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US Ready to Use Nuclear, Conventional Weapons to Defend Japan

LOL why don't you go try to rile up the Dutch for losing their Formosa colony. Money can buy you a degree but it can't buy you a real education.

Russia had the advantage of not falling terribly behind the industrial revolution and becoming easy pickings in the 18th and 19th centuries. Czarist Russia was a superpower since the Napoleonic Era. Not surprising that they proved their strength in 2008 and 2014.

China only gained strategic security on land after the fall of the Soviet Union. Only after 1991 could we realistically have the capability to impose regional hegemony.

Since then we kicked Americans out of our periphery, imposed East China Sea ADIZ, humiliated Japan at Diaoyu Island, humilated Philippines at Scarborough Shoal, humiliated Vietnam at Paracels, and right after our reclamation is done we will impose the South China Sea ADIZ.

Even Bismark Germany was not able to expand its maritime buffer zone like we did, much to your dismay.

Taiwan is certainly a thorn in our side but if you think China is looking to do some berseker charge instead of applying Sun Tzu Art of War surround the enemy is superior to frontal assault it is you who is a comedic barbarian not we who are cowardly.

The timeline is between 2018 and 2025 for reunification. You can look up Zubr in the Chinese defense section to find out how we will deliver the coup de grace

hmmmmmm............ok so we have to wait just 3-10 years then before China stops it 'Sun Tzu Art of war' tactic (which has been a utter failure since 1949) and finally retakes taiwan militarily with its Ukrainian supplied Zubr. Hopefully we will all still be on here on PDF. @Nihonjin1051 , @vostok , @senheiser to see china take back taiwan. :china::china::enjoy: lol
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Now there is no room for the Japanese Empire, since you are practically a sandwich in between the giants such as China/USA/Russia.

You got a chance in the late 19th to early-middle 20th century when China was extremely weakened and in chaos.

However, you blew that only chance, and no one would stand for the Japanese Empire today, not China nor Russia nor USA.

Don't underestimate. :)
Uncle Sam: Japan you don't need to develop the nukes, we can offer your protection with our nuclear umbrella.

In the end, Japan is still a nation without sovereignty, so much dream of to revive the Japanese Empire for Abe.

And China is still a 'super power' without its territorial intergrity/divided into two by foreign power. Just like my good friend @NiceGuy guy said, you cant mock/look down on Japan, since its like the 'pot calling the kettle black'. When you have been able to face your fears and finally face the U.S and conquer Taiwan, then you can start talking.:P
We are talking about a 'big power' like China still being divided by a foreign power after over half a century to this day. How come your leaders dont have the balls to take Taiwan back after all these decades?? To be honest, no matter how we look at it, its a huge embarassment for a 'world power'(or as Beidou sys a world superpower.lol) like China to say the least.:tsk: Untill China retakes back 'small' Taiwan and reunify its territory, then it still wont be a secure/mature power to be honest. How can you project power abroad, if you cant even reunify your own country??:disagree: So the Taiwan issue is major thorn in China's flesh, which has to be resolve by all means IMO. China will have to be ready to make sacrifices(yes hugeeeeee sacrifices like VIETNAM DID, and recently Russia towards crimea. :) ) This situation has lasted for too long. A P5 power isnt suppose to still be fighting/yearning for its territorial intergrity/unity, it should instead be making rules/playin its games abroad like Russia, U.S/West etc.

As for hong Kong, the fact that some Chinese in Hong Kong are even still longing for/yearning to return back to our imperial rule and openly calling for a foreign power(Britain/U.S) to 'protect their rights'.lol should be a matter of national shame for China, since it shows some chinese dont even admire/love their own country, you will almost NEVER SEE RUSSIANS ACTING THAT WAY, NEVER. So it shows something is definitely wrong with your system. The fact that Hong Kong was even seized/taken from China and remained under our rule for over a century should also be a matter of national shame for China, i cant even understand how you think we returning your land after ruling it for over a century is some sort of victory for you.lol How can such a 'big country/power' allow its territory to be taken/leased by a farrrrr away much smaller country the other side of the ocean??

I think you should learn from your Rusian friends , how to have some balls(money/wealth cant buy those.lol).
Mao did try hard to retake TW, but he lost in the conflict due to the superiority of US's weapons.

If CN wanna retake TW, she must seek help from Russia & VN, just like VN seek help from Soviet-CN in VN war, and hope US will give up TW after a long hard war (the war should take 20 years).

