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War On Terror Cartoons

In Cartoons: How Iranians, Saudis See Each Other

By Joanna Paraszczuk and Golnaz Esfandiari
January 07, 2016

Cartoonists on each side of an Iranian-Saudi diplomatic dispute are highlighting what they perceive as the other's double standards. Read/See more (there are more cartoons but I did not post them here.)

A cartoon in the Saudi daily Okaz shows the restraining hand of Riyadh holding back an Iran bent on wreaking havoc throughout the region:


This image appears on the website of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei:
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from the Tasnim news agency, play on Nimr's status as a martyr in Iran...

The cover of Iranian reformist weekly Seda shows Saudi King Salman and his reflection -- Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi...

In this one, an Iranian feeds birds in a nest marked "terrorism":

This image shows Iran above ground as portrayed in the media, while below lurks Iran "in reality." Its tentacles include "treachery," "subjugation," and "aggression":
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