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US Ready to Use Nuclear, Conventional Weapons to Defend Japan

That's why I told them to stop mocking at JP when those Chinese r also so scared to fight against US to take back TW.

Of course a VNese like me can mock both CN & JP coz we r the winner in VN war, we fought hard and gained the true independence even when we were so poor and backward

The TPP deal will make VN to be a true winner again when the loser still r CN & JP :partay:

Though in not really a fan of Russia, however we still respect them, since they do have balls though. Which is something we in the west respect despite the fact that we have differences with them. A taiwan like situation will never have been possible with russia. Even our leaders in the West /U.S wouldnt have ever dared face them directly. Russia would have long taken back taiwan without any questions asks(like they did with crimea) . For that i respect them. Maybe china should ask russia to help them take taiwan and pay them à good sum of money. @vostok ,@senheiser , maybe you can help your ally. lool :D
We saved Landrover/Jaguar so consider your debt paid, tyvm.

Tetley, Arcelor ... The list is exhaustive and growing everyday. There are more Indians studying tech at Oxford, Cambridge and Kings than Brits these days.
Indians aint cabbies anymore in London. The top notch financial institutions are gradually being brought under Indian management.

We are ruling the roost and hence they need to resort to stuff like EDL and what not.
Though in not really a fan of Russia, however we still respect them, since they do have balls though. Which is something we in the west respect despite the fact that we have differences with them. A taiwan like situation will never have been possible with russia. Even our leaders in the West /U.S wouldnt have ever dared face them directly. Russia would have long taken back taiwan without any questions asks(like they did with crimea) . For that i respect them. Maybe china should ask russia to help them take taiwan and pay them à good sum of money. @vostok ,@senheiser , maybe you can help your ally. lool :D
USA would never have tolerated a situation like Hong Kong where we promised to cede HK island and Kowloon in perpetuity by treaty and then later arrogantly demanded UK territory by threat of war but Thatcher almost soiled herself and all the money invested into Hong Kong disappeared overnight. Good night "Great" Britain. Now we are cracking down on all dissent to solidify our gains. Maybe your Yankee master can help you get it back? :rofl:
Though in not really a fan of Russia, however we still respect them, since they do have balls though. Which is something we in the west respect despite the fact that we have differences with them. A taiwan like situation will never have been possible with russia. Even our leaders in the West /U.S wouldnt have ever dared face them directly. Russia would have long taken back taiwan without any questions asks(like they did with crimea) . For that i respect them. Maybe china should ask russia to help them take taiwan and pay them à good sum of money. @vostok ,@senheiser , maybe you can help your ally. lool :D

The Russians have never been a afraid to fight large wars. In all their history, against the Mongols, the Turks, the French, the Swedes, the Germans, the Japanese, the British , even the chinese. I admire that aspect of the Russians. They are warriors through and through.
According to a joint statement released on Monday, the US is ready to use nuclear and conventional weapons to defend Japan.

Defend Japan from whom? Martians? Last I remember it was Japan who invaded China, Malaysia, Singapore, Burma etc.
No change, nothing is different. If US & Jap want to make a deference, just come & start a nuke war. Easier said than done............
According to a joint statement released on Monday, the US is ready to use nuclear and conventional weapons to defend Japan.

Defend Japan from whom? Martians? Last I remember it was Japan who invaded China, Malaysia, Singapore, Burma etc.

It was an indirect statement towards North Korea. Tho people can also apply this to China. But the likelihood of war with Japan and China is nill.

North Korea, however, Very complex.
It was an indirect statement towards North Korea. Tho people can also apply this to China. But the likelihood of war with Japan and China is nill.

North Korea, however, Very complex.
This is just the continuation of the US drama aka 'reasoning' for keeping her 70+ years old military presence in Japan. If the push comes to shove, Japan can very well defend itself from Korea. Besides, Korea will (if at all) attack Japan for the US military presence. At this point of time, the biggest threat Japan has is from US presence that is rendering her neighbors agitated.
This is just the continuation of the US drama aka 'reasoning' for keeping her 70+ years old military presence in Japan. If the push comes to shove, Japan can very well defend itself from Korea. Besides, Korea will (if at all) attack Japan for the US military presence. At this point of time, the biggest threat Japan has is from US presence that is rendering her neighbors agitated.

