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Viral video: Google ad connects India-Pak with heartwarming reunion story

never...it can name itself as "Akhand Bharat" or Naya Bharat or Indiastan..but it should also include bangladesh, nepal, burma and srilanka..so there is no issue of PM visiting srilanka etc..
Instead of visiting a Pakistani forum again and again and being obsessed with Pakistan..I would recommend you to book an appointment with the nearest psychiatrist to you, you will do yourself and your family a huge favour !!!
Instead of visiting a Pakistani forum again and again and being obsessed with Pakistan..I would recommend you to book an appointment with the nearest psychiatrist to you, you will do yourself and your family a huge favour !!!
look who is talking!! you yourself call mad dog and asking people to visit a psychiatrist!!
Damn, we are the same people no matter what the borders say. I see it in indians too over here. They're just like me, the only difference is religion. 60+ years of seperation wont change thousands of years of sticking together. Please just get along. We have much more in common with indians than those sand dwellers. But war and hate sells, so that will never happen.
When Azad Kashmir will be back where it belongs , then sure Jammu and Kashmir will have international border with Afghanistan
LOL Azad Kashmir and G-B r there where they belong. And r more then happy even G-B people want us to declare it a province. Unlike indian occupied Kashmir where merely 5% to 10% accept Indian rule.
And the Hindus and Sikh gangs were giving out roses to Muslims right? Stop being so unbiased and realize that both sides suffered immensely. Unfortunately it is this very biased mentality that we have which makes me have no hope for good relations between India and Pakistan for the foreseeable future.
well who started it first who led the mobs go berseck in calcutta on so called "direct action day" and who started killing/raping & looting hindus in Multan, layalur,lahore & karachi when they objected to India being divided on basis of relegon & who was responnsible for floating this theory and who is suffering even today with hate towards all non sunnies/muslims...as they say "what you sow is shall you reap"
Damn, we are the same people no matter what the borders say. I see it in indians too over here. They're just like me, the only difference is religion. 60+ years of seperation wont change thousands of years of sticking together. Please just get along. We have much more in common with indians than those sand dwellers. But war and hate sells, so that will never happen.

No conflict is one sided that has to be understood blaming one side over and over again is unfair if you ask me Pakistanis don't really bother about India they have their own real worries so those who want to remain delusional over the fact that all Pakistanis necessarily hate India can do that all they like but it won't change the facts .While i do appreciate you're stance on "how we must all get along" but why call those you hold prejudice against as sand dwellers and why not get along with them as well are they martian? You're "they are just like me" narrative applies to all then doesn't it?
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nothing sells more easili in pakistan than hate towards India as this is the onli thing they have now concieved as there onli straw for there shaking "National identity"

so a nation that is alive on basis towrds "hate India/Hindus" can never be a freind with India or indians as even to this day there is no shortage in the land of the pure who dream on "imam mehdi" coming and uniting muslims to do "gazwa E Hind" rather more than 95% of pakistanies supprt it owt which 80% openli & activeli and rest does it passivly

so Pakistan and India can never ever be freinds there can onli be a working relationship based on trade and mutual benefits and thats it
That is how the media works.. it doesnt tell you that it has happened...it leaves something at end that suggests something and then asks you "What do you think?"

For e.g. at the end of Dil tu Pagal hai.. When SRK makes it with madhuri.. we have the character of Akshay Kumar asking Karishma if she is married or not.. Now we know that there is no mention of a relationship being formed between them.. but the question is left there and you are asked "what do you think?". The same way, the Grandson of the Pakistani passes some half sheepish looks at the granddaughter of the Indian.. and you left to ask.. "What do you think?"

I agree, at least thats better than some Hollywood psychopath road trip gone wrong movies where the psycho survives after killing everybody and movie will end, leaving you in bedazzled. You will be like...:o:
Damn, we are the same people no matter what the borders say. I see it in indians too over here. They're just like me, the only difference is religion. 60+ years of seperation wont change thousands of years of sticking together. Please just get along. We have much more in common with indians than those sand dwellers. But war and hate sells, so that will never happen.
Damn, we are the same people no matter what the borders say. I see it in indians too over here. They're just like me, the only difference is religion. 60+ years of seperation wont change thousands of years of sticking together. Please just get along. We have much more in common with indians than those sand dwellers. But war and hate sells, so that will never happen.

Talk about yourself being the same and only different in religion.

Half of the country is ours and we don't share nothing with them, no language no culture no nothing, you are most welcome to move across the border but this our land there is no love for any indian.
well who started it first who led the mobs go berseck in calcutta on so called "direct action day" and who started killing/raping & looting hindus in Multan, layalur,lahore & karachi when they objected to India being divided on basis of relegon & who was responnsible for floating this theory and who is suffering even today with hate towards all non sunnies/muslims...as they say "what you sow is shall you reap"
Q. Jinnah.

Q. And who gave birth to him? Who was his father?
A. A Muslim.

Q. And who gave birth to his father?
A. A Hindu.

See - its our fault. :D
To be honest,

I have find indians and Pakistanis to go along really well here..in abroad. Even South Indians, with whom I don't have many things common, give that 'apnay log' feeling to me...and North Indians..Well, the 'apna-pan feeling' just sky rocket here. We are pretty much same people...

Having said that, we Indians and Pakistanis are like Canadians/Americans...VERY similar, but yet with our own unique identities. I agree with the vision of greatest leader of subcontinent in 20th century, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, India and Pakistan should be neighbors like U.S and Canada.

No fight, good relations, similar people...yet unique identities.
tum logoon ne is per bhi trolling ki ? sharam atihai ke nhi ? please for hell sake bus ker do ye bakwaas ab mera sar dukhny laga hai :disagree:

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