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Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

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There is no such a thing as Islamic cleric anymore that is just complete and utter BS... Google is by far the best fatwa bringer in history.

As I understand, there never was a concept of 'clergy' in Islam; all were supposed to possess enough knowledge about Islam to be their own priests ! The Mosque was never supposed to be Church but much...much more ! But tis also true that in many of our cases we - the Muslims - have ended up creating 'a clergy', though one that doesn't even in these dark-times, comes close to what the Rabbis and the Priests were supposed to be. Mosa, isn't it true that the clergy has a lot of undue and unwarranted say in KSA ? I know that such an assertion would be valid for Pakistan ! I've come across many a Pakistani who've commented, in a particular context..say Islamic Jurisprudence, that its what their town 'Molvi - or Religious Cleric' said so'.
hala burdamısınız la herifin teki trool başlık açıyo siz hala birbirinizi yiyiyorsunuz yemin ediyorum parayla ermeni tutacam dikecem buraya başka türlü birleşmezsiniz siz
Hahaha. NC.... You can go hammer time yourself right now.

Mosa I have offered to put aside our past differences lets not live in the past now would muslims brothers say this ? :help:

It seems more like people people wanted a dying ship to survive.
Sir I have offered to put aside our past differences lets not live in the past now would muslims brothers say this ? :help:

You went from a South-African flag to a Saudi to now an American one...whats the story, brother ? An identity crisis or do you travel with the speed of light or something ?
You went from a South-African flag to a Saudi to now an American one...whats the story, brother ? An identity crisis or do you travel with the speed of light or something ?

I don't really know I will put a saudi flag up since I plan on going to hajj soon. I only put african flag up do to indians accusing me of being african.
hala burdamısınız la herifin teki trool başlık açıyo siz hala birbirinizi yiyiyorsunuz yemin ediyorum parayla ermeni tutacam dikecem buraya başka türlü birleşmezsiniz siz
This country needs a war, a very bloody war. They will start appreciating this heavenly place if few millions die I'm sure of it.

USA goes to a major-war in every twenty years because of this. I think we should start doing the same.

Neutral this is for you , you seem to like pkk and russians so much i will show a video of ottomans destroying them

Neutral this is for you , you seem to like pkk and russians so much i will show a video of ottomans destroying them

I'm against the PKK and kurds wanting kurdistan I'm however I have an fair view of russia and the ottomans destroying them ? you can live in your fantasy but this is reality son.

I'm pretty sure that I've spotted some redditors in here. Its good to see that there are still Turks with common sense in this rough times. As much as I despise Erdogan and the AKP not even they would go so far as Zulk and some other here. Show some respect because this badass deserves it and thats a fact.

Morons who cant respond solid arguments are talking about common sense. We had stopped arguing long before,why are you trying to start again? Shut your mouth,people are entitled to their own opinions.
Morons who cant respond solid arguments are talking about common sense. We had stopped arguing long before,why are you trying to start again? Shut your mouth,people are entitled to their own opinions.
Who the fvck are you to tell people when to talk and when to shut up? if you have anything to say, so say it if not gtfo
We wouldn't have a forum here if peoples ideas and meanings were homogeneous. That's why we should refrain from accusing each other or in other cases disrespecting or in extreme cases insulting each other.

Try to prove your arguments with solid proof's, instead of posting some posters and telling people what big of a troll they are when they don't share the same opinion as you do. I invite you guys to be more mature so we can have healthy discussion from now on.
Please stop provoking each other, because that is a thing people does when he runs out of arguments.
He has a point, however my priority is to avoid a discussion on religion related stuff if possible, because everybody has their own ideas and they won't change it no matter whatever the phuck i say, the discussion itself is pointless but then someone comes up with a brilliant idea to annoy me.

I want to I mean I only want to talk about military stuff and objective scientific stuff but very little people comment those threads. Perhaps i should get to sign up in a better defence forum.
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