Of course. But at the same time, everything said is mere diplomatic speech and for the naive of heart. In reality, however, the US is scaling back her operations in Asia despite the verbatim of "American Pivot".

The truth is, in regards to Japanese-US Defende articulation, that Japan will be taking a more active role in patrolling our waters, but also on the global stage, for our interest and the interest of our partners. In fact, American has even asked Japan to patrol the South China Sea, that is the level of severity in their capacity to patrol the Western Pacific.

For too long America has denied Japan the right to patrol the Western Pacific, which has been the traditional area of expertise and command for the Japanese Empire. The American fear of a resurgent Japan has been there, that was the very reason they shackled post war Japan with such inhibitive post war constituition and defense mandate.

I actually welcome the rise of China as well as the current Russo-American rivalry as it necessitates America's need for partners, which translates in Japanese reinterpretation of our constituition to increase our military power and slowly, but surely , phase out US forces in the vast Japanese Archipelago of close to 7000 islands.

Even now , Okinawa base is under civil scrutiny, and the JSDF taking more responsibilities from what was formerly the role of USFJ (US Forces Japan).


I welcome these developments. Next, I hope Japan starts on our own military nuclear deterrence program. We , after all , have the resources and enough military grade uranium and plutonium to build 1000 thermonuclear warheads. Enough to humble any would be agitators from interfering with Japan. :)

America knows of the growing nationalist feelings in Japan and the Japanese will for normalization. They are now trying to contain something that cannot be contained. Japan has now tasted power, she will want more.
USA would never have tolerated a situation like Hong Kong where we promised to cede HK island and Kowloon in perpetuity by treaty and then later arrogantly demanded UK territory by threat of war but Thatcher almost soiled herself and all the money invested into Hong Kong disappeared overnight. Good night "Great" Britain. Now we are cracking down on all dissent to solidify our gains. Maybe your Yankee master can help you get it back? :rofl:

We are talking about a 'big power' like China still being divided by a foreign power after over half a century to this day. How come your leaders dont have the balls to take Taiwan back after all these decades?? To be honest, no matter how we look at it, its a huge embarassment for a 'world power'(or as Beidou sys a world superpower.lol) like China to say the least.:tsk: Untill China retakes back 'small' Taiwan and reunify its territory, then it still wont be a secure/mature power to be honest. How can you project power abroad, if you cant even reunify your own country??:disagree: So the Taiwan issue is major thorn in China's flesh, which has to be resolve by all means IMO. China will have to be ready to make sacrifices(yes hugeeeeee sacrifices like VIETNAM DID, and recently Russia towards crimea. :) ) This situation has lasted for too long. A P5 power isnt suppose to still be fighting/yearning for its territorial intergrity/unity, it should instead be making rules/playin its games abroad like Russia, U.S/West etc.

As for hong Kong, the fact that some Chinese in Hong Kong are even still longing for/yearning to return back to our imperial rule and openly calling for a foreign power(Britain/U.S) to 'protect their rights'.lol should be a matter of national shame for China, since it shows some chinese dont even admire/love their own country, you will almost NEVER SEE RUSSIANS ACTING THAT WAY, NEVER. So it shows something is definitely wrong with your system. The fact that Hong Kong was even seized/taken from China and remained under our rule for over a century should also be a matter of national shame for China, i cant even understand how you think we returning your land after ruling it for over a century is some sort of victory for you.lol How can such a 'big country/power' allow its territory to be taken/leased by a farrrrr away much smaller country the other side of the ocean??

I think you should learn from your Rusian friends , how to have some balls(money/wealth cant buy those.lol).

The Russians have never been a afraid to fight large wars. In all their history, against the Mongols, the Turks, the French, the Swedes, the Germans, the Japanese, the British , even the chinese. I admire that aspect of the Russians. They are warriors through and through.

