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Vehicles Burnt :Indian Muslims Protest

Its not a proper democracy unless the government declares a day of protest for an unreleased film made 9000 miles away and then the peaceful peaceloving peace followers of the nation of peace do not martyr 25 people, burn down a church and vandalise a temple and desecrate the idols, while chanting ''tolerance'' (No seriously, that was their demand) :)

The idiotic comments by pakistanis actually tells us a story of the state of pakistan, a case study in delusions.


Gloating Moron.....sure Arundhati Roy will bare testimony to your cheap banter.
Sorry India is not Pakistan. Where 10-15 muslims were killed to protest the film or several hundred injured or 5-6 cinema halls and numerous shopping malls destroyed to protest the film.

The job of Police is to protect the life and property of its citizens, but yes they have every right to protest peacefully.
first of all, just back off.....who said Muslims aren't allowed to do so?....there were lot of protest by Muslims, Hindus and Christians......and there were arresting happend only when protesters crossed the line as every country does.....don't just try to create problems in this manner as your ISI do.....not up in here......

he police have arrested 110 people after protests against an anti-Islamic film made in the US turned violent here on Wednesday afternoon, triggering tension in this communally sensitive city in the election-bound Gujarat.Joint commissioner of police Ajay Tomar told Khaleej Times that differences of opinion among Muslim shopkeepers over keeping their establishments closed to express their outrage against the controversial film had led to the violence in which ten vehicles were torched and five policemen injured.The mob even set fire to motorcycles parked in an all-woman police station near the historical Teen Derwaza in the market surrounded by shops owned by Muslims.This correspondent found a curfew-like situation in the usually bustling locality on Thursday with gun-totting jawans of the Rapid Action Force and the State Reseved Police patrolling the trouble-torn localities.It is learnt that Zarina Khan, a local activist who has since been arrested, had approached the main city police station in the area seeking permission to take out a rally in the old city in protest against the film, ‘Innocence of Muslims’.When the police rejected her request, she and her supporters met Mufti Shabbir Alam Siddiqi, the imam of Juma Masjid, who advised them against the rally saying the film had already been banned in the country, and hence, there was no need for further protests.However, on Wednesday afternoon, some 2,000 protesters gathered at garden in the heart of the city and went ahead with the rally and reached the mosque and mobbed the imam.When the policemen can-charged them to disperse them, they were abused and assaulted.Soon, as the word spread to other Mulsim-dominated areas, more crowds gathered. But when the agitators started torching bikes and police vehicles, the police lobbed tear-gas shells and even fired in the air.Only on Monday, a peaceful shutdown was observed in Teen Darwaza. After this, some Muslim leaders like Zarina had decided to call for a ‘bandh’ in other minority-dominated areas of the city such as Kalupur, Dariapur, Shahpur, Danilimda, Jamalpur and Gomtipur. She had even published and distributed pamphlets appealing for joining the rally.Ten vehicles burnt in Ahmedabad protest against anti-Islam film

Gloating Moron.....sure Arundhati Roy will bare testimony to your cheap banter.

Yeah we dont take advice from some attention seeking leftist ***** and her ideas seriously. Sorry mate. Experience is a better teacher than Arundathi roy and her bleeding heart.
Yeah we dont take advice from some attention seeking leftist ***** and her ideas seriously. Sorry mate. Experience is a better teacher than Arundathi roy and her bleeding heart.

Ya, like experience gained in Gujarat suffices to have Modi waiting in the wings as the next PM.
Any wonder Indians are termed as Hobbesians.
Ya, like experience gained in Gujarat suffices to have Modi waiting in the wings as the next PM. Any wonder Indians are termed as Hobbesians.

Yes Muslims didnt even raise a finger in those riots. Nice try. That riot itself was started by Muslims by burning the train.

Modi is running for PM because of his achievements, which far outweigh any responsibility held for the riots as CM.

