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US Trying to Destabilize India

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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US Trying to Destabilize India

The 'foreign hand' made a return to the Congress's lexicon nearly four decades after the party had dubbed the JP movement as a handiwork of external forces.

Congress hinted at an American hand behind Anna Hazare-led protests, asking why had the US spoken in favour of an agitation in the country for the first time since Independence. It urged the government to probe the angle of the hidden hand trying to destabilize the country.

The party stuck to its charge that Anna was indulging in blackmail by imposing its draft of the Lokpal bill on Parliament and said House's dignity was being sullied which cannot be tolerated.

But it was the talk of the US hand that surprised observers. The conspiracy theory, floated by AICC spokesman Rashid Alvi, drew from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement in Parliament where he said India should not fall prey to the forces envious of country's rise as an economic power.

Briefing both the Houses about Anna's arrest, the PM said, "We are emerging as one of the important players on the world stage. There are many forces that would not like to see India realize its true place in the comity of nations. We must not play into their hands."

But while Singh only hinted at the possibility, Alvi went a step further. The Congress spokesperson said the sophisticated nature of the orchestrated campaign called for urgent attention to the hidden hand while recalling in the same breath the surprise statement from the US State Department urging the Indian government to respect democratic protests.

"Anna is alone. He has no organization. Then how did this movement start and grow? Who are these people spreading the word on internet and telephones; the way video message was recorded prior to arrest," he said, while adding, "The US had never spoken about any movement in India. This is the first time that it did. We show the path of democracy to others, what was the need for the US to say it. This has created suspicion," Alvi said.

He rejected the suggestion that outpouring of support could be a genuine grievance of people affected by day-to-day harassment from a corrupt system, saying the cause for agitation had already been defused with the tabling of Lokpal bill in Parliament.

Stressing on the existence of forces envious of national growth story, Alvi said no country out of the hundreds which had gained Independence around or after 1947 had reached the heights that India had touched. He added that there were forces at home and abroad which were interested in destabilizing the government.

Congress hints at US hand in Anna Hazare protest - The Times of India

The old man need to stop doing unnecessary thinks, this kind protests will destabilize India, Internal stability key to Economic Growth.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is true. After all, Dalai Lama has been on the payroll of the CIA for decades.
i have a doubt on shanti bhushan and his son !!
I think it might be true that US hand is behind this. Not only US government but also US companies have recently showed their dislike towards the current situation of corruption in India. Everyone their has a clear view that unless corruption is controlled in India the growth will be effected.

The only thing that Congress has cooked up is that this was meant for destabilizing the country. On the contrary this bill will definitely reduce the corruption to a great level and will thereby help to increase the development in India. US is depending on India, they want India to grow. Destabilizing India will be bad for US at-least according to their policy planners.
Posted by srilankan commented by Pakistanis sorry Indians don't believe in conspiracy theory

Good job, shoot the messenger, even though an Indian source has been quoted, & that too quoting the present government.
US Trying to Destabilize India
The old man need to stop doing unnecessary thinks, this kind protests will destabilize India, Internal stability key to Economic Growth.

You are wrong my friend. It is different kind of protest.. It wont affect economics.. It can only affect bad politicians who eat up all of our resources..

Kongress partymen are behaving like Mad Dogs.. They are pissed off by new gandhi...

Posted by srilankan commented by Pakistanis sorry Indians don't believe in conspiracy theory

Agree... US is not our enemy... and US will not gain any thing be destabilizing India...

I thought our Pakistani frnd will take it as an example and fight with there corrupt government...

My request to all pakistani members that , you too start gandhian way protest (Non-violence and non-coopration).. Don't you want to get rid of Blood Sucker Zardaris and Nawazs???

I found one sensible man..
I wouldn't be surprised if this is true. After all, Dalai Lama has been on the payroll of the CIA for decades.

Only a Pakistani can make such a statement. It is so typical.

Every sane-thinking Indian will ridicule this statement, but only a Pakistani will genuinely believe such nonsense, while at the same time, try to suck up to China (never miss an opportunity to do that).
Posted by srilankan commented by Pakistanis sorry Indians don't believe in conspiracy theory
Congress hinted at an American hand behind Anna Hazare-led protests, asking why had the US spoken in favour of an agitation in the country for the first time since Independence.

If its conspiracy theory then its your own Indian conspiracy theory not Sri lankan or Pakistani :cheers:
I think it might be true that US hand is behind this. Not only US government but also US companies have recently showed their dislike towards the current situation of corruption in India. Everyone their has a clear view that unless corruption is controlled in India the growth will be effected.

The only thing that Congress has cooked up is that this was meant for destabilizing the country. On the contrary this bill will definitely reduce the corruption to a great level and will thereby help to increase the development in India. US is depending on India, they want India to grow. Destabilizing India will be bad for US at-least according to their policy planners.

Dont you think the Bolded parts make sense... do you think only US companies dislike it?? not the citizens of India?
Good job, shoot the messenger, even though an Indian source has been quoted, & that too quoting the present government.

Congress hinted at an American hand behind Anna Hazare-led protests, asking why had the US spoken in favour of an agitation in the country for the first time since Independence.

If its conspiracy theory then its your own Indian conspiracy theory not Sri lankan or Pakistani :cheers:

Times of India is saint?

congress is saint?

US is saint?
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