True talk. Spot On.
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True talk. Spot On.


We remember this proud moment in our military history, the Battle of Tsushima Straits. In this battle, the Imperial Japanese Combined Fleet eviscerated the Imperial Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet , which was the cream of the Imperial Russian Navy. Tho Suvarov's forces were defeated, they fought to the last man. Many Russians preferring to go down with their ships rather than abandon.

A worthy adversary, indeed.


Uncle Sam: Japan you don't need to develop the nukes, we can offer your protection with our nuclear umbrella.

In the end, Japan is still a nation without sovereignty, so much dream of to revive the Japanese Empire for Abe.
Uncle Sam: Japan you don't need to develop the nukes, we can offer your protection with our nuclear umbrella.

In the end, Japan is still a nation without sovereignty, so much dream of to revive the Japanese Empire for Abe.

Let's hope for the revival of the Japanese Empire. :)
Let's hope for the revival of the Japanese Empire. :)

Now there is no room for the Japanese Empire, since you are practically a sandwich in between the giants such as China/USA/Russia.

You got a chance in the late 19th to early-middle 20th century when China was extremely weakened and in chaos.

However, you blew that only chance, and no one would stand for the Japanese Empire today, not China nor Russia nor USA.
We are talking about a 'big power' like China stil being divided by a foreign power after over half a century to this day. How come your leaders dont have the bals do take Taiwan back after all these decade?? To be honest, no matter how we look at it, its huge embarassment for a world power like China to say the least.:tsk: Until China retakes 'small' Taiwan and reunify its territory, then it stil wont be a secure/mature power to be honest. How can you project power abroad, if you cant even unify your country??:disagree: So the Taiwan issu is major thorn in China's flesh, which has to be resolvd by all means IMO. China will have to be ready to make sacrifices(yes huge sacrifices like VIETNAM DID, and recently Russia towards crimea. :) This situation has asted for too long. A P5 power isnt suppose to still be fighting/yearning for its unity, it should instead be making rules abroad like Russia, U.S/West etc.

As for hong Kong, the fact that Chinese in Hong Kong are even still longing/yearning to return back to our imperial rule and openly calling for a foreign power to 'protect their rights'.lol, This should be a matter of national shame for China, since it shows some chinese dont even amire/love their own country, you will almost NEVER SEE RUSSIANS ACTING THAT WAY, NEVER. So it shows something is definitely wrong with your sytem. The fact that Hong Kong was even seized/taken from China and remained under our rule for over a century should also be a matter of ntional shame for China, i cant even understand how you think its some sort of victory.lol How can such a 'big country/power' allow its territory to be taken/leased by a farrrrr away much smaller country the other side of the ocean??

I think you should learn from your Rusian friends , how to have some balls(money/wealth cant buy those.lol).
LOL why don't you go try to rile up the Dutch for losing their Formosa colony. Money can buy you a degree but it can't buy you a real education.

Russia had the advantage of not falling terribly behind the industrial revolution and becoming easy pickings in the 18th and 19th centuries. Czarist Russia was a superpower since the Napoleonic Era. Not surprising that they proved their strength in 2008 and 2014.

China only gained strategic security on land after the fall of the Soviet Union. Only after 1991 could we realistically have the capability to impose regional hegemony.

Since then we kicked Americans out of our periphery, imposed East China Sea ADIZ, humiliated Japan at Diaoyu Island, humilated Philippines at Scarborough Shoal, humiliated Vietnam at Paracels, and right after our reclamation is done we will impose the South China Sea ADIZ.

Even Bismark Germany was not able to expand its maritime buffer zone like we did, much to your dismay.

Taiwan is certainly a thorn in our side but if you think China is looking to do some berseker charge instead of applying Sun Tzu Art of War surround the enemy is superior to frontal assault it is you who is a comedic barbarian not we who are cowardly.

The timeline is between 2018 and 2025 for reunification. You can look up Zubr in the Chinese defense section to find out how we will deliver the coup de grace.
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