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Uttar Pradesh cancels Eid Milad-un-Nabi, Jummat-ul-Wida holidays, along with 15 others

Muslims of India should thank Allah that Iqbal had seen this 100 years ago. Now recall Iqbal another time and follow the path of Jinnah to save your souls from this Hindu Hindustan.

These include festivals for Hindus as well. Chhat Puja and Parashuram Jayanti is an example along with the birth and death anniversaries of prominent political personalities.

The previous state government had introduced so many holidays above and beyond those recommended by the RBI guidelines to secure votes from lazy and incompetent UP government staff members of previous regimes as well as vote banks.

India has too many public holidays already compared to other countries.

If you want to have endless holidays then don't work at all.

If same Law been applied by some non religious person then it would be different scenario. It's issue because step is taken by hardcore religious figure.

Adityanath is the elected CM of the largest state in our country and by all regulations of the nation, is chosen by the people. What he does in his personal time is his personal matter. By being Hindu he doesn't violate anyone's peace or trouble anyone. As he holds the command of the state, it is his duty as a leader to make whatever changes are needed to set the state right.

Just because he is a Hindu, you have a problem?
Great Job.

We need hard work on the birthday of prominent people and not holiday. We are not a nation who can afford so many holidays.
Its not intolerant , its sensible advice . First its one of major religious festival among Muslim and second Muslim population is second to Hindu religion. Never touch the religious issue, if you touch, be careful what you doing....because repercussion always comes worst.

Equal number of religious festivals for Hindus have also been included here in the list of cancellations.

Government rules are for all to follow - no one will get a special treatment.

That's the way things work. Period.

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