Of course, if CN want our help, they must hand over all isls in SCS(east sea) back to VN, Russia also will demand some more lands from CN, the price for help is not Cheap, we also must keep quiet when CN attack our isls in 1974 :laugh:

Talk is cheap, but are the Americans really willing to get USA nuked for Japan's sake? I guess, we all know the answer to that and it's spelled as NO!
Right, US never protect JP wt nuke, look at the fall of S.VN and learn the lesson .
Mao did try hard to retake TW, but he lost in the conflict due to the superiority of US's weapons.

If CN wanna retake TW, she must seek help from Russia & VN, just like VN seek help from Soviet-CN in VN war, and hope US will give up TW after a long hard war (the war should take 20 years).

Of course, if CN want our help, they must hand over all isls in SCS(east sea) back to VN, Russia also will demand some more lands from CN, the price for help is not Cheap, we also must keep quiet when CN attack our isls in 1974 :laugh:

Right, US never protect JP wt nuke, look at the fall of S.VN and learn the lesson .

price is too high, easier to establish new Taiwan in Hanoi.
OK since you said china can defeat any country in Asia including the U.S, that means china is already a super power. Lool long live the PRC. :china: soon all other countries in asia Will be paying tribute to china. :chilli:

Hmmmmm.....still waiting when china Will be able to invade taiwan and unify its territory though, cuz as things stands now, Its an embarassment to see such à 'big super power ' still divided like north and South Korea :undecided:

China will take it back in its own time. Time is on China's side. Not on the side of the U.S or Japan.

The longer China waits, the greater advantage China has as its economy gets bigger, it's technology advances, it's military gets stronger.

China will choose the time to deliver the coup de grace, the final blow, the knockout punch.

Mao did try hard to retake TW, but he lost in the conflict due to the superiority of US's weapons.

If CN wanna retake TW, she must seek help from Russia & VN, just like VN seek help from Soviet-CN in VN war, and hope US will give up TW after a long hard war (the war should take 20 years).

Of course, if CN want our help, they must hand over all isls in SCS(east sea) back to VN, Russia also will demand some more lands from CN, the price for help is not Cheap, we also must keep quiet when CN attack our isls in 1974 :laugh:

Right, US never protect JP wt nuke, look at the fall of S.VN and learn the lesson .

Vietnam helping China with what?
You barely have a navy and airforce.

The Vietnam war was fought between US vs Soviet Union and China. The battleground just happened to be in Vietnam. Vietnamese contributed NOTHING to the war. Soviet Union and China managed to kick the U.S. out of Vietnam and free the poor Vietnamese.

Vietnam has nothing to win against anyone.
Vietnam helping China with what?
You barely have a navy and airforce.

The Vietnam war was fought between US vs Soviet Union and China. The battleground just happened to be in Vietnam. Vietnamese contributed NOTHING to the war. Soviet Union and China managed to kick the U.S. out of Vietnam and free the poor Vietnamese.

Vietnam has nothing to win against anyone.
Your useless PLA need to stop Myanmar bomb & shell that r killing your poor people first, talk abt freeing poor VNese later
Mao did try hard to retake TW, but he lost in the conflict due to the superiority of US's weapons.

If CN wanna retake TW, she must seek help from Russia & VN, just like VN seek help from Soviet-CN in VN war, and hope US will give up TW after a long hard war (the war should take 20 years).

Of course, if CN want our help, they must hand over all isls in SCS(east sea) back to VN, Russia also will demand some more lands from CN, the price for help is not Cheap, we also must keep quiet when CN attack our isls in 1974 :laugh:

Right, US never protect JP wt nuke, look at the fall of S.VN and learn the lesson .

To be honest with you, i dont think china is ready to pay a heavy price to take taiwan by force anytime soon. I dont blame them though ,since they have become 'relatively' wealthy these past decades, any war/conflict is simply out of question /too costly for them, so their leaders wont be ready to pay the price (unlike russia with crimea, now facing sanctions) to not only face the U.S militarily but also face western sanctions. so their leaders rightly think Its not worth the risk /effort. À status quo is preferable for them. Their best chance/opportunity was when they were dirt poor /backward /battle hardened during Mao's era. Though Mao at least did tried but failed due to U.S weapons superiority, their current leaders are even more scared /reserved, at least Mao did have balls to protect their interests by all means necessary (even if it meant making hugeee sacrifices like during the korean war, the current leaders would have never dared intervened in korea like Mao did back then to be honest) .:D
Your useless PLA need to stop Myanmar bomb & shell that r killing your poor people first, talk abt freeing poor VNese later

Myanmar is a friend, China don't bully innocent countries. They made a mistake and apologised.

