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Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

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If you find one, tell me.
We don't need religion in here: defence, some foreign policy and maybe economy related stuff. Everything else should be banned.
All of you azz-wipes complaining about Ataturk and kemalism... Here are the facts!!!

1) There's a country called Turkey which you also call "anavatan"

2) Still speak Turkish

3) None of our women, mothers, wives, sisters, friends etc... look like this!!!


They now have rights thanks to Ataturk!!!

4) You all got last names thanks to him

And so many other reforms which you all take granted. So, don't like kemalism? Deal with it!!!
The biggest insult made to anatolian people was to entitle the victories of Canakkale and the Turkish war of independance to Mustafa Kamal alone.
Let go with this nonsense theories..the two of the last ottoman sultans were record breaking corrupt to the extent that people actually reblled against the ottoman rule while janglee jahil mullahs continue to march khilafat movement. Ata Turk was a hero who rescued the country from falling into the clutches of jahil mullahs for sale...and built modern Turkey as we all know.
I can see that, but calling the man who crushed british-backed invasion forces a "british agent" is beyond idiocy, I don't know no word for this. Just shut up and stop feeding the raptor troll and the damned idiot.

and @zulkarneyn, don't get me started again, you may not like him it could be discussed. But not with "these people"

I am interested in your comment highlighted above. Who are " these people "you refer to ? Are you speaking of the members of this forum. If you don't like "these people" then what are you doing here ?

I have'nt seen anyone sent you an INVITATION CARD to come here,. If you don't like
" these people ", then please go back to the rock you crawled out of ? Trust me it won't hurt " these people's " feelings.

Raptor wants Turkey to become like Pakistan .

Anything close to secular becomes a Western agent for these people even if that happens to be the father of a modern country .Show some respect .

All my cousins and their respective families are right now in Turkey enjoying their summer vacation . That is perhaps because this man's ideas made Turkish people logical and human enough to make their country safe and secure enough to visit because god knows how many times people have to think before visiting most other muslim countries (except Egypt and Malaysia perhaps)that too with their wives and kids .Deviate too much from Ataturk's ideas and end up like Pakistan .

All this hatred for Pakistan and yet like a shameless INDIAN TROLL you come to a PAKISTANI Forum for entertainment.

How Pathetic is your life, you pathetic TROLL.

Why not go back to that miserable hellhole you call india ?

Remember we did not come to your Forum. We would'nt be caught dead in your Forum.

It is you shameless creature who has come to a Pakistani Forum to vomit your hatred.

How Pathetic is your life Indian. I pity you.
I am interested in your comment highlighted above. Who are " these people "you refer to ? Are you speaking of the members of this forum. If you don't like "these people" then what are you doing here ?

I have'nt seen anyone sent you an INVITATION CARD to come here. If you don't like these " these people ", please go back to the rock you crawled out of ? Trust me it won't hurt " these people"s " feelings.

I believe the 'we' is used to refer to 'Islamists' or people who'd want some sort of 'Political Islam' and consequently they don't think that 'Secularism' is the right way to go and often in their zeal they end up saying things about Mr.Ataturk that the Secularists or the Kemalists *I'm not sure what the right word would be* would find offensive.
If im standing here and taking these bullsh!t from raptor so you will do the exact same...

no further comments necessary
He is not Egyptian or Arab. This guy is an Anti-Islam troll who is just here for the lulz and to satisfy his inner hatred feelings. He does not deserve to consume our highly needed Oxygen supply and H2O which is going to a waste by his mere existence.

In the past, I have just ignored his BAITS. Nothing pees off a TROLL like being ignored. NuetralCitizen, you are a TROLL and we are not interested in your opinion.
I'm against the PKK and kurds wanting kurdistan I'm however I have an fair view of russia and the ottomans destroying them ? you can live in your fantasy but this is reality son.