BTW a Pakistani talking about Hobbesians :lol: You cant even hold on to a democracy and your country is listed as a failed state and you have a pretty big mouth talking about India. First clean your own backyard and then we can talk about India being dogmatic. Yes when it comes to national sovereignty and integrity, we need to enforce it. And crush any force that tries to take the country apart. In a country as diverse as India, that is the only way, or you will have 1000 different states and we cant afford it. Sorry if that isnt to you liking though. ^^
Modi should have declared friday as holiday for Rasool-e-Ishq to declare his secular credentials so that People who wanted to show their love for the Rasool should have protested and sacrificed 21 other muslims as their love for Rasool like Pakistanis.............:rolleyes::pakistan:

guess what happens in India if something same happens to one of the characters of Hindu Religion?

Sorry India is not Pakistan. Where 10-15 muslims were killed to protest the film or several hundred injured or 5-6 cinema halls and numerous shopping malls destroyed to protest the film.

The job of Police is to protect the life and property of its citizens, but yes they have every right to protest peacefully.

In the above post if muslim is replaced with hindu it looks all like India.
guess what happens in India if something same happens to one of the characters of Hindu Religion?

Nothing will happen.At least not over some stupid movie.If that were the why no Hindu pundits issued bounty over movies like this.
Hell,I even liked it.

We are not insecure like you people.

In the above post if muslim is replaced with hindu it looks all like India.

No it won't.
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Vagwan,God and allah are brother and share same shelter ,eat same food ,wear same cloth in India
My friend its a right decision.... Indian muslim population is more than pakistan population.... Some of them came in india from bangladesh and pak.... Recently potest in mumbai's azad maidan by muslim population turned violent.... They were protesting after watching fake photos.... Muslim burned down police vans and beaten even police males and females.... Thats not acceptable.... What goverment did? Nothing.... When hindu protest took place in ram lila maidan than congress ordered to beat down hindu females, childrens and males at midnight when they were sleeping.... One women died and many injured.... Do u think thats justice? Beating to hindus and not doing anything about aazad maidan incident by cracking on bangladesi and pak citizens who came in india ilegal and never left? (Congress brought them for votes).... The problem is most of time muslim protest it always turns into violence.... They have right to protest but peacefuly.... The problem is most of them are not indian muslims.... They came in india to create riots.... If they guarentee us of peaceful protest than they are free to protest.... World peace is must.... i wish world turn peaceful one day.... Watching wars, riots, natural disasters makes my heart cry....
he police have arrested 110 people after protests against an anti-Islamic film made in the US turned violent here on Wednesday afternoon, triggering tension in this communally sensitive city in the election-bound Gujarat.

Joint commissioner of police Ajay Tomar told Khaleej Times that differences of opinion among Muslim shopkeepers over keeping their establishments closed to express their outrage against the controversial film had led to the violence in which ten vehicles were torched and five policemen injured.

The mob even set fire to motorcycles parked in an all-woman police station near the historical Teen Derwaza in the market surrounded by shops owned by Muslims.

This correspondent found a curfew-like situation in the usually bustling locality on Thursday with gun-totting jawans of the Rapid Action Force and the State Reseved Police patrolling the trouble-torn localities.

It is learnt that Zarina Khan, a local activist who has since been arrested, had approached the main city police station in the area seeking permission to take out a rally in the old city in protest against the film, ‘Innocence of Muslims’.

When the police rejected her request, she and her supporters met Mufti Shabbir Alam Siddiqi, the imam of Juma Masjid, who advised them against the rally saying the film had already been banned in the country, and hence, there was no need for further protests.

However, on Wednesday afternoon, some 2,000 protesters gathered at garden in the heart of the city and went ahead with the rally and reached the mosque and mobbed the imam.

When the policemen can-charged them to disperse them, they were abused and assaulted.

Soon, as the word spread to other Mulsim-dominated areas, more crowds gathered. But when the agitators started torching bikes and police vehicles, the police lobbed tear-gas shells and even fired in the air.

Only on Monday, a peaceful shutdown was observed in Teen Darwaza. After this, some Muslim leaders like Zarina had decided to call for a ‘bandh’ in other minority-dominated areas of the city such as Kalupur, Dariapur, Shahpur, Danilimda, Jamalpur and Gomtipur. She had even published and distributed pamphlets appealing for joining the rally.

Ten vehicles burnt in Ahmedabad protest against anti-Islam film

So to prove that India is a democracy..people should be allowed to burn public property.... kill others in the name of protest...

Democracy is a two way street...you got to respect the establishment to get back respect from it.
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