypt, and all the khaleedi mini states and the role of the creation of the NATO Sunni?
Has Algeria attacked any country?
algeria must feed their poor citizens before buying arms witch they will never use in the next at least 20 years .
the real threat will come from the hungry people of algeria and you know that they are the majority
you should worry about your economy that is in coma not Morocco
Algerian are not starving to death like your countrymen..Do I need to remind you of the “bousculade” that left over 20 dead’s and countless wounded over food distribution recently in Morocco that earned your monarch the tilt le of Moh VI la bousculade..:rofl::rofl::rofl::cheers:
Algeria is not arming herself against Morocco, she has bigger fishes to fry..In case of casus belli with the Kingdom of the 1000 and one join, it just going to be a simple formality..a couple hours and we will be pissing on the walls of H2 mosque.
Lol that is why you were crying Mrarka 7agrona
In all of your history, your country has never gained a foot in Moroccan land. On the other hand, we have ruled over yours for centuries. It is a rule of thumb in our dealing with you: You talk big and then you get your behind handed to you. Shall I remind you of some history lessons, you troll?
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