Turks is not ONLY Ottoman, Tatars for example are also Turks they ruled over Russia.
I am interested in your comment highlighted above. Who are " these people "you refer to ? Are you speaking of the members of this forum. If you don't like "these people" then what are you doing here ?

I have'nt seen anyone sent you an INVITATION CARD to come here,. If you don't like
" these people ", then please go back to the rock you crawled out of ? Trust me it won't hurt " these people's " feelings.

If you read his previous sentence: "calling the man who crushed british-backed invasion forces a "british agent" is beyond idiocy" You should have guessed who he meant by saying "these people". Because those people are beyond the idiocy

Why should he care those peoples feelings? And is there a rule that we must love every member on this forum that i'm not aware of?
This thread shows the intellectual level of some people quite good actually. Raptor initiates by a very harsh introduction which is of course not preferable while Kemalists defend every single policy of Kemal which again shows their level of ignorance. Though there are some valid points.

Firstly, Kemal had many flaws in his way of conducting government, and many flaws in his revolutions (herein crippled Kurdish rights, and seeing Islam as a disease).
Secondly, Kemalists still have many flaws of seeing Kemal as the ultimate human being that is not reachable for anyone person neither today nor tomorrow. How can a university graduate or student see a hsitorical person who was a drunkard that way is beyond my comprehension. I must say he was visionary but he was not a "demigod" as Kemalists like to think.

The problem with Kemalists is that they can't get past their locked way of thinking. Herein, thinking that he was the ultimate being, that a single criticism of him is unspeakable. Phrases like “One Turk equals the whole world.” shows the extreme arrogance and racism for these people to. I have countless of times tried to reason with these nutcases, but as many decent persons have witnessed it is impossible to reason with fanatics.

Zulkernayn, Pakistani people feel very close to Turkish People but I have to qualify myself. We respect people like Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abdulla Gul and ordinary Turks like yourself, Zulkernayn. The reason is we can relate to Muslim Turks like yourself is because your ideas and values are similar to ours and these ideas resonate with us. There are other Turks like some on this Forum who frankly are from PLANET MARS as far as we are concerned. I find people like " Leggionaire, Targon, what and others " RUDE and ARROGANT and we have no love or Patience for them.

BTW, I do not support this thread nor am I a fan of Raptor because his motivation in starting this thread was obviously to start a flame war.

So please help me understand what percentage of Turks are people like you and what percentage are like Leggionnaire ?

I know this won't be a scientific survey and just your opinion but your opinion is good enough for me. So please give me your estimate.
Zulkernayn, Pakistani people feel very close to Turkish People but I have to qualify myself. We respect people like Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abdulla Gul and ordinary Turks like yourself, Zulkernayn. The reason is we can relate to Muslim Turks like yourself is because your ideas and values are similar to ours and these ideas resonate with us. There are other Turks like some on this Forum who frankly are from PLANET MARS as far as we are concerned. I find people like " Leggionaire, Targon, what and others " RUDE and ARROGANT and we have no love or Patience for them. BTW, I do not support this thread nor am I a fan of Raptor because his motivation in starting this thread was obviously to start a flame war.

So please help me understand what percentage of Turks are people like you and what percentage are like Leggionnaire ?

I know this won't be a scientific survey and just your opinion but your opinion is good enough for me. So please give me your estimate.

You could understand it with ease if you care to compare Pakistan with Turkey.
If you read his previous sentence: "calling the man who crushed british-backed invasion forces a "british agent" is beyond idiocy" You should have guessed who he meant by saying "these people". Because those people are beyond the idiocy

Why should he care those peoples feelings? And is there a rule that we must love every member on this forum that i'm not aware of?

The basic rule is that even if you vehemently disagree with a member, you are not supposed to be abusive.

Can we disagree with someone without calling someone an IDIOT ?
The biggest insult made to anatolian people was to entitle the victories of Canakkale and the Turkish war of independance to Mustafa Kamal alone.

Is that why there are numerous memorials in their names in Canakkale and Gelibolu? Have you actually ever been there? Nah didn't think so.
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