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US Trying to Destabilize India

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Difference in fast by Gandhi, Anna Hazare: Mahatma's great grandson

Holding that Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement has an element of "populism" about it, Mahatma Gandhi's great grandson Tushar has said there is difference in the way the two leaders have used fasting as an instrument of protest.

He also feels that while for the Mahatma fasting was a means to "reform an adversary", in case of Hazare, a self-professed Gandhian, it was like targeting an "enemy".

"Hazare's fast is different because Bapu's fast was to reform an adversary into a friend, while Anna's fast is against an enemy. It is like a me versus you kind of thing," Tushar Gandhi said.

"Hazare has become an icon of the desperation being felt by the people in India. However, there is an element of populism in the movement," he said.

"What we are seeing since yesterday is concern of people about democratic rights. There is a sense of disconnect between the people and the government. That is reflected in this whole movement," he added.

Asked how would have the Mahatma viewed Hazare's agitation, Tushar said, "Bapu would have never allowed the situation to reach this level. He would have become active when the disease (corruption) was at a nascent stage and not when it has reached alarming proportions."

Difference in fast by Gandhi, Anna Hazare: Mahatma's great grandson - The Times of India
india was bankrupt in year 2001 and has to land it's gold to pay the debt payments...

india is a strong economy in 2011....

if keep going undistrubed....india will bypass US

Due to economic growth the corruption also growing in double digit !
Posted by srilankan commented by Pakistanis sorry Indians don't believe in conspiracy theory
As opposed to other threads which are posted by Indians on Pakistan and then commented on by Indians - the cheek...
It's sad that many Indian members here cannot look past their bootlicking of the US, & see that the US is friends with no one. Most of the countries in the world have seen it, given US's past records, yet Indians can't seem to see it.

See, this is what I hate about Pakistanis. Just because your generals have been bootlicking the US for decades, your entire mindset and thinking has become about "bootlicking", "chamchagiri", etc. You need to understand that India is not Pakistan - your country has been the expert and bootlicking, which is why you think other nations are similar to yours. Nothing is farther from the truth.

There are protests against corruption in India, and the government has been making a string of stupid statements over the past few days, this is just the latest one. It is very clear that the government is in a corner and is trying to talk nonsense. If they talk of "destabilization", they need to come up with something more substantial that just empty statements.

Chinese-dragon: This is exactly the Pakistani mindset that I was referring to a few pages back.
Don't know what is the fuss here. Large section of India wants this corrupt government to go, the elections are too far away. Hence the peaceful protests in many cities in India. With 3 ministers in jail, the ruling party is in panic and is trying to divert attention by seeing conspiracies. People are taking a few hours away from work and joining the protest rallies very peacefully to get their voice heard. This has nothing to do with the US. In fact the US loves corrupt governments all around the world, so if at all there is any US involvement it will be in supporting the corrupt congress-led government.
Oh god! GoI are starting to sound like the Pakistanis, GoI needs to take responsibility for its own mistakes and short comings rather than trying to pass the buck and blame a "foreign hand". The GoI (note I'm not saying Congress because the entire political class, with a few exceptions, is as bas as each other) needs to understand that Anna and his movement are of their own making with people getting fed up with the almost daily corruption scandal and day to day "petty" corruption that has come synonymous with India.

The US aren't trying to "destabilise" India bit are trying to promote good governance free of corruption in their own "democracy, freedom,liberty etc" jargon. And anyone who knows anything about the Geo-politics of the region knows that the US needs India and that tires between the two countries have only been getting stronger and stronger recently and look to continue on this trend. A "destable" India (I don't think that is likely to happen off this remark) would not help anyone in the region and least of all the US who needs a strong India to "fill the gap" in Afghanistan as ISAF starts to draw down, aswell as to counter an ever bolder and aggressive China who given its lack of transparency the US is very war of. Then there is Pakistan, the US needs India and Pakistan to come to an amicable solution to stop Pakistan from continuing training terrorists who can threaten the US. not to mention the economic side (taken even more provenience in light of recent finical news from US), the West are relying on India and Xhina with their booming economies and huge populations to get themselves out of their respective messes so losing an economy that was adding 60,000,000+ people every year to its middle class which is already larger then the ENTIRE US population is just PLAIN STUPID.

BS sensationalised article by a lousy reporter.
^^ Well said! Couldn't agree more. Your first statement is very apt: "GoI is starting to sound like Pakistanis". When the GoI starts sounding like Pakistanis, you can imagine what depths they have fallen into.
See, this is what I hate about Pakistanis. Just because your generals have been bootlicking the US for decades, your entire mindset and thinking has become about "bootlicking", "chamchagiri", etc. You need to understand that India is not Pakistan - your country has been the expert and bootlicking, which is why you think other nations are similar to yours. Nothing is farther from the truth.

There are protests against corruption in India, and the government has been making a string of stupid statements over the past few days, this is just the latest one. It is very clear that the government is in a corner and is trying to talk nonsense. If they talk of "destabilization", they need to come up with something more substantial that just empty statements.

Chinese-dragon: This is exactly the Pakistani mindset that I was referring to a few pages back.

Bootlicking is you trying to act more American than the Americans themselves, acting more American than Indian. India has been bootlicking the Soviets in the past, now it's the US. And when, the government is finally beginning to realize the US is not their friend, the Indian people are carrying on with their bootlicking. It's a sad reality that Indians like you cannot come to grips with current world realities.
^^ Well said! Couldn't agree more. Your first statement is very apt: "GoI is starting to sound like Pakistanis". When the GoI starts sounding like Pakistanis, you can imagine what depths they have fallen into.

:woot: Pakistanis infiltarted Indian Govt


If the news is true then its going to make India more prosperous and stables. Anna supported by America is not going to do harm if the Lokpal bill is passed same as the civil society is demanding.

People who are happy that USA is interfering in India should give it a thought before making comments. Any interference or pressure even from some external power is not going to make Indians hypersensitive or faking sovereignty etc. What Anna is saying has backing of all Indians who want a strong anti corruption bill.
Bootlicking is you trying to act more American than the Americans themselves, acting more American than Indian. India has been bootlicking the Soviets in the past, now it's the US. And when, the government is finally beginning to realize the US is not their friend, the Indian people are carrying on with their bootlicking. It's a sad reality that Indians like you cannot come to grips with current world realities.

OH, shut the F*** up. Explain how we're acting "more American than American"? We don't believe the current government, we don't trust it. We demand proof of any accusation that they throw. So how the F*** is that acting "more American than American"? Is your IQ that low, or is it just the Pakistaniyat that is showing?

And talking of bootlicking, it is amusing that the nation which continues to be used as toilet paper by the West, has the temerity to talk about India's record. Name one camp that India joined, name one base that India allowed any nation to set up? How the F*** is it "bootlicking" the Soviets?

Your Pakistani mentality cannot see beyond "bootlicking", that is the only reality here.
typical congressi attitude they dont have any problem bending b4 an italian ***** .
Whether US has anything to do with it or not, it the common who has reached his breaking point because of the rampant corruption in the society & has joined in the protest...

True. However, that does not mean it could destabilize India and derail its progress. What if a riot breaks out? FDI will flee India. This isn't China where you can't uproot factories, roads and ports. What does a call center need? A few computers and English speakers. Philippines is just as good but was unattractive because of political instability. What if India loses its advantage?

You have to understand that today, there are very few countries immune to a US backed coup. China and Russia have lasted decades against the US regime. Can India?
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