Chinese empire is coming back. Get ready for another millennium of Chinese dominance. This is rise of an empire. China will control all of Asia within 25 years.
I have no respect for a country that is slavishly subservient to another country. A country that has no pride or dignity should NEVER be respected.

What's the point of being a sovereign country if you don't have an independent foreign policy.

I will NEVER respect Japan.....EVER!

Russia is the big brother of China. PRC learn everything from communist ideology like Marxism-Leninsim to former Soviet military doctorine's.

Chinese secretly look up to the Japanese. They love their name brands, eat sushi, watch anime and adore Japanese girls. :oops:
Russia is the big brother of China. PRC learn everything from communist ideology like Marxism-Leninsim to former Soviet military doctorine's.

Chinese secretly look up to Japanese. They love their name brands, eat sushi, watch anime and adore Japanese girls. Sorry but the truths hurts :oops:

Russia is now very much the junior partner of China. Russia begged China to rescue it from Western sanctions and it was Chinese buying of Russian currency which led to the recovery of the rouble.

In your fantasy dreams that might be true, but in the real world, Chinese utterly despise the Japs. Japan has nothing that China wants. China is now a FARRRRR more powerful country than Japan. It's not even a fair contest. Only thing the Japs can do now is beg the US and visit the Yasukuni and manage their terminal decline. Japan had its 5 seconds of fame, now its back to being a secondary power to China once again just like it was throughout 98% of its history. The Japanese culture was built from Chinese culture. Japan is ruled from Washington, China is ruled from Beijing, That truth really stings the Japs.
Oh that's great, you were able to bully and steal from a country many times smaller than yours while US was not actively supporting them.
Well done.:coffee:

And now you get to enjoy United States' increased military presence for a long long time to come.
we bullyed some self-proclaiming superpower years ago.

yes, you are right. the reality sucks. anyway I wonder why england being as a small nation, too, became a superpower? you ruled once the world. england once humilitated china for a century. one other question, my friend, what do you think of tony blair? he is seen very often in vietnam. many speculates he serves as adviser to the prime minister of vietnam.


only if viet can afford it

Kinmen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kinmen or Quemoy (/kɪˈmɔɪ/; see also "Names" section below) is a small archipelago of several islands administered by the Republic of China (Taiwan) including Great Kinmen, Lesser Kinmen, and some islets. Administratively, it is Kinmen County (Chinese: 金門縣; pinyin: Jīnmén Xiàn) of Fujian Province, Republic of China (ROC). The county is also claimed by the People's Republic of China (PRC) as part of its own Fujian Province's Quanzhou Prefecture. It is geographically very near Xiamen, no more than 2 kilometres (1.2 mi). Some islands of other counties, such as Wuqiu, were transferred to the jurisdiction of Kinmen County by the ROC government following its defeat in the Chinese Civil War and retreat to Taiwan. Matsu is the other set of islands on the Fujian coast controlled by the Republic of China.​
Myanmar is a friend, China don't bully innocent countries. They made a mistake and apologised.

Chinese empire is coming back. Get ready for another millennium of Chinese dominance. This is rise of an empire. China will control all of Asia within 25 years.
Myanmar just shell to CN soil again...and again,

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me :pop:
Myanmar military just bomb China again !

To be honest with you, i dont think china is ready to pay a heavy price to take taiwan by force anytime soon. I dont blame them though ,since they have become 'relatively' wealthy these past decades, any war/conflict is simply out of question /too costly for them, so their leaders wont be ready to pay the price (unlike russia with crimea, now facing sanctions) to not only face the U.S militarily but also face western sanctions. so their leaders rightly think Its not worth the risk /effort. À status quo is preferable for them. Their best chance/opportunity was when they were dirt poor /backward /battle hardened during Mao's era. Though Mao at least did tried but failed due to U.S weapons superiority, their current leaders are even more scared /reserved, at least Mao did have balls to protect their interests by all means necessary (even if it meant making hugeee sacrifices like during the korean war, the current leaders would have never dared intervened in korea like Mao did back then to be honest) .:D
If Cn cant take back TW , then they will never can break the US's containment, it means that they never can create a blue-water navy to compete with USA.

Due to the inferior in military power, CN also will continue to face the disadvantage in the economic war against US. Just like how US took JP economy down in 90s, US will use TPP deal to take CN economy down,too, and CN will face wt a high risk of economic collapse like Soviet union :)
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