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Video proof of Israel bombing the Baptist hospital in Gaza

"It's the N Korea air force that bombed the Gaza hospital," CNN reported. BBC said it asked a Palestinian boy to confirm it's a Chinese J16 leveling the hospital and killing 500+ people there. China's fault again, the BBC correspondent concluded. NYT obtained evidence pointing to a Russian Tu-22M flying over Gaza when the hospital collapsed. "Putin massacred the children again." So the NYT reported.
It is flare.... after the bombing run.. sound can be debated whther original or added later.
The flares are also visible on the ground video, Watch this one till the end
Even if it proves Israel is responsible there is no way they will face any consequences whatsoever.
America will protect isreal even if they send every Palestinian to gas chamber.
Pure distraction. This news is designed to give the 🌎 something to debate while Israel carries out massacres on even larger scale unchecked and under reported. Of course Israel did this purposefully, like they have targeted hospitals and refugee camps in the past, what's the confusion?? 🤔🤔
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